目前分類:Bliss in 2013 (52)

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Hi Blissers,
The year end party was so great and everyone had lots of fun. If you couldn't join us, you must feel regretful now. Don't worry, the below link could make you up. 
Besides, please also participate the meetings in 2014 as many as you can and you could learn more than you are expecting! See you in 2014. 
Year end party link:


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,
The host, Karl, brought us American's debt issue on 11/30 and it related to the major issue about the world economics. When the congress and government were arguing the debt, this situation impacted the bonds and stock around the world. It has been a factor for the stability of financial situation. Such a powerful country, like the United States, it gets the debts. How about the other countries and even our personal? Apple as a rich and international enterprise borrowed money for business. It would be not only simply borrowing but also involving the lending organizations. It could be a win-win situation. However, if the borrower defaults the payment or interest? Karl let us to think and discuss if the United states defaulted, what would be the influences? It was a really inspiring meeting, thank you, Karl. 
It was the last meeting of 2013 and thanks for everyone's participating during the whole year!!! See you in 2014. 
Participants: Karl, Jessica, Vicky, Judith, Ellen, Jeff, Daniel, Serina, Kevin
The meeting photos~~

Host Karls photo~~




President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne


Activity manager: Kevin, Millie


PR manager: Judith

Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F or 3F)  每人低消130元,無其他費用


Address: 台北市中山區南京東路二段218 (建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

The host, Angel, gave us a wonderful experience sharing about her trip to Europe. She brought some cookies and white wine to the meeting. She also showed us the video about the busker's performance which let us feel the moment and the joyful music. She introduced the opera, knight of swan, and the Schloss Neuschwanstein and we knew more about Germany. She traveled to Germany, Belgium, and Netherlands. We really enjoyed the photos and the special food. Thank you, Angel. 
Participants: Angel, Fox, Wisely, Judith, Vicky, Jeff, Stanley, Joe, Dobi, Hope, Sophia, Allen
The meeting photos~~
Host Angel's photo~~
Coming soon~
Time: 11/30@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 

Topic: America’s debt ceiling riddle -> Why would a man/company/nation  with so much cash even bother to issue debt?

Host: Karl

Please read the two documents as attachments previously and take the print out for meeting discussion. 

Karl’s meeting agenda as below~~


2:00~2:05 Self introduction

2:05~3:00 Reading and discuss the root cause and effect of “ America ’s debt ceiling” 

3:00~3:15 Coffee break 

3:15~4:45 Read and discuss the article “Cash-Rich Apple Borrow Money

4:45~5:00 Wrap up

 Best regards,


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

The host, Allen, gave us an educational meeting. He explained what the fashion industry is and the terms. We learned lots of knowledge about clothing. The second part of meeting was for various method to sew. We noticed the difference of translate from Mandarin and English. He also demonstrated the useful hand stitches and all of us felt interesting and have lots of fun. In the end, he showed us how to transfer from an old t-shirt to a decorated necklace. Hope our sewing skills can be improved after this meeting. Thank you, Allen. 
Participants: Allen, Daniel, Dobi, Selina, Karl, Ellen, Judith, Yvonne, Naihsin, Cara, Joe, Mengta, Vicky, Angela, Jeff
The meeting photos~~
Host Allen's photo~~
Coming soon~
Time: 11/23@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 

Host: Angel
Obsession of sunflowers or speed? (2013 Europe trip)

Hi, Blissers,
As you may know, I had spent 2 weeks travelling in Europe this summer. My friends and I planned this trip for 4 months and finally made our dreams come true. By individual travelling, we enjoyed the beautiful view, delicious food and wonderful artwork there. We also encountered a numbers of difficuties during the trip, such as got lost, tax refund office closed when we left  Germany ..etc. Luckily, we met friendly people who helped us and solved all the problems. 
This is the most interesting and exciting trip I've had in my life. To let you experience the best of the trip, I will focus on the tops (most exciting, most astonishing, most mysterious). I promise if it's not special, I won't mention it in my class. 
One thing I need to remind you. Since I only have 3.5 hours to share my adventure and photos, I will start my class on time. Don't be late, or you will miss a precious play.
Look forward to breaking Willy's attendance record.

