Next week, our senior member, Willy, would give us a special meenting about Pantomime. Since he is very humurous, I think it would be an interesting meeting and sincerely invite your coming.
BLISS ENGLISH CLUB Meeting Notice for 2009-Oct-31
Meeting Place: Mix Coffee & Tea
台北市南昌路二段200號B1 TEL : (02) 2391-9393
(羅斯福路與南昌路交叉口)(捷運古亭站二號出口, 直走3分鐘,全國電子旁)
l Meeting Time: 14:00 ~18:30
l Host: Willy
l Contact No.: 0911673647
l Topic: Pantomime, adjective and verbs (Colorful life II)
Dear all members:
It is my pleasure to be the host of the meeting. Please kindly seize the chance to enjoy the delight time. At this time, my mind resides the highest joyful and expectation, for all I wish is exciting, excellent and marvelous meeting. Please feel free to make this a cheerful meeting.
Since I was booking the meeting in the end of 2009-October, it took me several weeks in collecting materials for deciding the topic. The topics of my meeting in the past seven years are including Gem-stone (2002), Matryoshka (2003), My Moskva life (2004), Colorful life I (2005), USSR poster (2006), Theater tragedy (2007) and Young generation’s English (2008). You can see that I always want to present the best meeting quality with the most attractive topic for Bliss. And now fortunately I have the conclusion finally now.
I am going to guide you the records, training course and practices of the quiet and silent art what I have played for nine years. I was trained by the Clownmine Group in 2000. After passed the qualification test, I began to make the money in part time show. In the period of past nine years I prepared and took part in commercial and welfare performances more than 50 times. Every show was in low pay (NT1000) with high satisfaction. From the experiences of interactions with children and audiences, I made one slogan to definition clown or pantomime – your smile, my mile. How about your definition?!eckmKHiRHBiMGBtaUjiIe6p0zfv6/profile
The main part of the meeting is to practice your make design as clown face. The meeting date as October 31 is also the day of Hallowen, the Eve of All Saints’ Day, so you may make the design of ghost, angle or any kind of imaginations you want. For female the skill of makeup is the easy work in day life, but it will delight fun or painful for male. Let’s see who will be hero after makeup from zero. We will vote the king and queen of today’s makeup. I will prepare the gift for the winners.
For better performance and more time in design in advanced, please read the following schedule and steps in makeup. You may create and search the design before meeting, and then make it come true in the practice of meeting time.
Practice makes perfect, so plan to practice your makeup design.
(1) Be prepared to spend 20 minutes to complete your character.
(2) Clean face and neck with soap and water before applying makeup.
Use an astringent to remove excess oiliness.
Stop using if skin irritation occurs. Parental supervision is recommended for use on children.
(3) Follow these directions to recreate your character.
Design your own delightful clown face. Personalizing your own character is the main part of fun.
4-1 Outline design with white pencil. Fill in areas with color as described below.
4-2 white Apply clown white lite base to face and neck with sponge.
Apply to smaller areas and around curves with a small flat brush.
Pat surface lightly with sponge to even out color. Sprinkle Neutral Set Powder on puff.
Rub puff together and gently press into base to set.
Remove excess with clean puff or rouge brush.
For a brighter finish, set with Super White powders.
4-3 Red
With a flat brush, apply Red to bottom lip only. Extending corners out to cheek area, if desired.
Apply Red to cheeks and nose.
4-4 Cosmic Blue:
Apply Cosmic Blue with brush to upper eyelid area.
For a softer shade, apply over White.
For a brighter color, remove white from design area and apply Blue directly to skin.
Carefully set makeup with Neutral set Powder.
4-5 Yellow
If desired, add Yellow next to Blue at brow area.
4-6 Black
Apply Black outline around Red. Apply "eyelash" lines, eyeliner, eyebrows and detail as shown.
Set completed makeup with Neutral Set Powder.
Dab a moistened sponge over powdered makeup to brighten colors and remove excess powder.
To intensify Red, apply Red Paint directly over powdered Red areas.
To enhance your design, apply additional colors.
Finish with Mascara, Dry rouge and costume and wig.
0200~0230:The record and guide of Willy’s pantomime
0231~0250:The introduction members
0251~0320:The practice of pantomime
0321~0450:The practice of makeup.
0451~0510:Take the photo of your makeup
0511~0530: Your conclusion and impression
Special request:
Please bring our private stuff as following listed for hygiene and sanitation purposes, otherwise you have to use what I have used and cleaned before.
cleansing lotion, facial soap, lotion, XTR protector, eye shadow, headband, hair pin, facial puff, facial tissue and baby oil
Waiting for your coming,
Repondez sil vous plait
Education manager
Meeting Place:
牯嶺街小劇場地址 : 台北市中正區牯嶺街 5 巷 2 號 2F
公車: 1 路公車【牯嶺街小劇場站】