 My agenda is as below,

•        Warm up (2:00-2:20pm) 

•        Summary of my trip 2013 (2:30-2:45pm) 

•        Highlight of Germany (2:45-3:20pm) 

•        Take break (3:20-3:30pm)

•        Watch photo of Germany (3:30pm-3:50pm) 

•        Group competition (3:50-4:20pm)

•        Group’s show (4:20-4:50pm) 

•        Watch photo (4:50-5:30pm)

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,
The host, Jessica, shared her long stay experience both in Taiwan and aboard. Additional to the great photos, she introduced some cities and countries and also what we should pay more attentions. The most interesting thing was she went to some cooking institutes to learn the table manners and cooking. She also could always enjoy the delicious cuisine. She recommended some places of Taiwan for long stay and we learned lots from the photos about the views and accommodations. Jessica provided the rewards for questions. Thank you for such a fantastic afternoon, Jessica. 
Participants: Jassica, Fox, Sabrina, Dobi, Kevin Huang, Wisely, Serina, Vicky, Jeff, Barkley, Allen, Anita, Selina, Cara, Angela
The meeting photos~~
Host Jessica's photo~~
New member Allen's photo~~
Coming soon~
Time: 11/16@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
Host: Allen
Topic: Simple sewing tips to repair clothes
2:00~2:05 Self introduction
2:05~2:35 A short introduction of fashion industry
2:35~3:00 Clothing damage and hand sewing tips
3:00~3:15 Coffee break
3:15~3:45 Creat your own stuff with simple hand sewing techniques
3:45~4:45 Practice and exercise
4:45~5:00 Wrap up
Best regards,

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

<Bliss 2013 Year-end Party Invitation—on Saturday, December 14, 2013 at 11:50 am @Music Corner 角落音樂餐廳>

(sign-up deadline: November 17, 2013)


The Bliss year-end theme party is around the corner!! I bet you are expecting for this big party for a long time…. J


Year-end party is so meaningful for all Blissers. Old and new Blissers will gather in the party to have delicious buffet, delight music and also recall our wonderful memories in this unforgettable year 2013!!


Please open your heart to have fun and laugh together….


**Party Time時間:

From 11:50a.m. to 15:30p.m. on Saturday, December 14, 2013


往年都是在晚上舉辦Year-end Party,今年Blissers改變風格,Party時間更改於中午到下午時段喲


**Party Place地點:

Music Corner 角落音樂餐廳

Address:104  台北市中山區建國北路一段1561

Telephone: (02)2504-3688


**Party Fee費用:

Blisser: NT$550 / Non-Blisser:NT$600 (who never attends any Bliss meeting)



**Early Bird Surprise早鳥驚喜獎:




**Registration Attendance報名人數:




**Registration Information報名需知:


1.Registration Time報名時間:

即日起至November 17, 2013


2.Registration Procedure報名流程:


2-1請先上網至「報名表」連結: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1094x2WhFlzzuXF4OtysjQPRHSW6BvwwUbAW7K_51a_8/viewform









2-3匯款後,上網至「匯款資訊表」連結: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dGGK5twG-Mk_a04miASjTVZ_KvY-AkJEi1n9a_MYxuQ/viewform

填入您的匯款資料:1.姓名 2.匯款金額 3.匯款日期4.匯款帳號後5



3.Refund Information退費說明:




4.Refund Contact退費連絡人:

Activity Manager --Kevin Huang





**Dress Code服裝規定:

Animal (非人類之動物)


**Party Theme活動主題:

The Call of The Wild 野性的呼喚





**The attachments are Menu & Photo of Music Corner Restaurant 

photo 1  photo2  photo3  

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

The host, Kurt, introduced the history of computer and how the computer does the calculation. He also tested us how to calculate. During the meeting, he showed us the CPU development and the latest market information. The second section of meeting was about Android software. We read the article about the progress of this software and why the mobile phone can be successful in certain brand. In the end of meeting, we were divided into two groups to do the marketing plan if you own a cell phone company. It was a great learning meeting, thank you, Kurt!
Participants: Kurt, Kevin, Jeff, Yvonne, Stanley, Cara, Mengta, Fox, Dobi
The meeting photos~~

Host Kurt's photo~~
Coming soon~
Time: 11/09@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
11/9 host: Jessica
topic: Learning by  Travel Trends Travel _Long stay


 Dear Blissers, 
In the end of year, a lot of people make plan for next year, some swear to improve language ability, some are making determination to leaning more skill and most people have quickly check to know how many long holiday in the year that they can visit more country, but…...since the annual leave has limited, can we make two or three plans together that we can see the world also learning some thing while the traveling?


    And do you know even in Taiwan the long stay traveling style , also it is good way to make sure if you can running your own business or not? It’s that possible you can immigration to the other country or city? let ‘s  contrary thinkingtogether , you may found out you have magic to gain your time and change your life style.


The agenda:

2:00-2:20 Self Introduction

2:20-3:20 multiple way to learn and see the world

           contrary thinkingtogether

3:20-3:40 break

3:40-16; 30 long stay to experience local life and make career planning

            Recommend good place for island immigration

16:30-16:50 successful case to share

16:50-17:00 it’s trivia time  

Jessica Yang

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Hi Blissers,

Willy led us to sing many classical English songs and had the wine, bread and pickle. He also brought a magic show and everyone had a great afternoon. Willy played lots of music video and taught us how to sing the songs. He asked some questions about these songs and provided treasurable gifts which Willy has collected for one year. In the end of the meeting, everyone learned a magic. Everyone enjoyed the meeting very much! Thank you, Willy!
Participants: Willy, Selina, Cara, Monicka, Joe, Angel, Vicky, Mengta, Sabrina, Millie, Kevin, Dobi, Serina, Stanley, Judith, Angela, Michel Huang, Fox, Barkley 
The meeting photos~~
Host Willy's photo~~
New member Dobi's photo~~
The coming week meeting will be provided by Kurt. Please find the below meeting place and agenda. See you on Saturday!
Coming soon~
Time: 11/02@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
Host: Kurt
Topic: A new-era battle between Wintel and ARMDroid
Dear Blissers,
Since Apple launched the first iPhone in 2007, the number of portable devices exploded in recent years. The Wintel standard is gradually fading with the increasing market share of Armdroid (ARM + Android).
In this week, we will review the platform history and build an personalized media player as an example. Thus, if possible, bring your laptop to the hand-on course.

2:00 – 2:20 Member self-introduction
2:20 – 3:10 A brief overview of processor development history
3:10 – 4:00 A deeper look into Android / Tea Break
4:20 – 5:00 Building yourself Android system from scratch
President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Activity manager: Kevin, Millie
PR manager: Judith

Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F or 3F)  每人低消130元,無其他費用
Address: 台北市中山區南京東路二段218 (建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,
The host, Mengta, provided us a very joyful afternoon. He taught us a deduction game called CLUEDO and offered a great gift to the final winner. Mengta introduced the rules and how to play it with video. We were divided into 2 groups and played 2 times to generate the winner. The winner would get a CLUEDO! It was so exiting. Thanks to Mengta for the hosting and gift. 
Participants: Mengta, Daniel Ou, Brian, Judith, Jeff, Archer, Sabrina, Annie, Irene, Cara, Serina, Vicky, Kurt, Kevin, Angela, Fox, Barkley
The meeting photos as below~~
Host Mengta's photo~~
New member Irene's photo~~
New member Brian's photo~~
The coming week meeting will be provided by Willy. Please find the below meeting place and agenda. See you on Saturday!
Coming soon~
Time: 10/26@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
Dear all,
Last 2 week ago our President Vicky shared the highly advanced and robotic car with us. The popular TV series "Knight Rider(霹靂遊俠)" in your childhood is 20 years ago. And Last week our member Mengta played classic mystery game CLUEDO with us. The game was created in 1948 by Mr. Anthony Pratt and published by Waddington Games in UK. We can say October of 2013 is the month of reminiscence, because in my meeting we will sing old English songs published between 1920-1950. I have prepared the popular songs in US when our parents were born. The 18 songs are old but simple, easy and affectionate
01.Love Letters In The Sand
02.Only You
03.The Great Pretender
04.Little Darling
05.Mockingbird Hill
06.Your Cheating Heart
07.I Went To Your Wedding
08.Three Coins In The Fountain
09.The Wayward Wind
10.Tennessee Waltz
11.Tom Dooley
12.April Love
13.Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
14.Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing
16.There Goes My Baby
17.All I have To Do Is Dream
18.Memories Are Made Of This
In general we sing all songs before PM3:30, we will play and see magic show. I also have prepare so many magic devices to help us know how the MAGIC is MAGICAL
Come and join us!
14:00~14:30 Warm-up
14:30~16:00 Sing Songs
16:00~16:15 Break
16:15~16:45 Play magic
16:45~17:00 Group discussion

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,
The host, Mengta, provided us a very joyful afternoon. He taught us a deduction game called CLUEDO and offered a great gift to the final winner. Mengta introduced the rules and how to play it with video. We were divided into 2 groups and played 2 times to generate the winner. The winner would get a CLUEDO! It was so exiting. Thanks to Mengta for the hosting and gift. 
Participants: Mengta, Daniel Ou, Brian, Judith, Jeff, Archer, Sabrina, Annie, Irene, Cara, Serina, Vicky, Kurt, Kevin, Angela, Fox, Barkley
The meeting photos as below~~
Host Mengta's photo~~
New member Irene's photo~~
New member Brian's photo~~
The coming week meeting will be provided by Willy. Please find the below meeting place and agenda. See you on Saturday!
Coming soon~
Time: 10/26@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
Dear all,
Last 2 week ago our President Vicky shared the highly advanced and robotic car with us. The popular TV series "Knight Rider(霹靂遊俠)" in your childhood is 20 years ago. And Last week our member Mengta played classic mystery game CLUEDO with us. The game was created in 1948 by Mr. Anthony Pratt and published by Waddington Games in UK. We can say October of 2013 is the month of reminiscence, because in my meeting we will sing old English songs published between 1920-1950. I have prepared the popular songs in US when our parents were born. The 18 songs are old but simple, easy and affectionate
01.Love Letters In The Sand
02.Only You
03.The Great Pretender
04.Little Darling
05.Mockingbird Hill
06.Your Cheating Heart
07.I Went To Your Wedding
08.Three Coins In The Fountain
09.The Wayward Wind
10.Tennessee Waltz
11.Tom Dooley
12.April Love
13.Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
14.Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing
16.There Goes My Baby
17.All I have To Do Is Dream
18.Memories Are Made Of This
In general we sing all songs before PM3:30, we will play and see magic show. I also have prepare so many magic devices to help us know how the MAGIC is MAGICAL
Come and join us!
14:00~14:30 Warm-up
14:30~16:00 Sing Songs
16:00~16:15 Break
16:15~16:45 Play magic
16:45~17:00 Group discussion

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

The coming meeting will be provided by Mengta and below is the agenda. Please join our meeting and bring more friends to play this game! See you this Saturday.
Coming soon~
Time: 10/19@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
Dear Blissers, 

How many English games have you ever played in Bliss?  This time I’d like to introduce you a CLASSIC GAME called CLUEDO!

It is a table game. We will try to find out the suspect who killed the host.

Practice your English, and use your imagination. 


2:00~2:15 Member self-introduction

2:15~2:40 CLUEDO introduction

2:40~3:20 Practice game

Tea Break

3:40~4:00 Round 1

4:00~4:30 Round 2

4:30~5:00 Advanced Mystery CLUEDO

Come and join us, Sherlock Holmes!



** correction: the 10/5 meeting

Participants: Vicky, Serina, Yvonne, Daniel Yang, Daniel Ou, Mengta, Naihsin, Angela, Millie, Patrick, Jeff, Kevin, Ashow, Michael, Anita


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,
Vicky as a host introduced us the history about car and the self-driving car last week. The meeting included the progress of car, famous brands of car and new technology applied on the cars. These brought us more ideas and knowledge about cars and what we care as a driver. We also had the group discussion about pro and con on self-driving cars. Through some TED videos, they gave us some new thinking about driving and cars, such as car information exchanging. In the end of the meeting, we also picked one brand for promoting cars. Everyone had an interesting meeting. Thank you, Vicky!
Participants: Vicky, Serina, Yvonne, Daniel Yang, Daniel Ou, Mengta, Naihsin, Angela, Millie, Jason, Jeff, Kevin, Ashow, Michael, Anita

**The next meeting will be on 10/19 and the meeting notice will be sent in that week. 

** Below is the link for 3rd outing photos:


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,
After almost one month, we know all of you are expecting the next meeting very much. Please find the below meeting place, time and agenda. See you this Saturday!
Coming soon~
Time: 10/5@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
Dear all,
Have you ever watched a popular TV series "Knight Rider(霹靂遊俠)" in your childhood?Many people were impressed by the highly advanced and robotic car (霹靂車) and wished they could have one. 20 years went by, now the dream may come true.Germany's Daimler AG and Japan's Nissan said they hope to begin selling self-driving cars by 2020 and the tech giant,Google,also joins in the race aggressively.Wanna know more about the exciting new trend? Come and join us!

14:00~14:30 Warm-up
14:30~14:50 Car Industry
14:50~15:30 Introduction of self-driving car (1)
15:30~15:45 Break
Introduction of self-driving car (2)
16:15~17:00 Group discussion


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Sheena hosted a great meeting about Taiwan. She introduced Taiwan in many ways, such as historical, geographical and cultural views. We learned the attractions both in Taiwan and the other small islands. Everyone shared the experience for traveling to these attractions and national parks. The second part of meeting would be for cuisine. She explained the food difference between Taiwanese' and Asian. We discussed which food or dishes of Taiwan could be accepted by foreigners. In the end, we were divided into three groups and introduced what we recommend in Taiwan, including central, eastern and western parts. Thank you, Sheena. 
Participant: Sheena, Yvonne, Serina, Cari, Vespa, Iris, Vicky, Jeff, Angel, Angela, Michael
Meeting photo
host Sheena's photo
New member's photo-Vespa
There next meeting will be on 10/5 and the meeting notice will be sent in that week, thanks. 

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Sheena hosted a great meeting about Taiwan. She introduced Taiwan in many ways, such as historical, geographical and cultural views. We learned the attractions both in Taiwan and the other small islands. Everyone shared the experience for traveling to these attractions and national parks. The second part of meeting would be for cuisine. She explained the food difference between Taiwanese' and Asian. We discussed which food or dishes of Taiwan could be accepted by foreigners. In the end, we were divided into three groups and introduced what we recommend in Taiwan, including central, eastern and western parts. Thank you, Sheena. 
Participant: Sheena, Yvonne, Serina, Cari, Vespa, Iris, Vicky, Jeff, Angel, Angela, Michael
Meeting photo
host Sheena's photo
New member's photo-Vespa
There next meeting will be on 10/5 and the meeting notice will be sent in that week, thanks. 

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()






誠摯的邀請您與Blissers在微涼的秋日午后,一同享受漫步在花園裡的恬靜與舒適。秋天幸福小旅行,準備出發囉~~~ J





11:40~11:50 捷運芝山站集合
12:00~13:30 "
可以先聽半小時,如果想轉台,可選擇14:30~15:30的園區導覽(展示館解說大廳集合) 15:30~16:30考古探坑導覽(考古教室)16:00~16:30 視情況可到旁邊芝山岩木棧道走走


活動費用:Blisser NT$600  / Non-Blisser  NT$650


*Blisser定義:曾參加過Bliss meeting





早鳥優惠:為報名自9/8()早上六點起算~(偷跑先填的不算數唷)---3位報名者,可以得到一份獎勵 (須於9/8之前參加過2013meeting、報名資料填寫完整) (2013幹部除外)


*注意: 欲取消報名者請於9/21()之前通知幹部,沒取消報名且當天沒出席者需繳交$100 愛社捐

報名期間: 2013/9/8 (星期日)06:00~2013/9/15 24:00 (星期日)

公佈錄取名單: 2013/9/18 (星期二)前,因場地限制此次活動報名人數只收15

取消報名期限:2013/9/21 (星期日),沒及時取消報名且沒出席活動者將酌收100元愛社捐。 



請千萬不要錯過這次秋日出遊好機會哦~~~現在就一起報名參加吧!! 

您可進入以下的連結報名Bliss English Club的秋季活動,請不要直接回覆此封郵件報名喲~~~ 




Bliss 2013 3rd Outing Notice (Sep. 28, 2013)


@ Zhishan cultural and ecological garden



My Dear Blissers,


The third BLISS OUTING in the autumn time of this year 2013 is coming!!


This time we will be going to the Zhishan cultural and ecological garden (芝山文化生態綠園)

We could feel the cultural and ecological views with Blissers and also take a walk in the beautiful garden.


Please kindly refer to the following details:


-Outing Date: at 11:40a.m. Saturday, September 28, 2013

-Gathering Place: MRT Zhishan Station

-Fee: NT$600 for Blissers / NT$650 for Non-Blissers

(The definition of Blisser is who has attended at least one Bliss meeting. The fee includes lunch, dinner, fuel fee, and entrance fee.)



11:40~11:50  Gathering in MRT Zhishan Station
11:50~12:00  walk to the restaurant

12:00~13:30  lunch at "泰之雲" restaurant
13:30~14:00  walk to Zhishan cultural and ecological garden (there is a parking lot)
14:00~16:00  bird-watching with a tour guide
16:30~17:00  from Zhishan garden to Sheena’s house

17:00~20:30  enjoy the sunset and night view

20:30~       take a bus back home


-Sign-up starts at 06:00 am, Sunday, Sep. 8, 2013

-Deadline for sigh-up: at 24:00 am, Sunday, Sep. 15, 2013

-Date of notify attendant roll: Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2013

-Deadline for cancel registration: Sunday, Sep. 21, 2013

The registration form by Google Document is available as below link. Please DO NOT reply this email for registration.


If anyone wants to cancel the registration, please inform Bliss Staff by Sep. 21, otherwise has to pay NT$100 for Bliss English Club.


Please be noted that there is an early birds benefit which means the top 3 person registered will receive a small gift.


Don’t miss the chance to hang out with your beloved Blissers.

Please feel free to come and join this amazing outing. Let’s SIGN UP NOW!! J



blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

The host was Annie, who provided us an interesting afternoon. The first section was to introduce the PISA and we could know the difference between the previous reading comprehension and PISA. She told us a short story and made everyone to explore and share our own opinions. The following was a very beautiful and touching love poem and abused poem. These activities let us know how to express better when we do the writing. We also read some fables and know the different endings from what we have known. In the end, all of us re-wrote the story of Cinderella and everyone had lots of fun. 

Annie, thank you for this great meeting!

Participants: Annie, Serina, Joe, Barkley, Judith, Yvonne
The meeting photos~
Host Annie's photo~~
Coming soon~
Time: 9/7@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
Host: Sheena
Topic: Knowing About Taiwan

The treasure island we live – Taiwan ,  owned a lot of Culture and delicious foods. 

Do you really know about Taiwan?  Do you know how to introduce Taiwan to your

Friends from abroad?  Let’s know more about the beautiful island we live .


Agenda :


14:00 – 14:30  Self Introduction

14:30 – 15:30  What attractions of Taiwan I

15:30 – 15:40  Short Break

15:40 – 16:20  What Attractions of Taiwan II

16:20 – 17:00  Activity and Wrap up




blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

The 8/24 host was Kevin Ting, who brought a very professional topic, "Big Data". Additional to self introduction, Kevin asked everyone to talk about the understanding of "Big Data" and " Cloud". "Any idea about Big Data or Data Mining?"  "What is cloud service to you?"  "Which comes first? Big Data or Cloud?". It is very helpful to know what is "Big Data", especially the application of Cloud getting wider and wider now. 

Kevin Ting explained lots about Big Data and how it connected to our daily life, including" Big Data Analytics in The Real World", "What's "4 V's of Big Data", "Applications for Big Data Analytics", "Big Data Use Cases", "Companies in Big Data" and How Big is the Big Market & Big Business of Big Data in the future". After this explanation, the blissers knew how Big Data influences our future life. 

In the end of meeting, Kevin Ting provided us a small game. Each team got 10 vocabularies. One was trying to explain the vocabulary without saying the correct word and another one was guessing. Everyone had lots of fun. Thank you, Kevin, for this meaningful and interesting afternoon.  
Participants: Kevin Ting, Kevin Huang, Wisely, Serina, Rand, Iris, Sabrina, Clark, Joe, Barkley
The meeting photos~
Host Kevin Ting's photo~
New member Rand's photo~

Coming soon~
Time: 8/31@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 

Host: Annie
Topic: Let's Enjoy PISA(閱讀素養)!
Nowadays PISA issues become very popular in the educational field. High-ranking officials develop the skills of PISA in the school subjects  and try to apply in the students' selection tests. It is not mature enough and definitely strongly opposed by parents and teachers. What is PISA about?  How to use PISA skills in our reading comprehension?  Please join my meeting and enjoy the wonderful dish of PISA.     
Here is my agenda:

2:00-2:15  Warm-up by self-introduction of each member
2:15-2:30  Short introduction of PISA
           A Short story example---An Upside-down Mouse by Roald Dahl
           Poem-Don't Ask Him Why?
           Activity:Reading, PISA teaching; idea exchange
2:30-2:45  Intermission
2:45-3:30  More practices with short stories, poems and so on.  
           Group discussion
3:30-3:45  Intermission
3:45-4:30  Group Presentation and Evaluation 
4:30            Prize Announcement & meeting adjourned
Best regards

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Barkley introduced some indicators which are used widely in this business world, such as GDP. He also let us know how FOMC (Federal open market committee) to operate and what tools the government can use to adjust for the finance market. It is a good lesson for us if we want to see the economics environment. The second section of meeting was for family questionnaire. It helped to review our opinions about our family and the result and discussion made every one to think more. In the end of the meeting, Barkley shared a story to us and gave us a warm afternoon. Thanks for Barkley. 

Participants: Barkley, Serina, Yvonne, Stephanie, Stanley, Natalie, Ellen, Kurt, Millie, Daniel, Sharon, Michael, 

The meeting photos~~
Host Barkley's photo~~
Coming soon~
Time: 8/24@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折 
Host: Kevin Ting
Topic: Big Data
Dear all

Cloud service has penetrated in our daily life. Back in few months, Hank has introduced what cloud service maybe look like. As data information growing exponentially every year, utilizing data information is crucial and huge task not only for major market players such as Google/Amazon but for enterprise or SMB. Big Data issue has been brought to drive people's attention. This meeting you will be learning what system engineering has been running in Core Data Center and what other issues maybe also important in the cloud and of course some new words

14:00~14:20 Self introduction
14:20~15:20 introduction of Big Data
15:20~15:40 break for 10 mins
15:40~16:40 word competition
16:40~17:00 Wrap up

Kevin Ting

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

After Father's day celebration, the coming week will be prepared by Barkley. Please find the below agenda and meeting place. See you on Saturday!

Coming soon~
Host: Barkley
Topic: "A private journal of/about economic indicators/awesome stories"@8/17 14.00 
Place: 伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F)

My Dear Blissers :

Financial management is a private but important issue of life ,how you deal with it ?
Life is a gift ,how you enjoy it? Is life only something about happiness ? What's the foundation of it ?

Behold - my dear friends,take a rest ,join BK's meeting and enjoy the moment on 8/17,
Bless and see you all ~ BK

Part 1 02:00 〜03:30
A private journal of/about economic indicators
( 實用經濟指標導覽)

Part 2 03:45〜05:15
Awesome stories
( 生命故事)

1. 理財是人生大事 但也因屬隱私問題常常閉門造車 六神無主 怎麼辦?

2. 生命是上天的禮物,然而它只在乎吃喝快樂嗎? 生命需要的養份,不會骨質流失的關鍵是什麼?

這個月(8/17) 星期六下午 停留您的腳步 讓心靈休息一下 期待您一起來生命故事 停 看 聽!

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