目前分類:Bliss in 2011 (49)

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Hello Blissers,

This is the final Bliss notice of 2011~
I must say that it is a PITY if you didn't attend 2011 Bliss Year End Party!
However,since I am such a NICE person,I will do the recapitulation for you.(ha ha~)

(You can click the underlined words to see the photos.)
In the beginning of the party,our most popular and typical performer,Willy,taught us an "ALIVE and KICKING" dance.We wiped out all the sadness and frustration in 2011 by the challenging yet hilarious dance steps!

After the warm-up,we had a FASHION SHOW with a dress code as "Academic".The winners of the show were Karl and 灌強 who performed as boy scouts.I was also impressed by Kurt and Willy,who wore Kendoist and Russian clothes respectively.Of course you can't miss the most handsome drillmaster,Jeff!

Afterward Bliss Chorus sang a lovely song,"Kiss Me",for our newlyweds,Mengta and I-Ping. The song was sooooooo beautiful that Mengta couldn't help but gave his beloved a sweet kiss! (Okay,I know we asked him to do so,but I am pretty sure he was 100% willing to show his love!)

After the romantic moment,we had a Bingo game!I admitted that the questions were very tough,but finally the prize went to our Angela baby!Next,Ellen led us a wonderful journey in 2011 Bliss times.It was
very touching and unforgettable.Many thanks to Karl and Ellen for making such a brilliant video.

Then,I am glad to announce that the winner of Best New Blisser Award 2011 is Kevin Huang,who attended 20 meetings(out of 33 meeting) and 3 outings!And the winner of Best Attendance Award 2011 is Joey (Willy was the representative),who also attended 20 meetings and 3 outings in 2011!What an amazing record!They are the role models!

If you'd like to see more photos,please refer to the below albums.
Many thanks to Kurt,Kevin and Claire for photoing.
You can also find videos on Facebook: Bliss Taipei

Today is Dec. 31,which means there is only one day left in 2011.
We,the 2011 Bliss Crew(Ellen,Barkley,Willy,Mengt a,Iris,Naihsin,Sanli and Vicky),would like to say "thank you" to all Blissers for your great support and encouragement in the past year.We hope you can also show the same (or even more!) enthusiasm to 2012 Bliss Crew:

President: Sanli

Education: Daniel,Chloe,Natasha,Edgar
Activity: Cara,Coach

A successful club needs everyone's participation~
Our first meeting of 2012 hosted by Clark will be held on Jan. 7th!
This is the ONLY meeting in January. Don't miss the chance to reunite with your Bliss friends!

Happy New Year!



President: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Blissers,

2011 BLISS Year -End  Theme Party 學院風 "主題趴" 準備報到!!



台北市羅斯福路四段83號(台北捷運公館站2號銘傳國小出口左轉 後直行3分鐘)


18:00 報到 , 18:15 開始供餐  (採自助式取餐,先搶先贏~) 

19:10 "上課"  (上課後就沒時間取餐囉!)


學院風  (走秀票選第一名者會有禮物喔~)

服裝儀容 檢查(開玩笑) :  指甲 手帕 衛生紙 書包... 

                                            校服 (本校校風自由  請自由搭配啦! )   


Blisser: NT$600 ; Non-Blisser: NT$650

(5) 請攜帶一支原子筆

(6)已報名者如不克參加,請"盡速" 通知Barkley或任何2011幹部

See you on 12/10 ~

Best Regards,


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hello Blissers,

Last Saturday,we read several articles about aging society and discussed the opportunities and threats for the phenomenon.Daniel and Iris tried on the aging simulation suit to feel how aging will cause difficulties for our movements.Thank Sheena for hosting the meaningful meeting!

The participants were Sheena,Iris,Naihsin,Daniel, Vicky,Rafael,Stanley,Sanli, Allen,Spencer,Ellen,Julie, Grace,Joe,Justin,Coach and Mengta.

Welcome the new comers!
Julie and Grace  (right and left) :
https://lh3.googleusercontent. com/-Z2sdoGQjCF4/TtInQQqTy8I/ AAAAAAAATXo/NRaQ_3y4oCs/s640/ IMG_0937.JPG

https://picasaweb.google.com/ ilovebliss.taipei/ AgingSocietyBySheenaNov262012? authkey=Gv1sRgCJWKi97R7eeH1QE#

Please note that we won't have any meeting until 7th Jan of the next year.

However,we are going to have a big event--2011 Year End Party--on the 10th of December!
If you have already booked for the party but can't make it due to some reasons,please reply the email or contact 2011 crew to cancel your reservation AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Thank you~

Best Regards,

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Dear Blissers,

We played many interesting games last Saturday: Scruples,Pass the Bomb and Scrabble!
"Scruples" is a 1984 board game based on moral dilemmas.It was really difficult for us to answer those personal questions instinctively! "Pass the Bomb" is a wonderful exercise in word-summoning.We tried to come up with a word that contained a certain sequence of letters before the ticking time-bomb in our hands exploded! "Scrabble" is an old but popular word game in Bliss.It was my first time playing it and I have to say that I have already looked forward to the next Scrabble meeting! Thank Nelly for hosting such an enjoyable meeting!

The participants were Nelly,Owen,Watermelon,Iris,

Jessica,Sanli,Cara,Angel Yuan,Vicky,Joey,Ashow,Ellen, Spencer,Daniel,Stephanie, Kevin,Rafael,Ching,Selina and Michael Huang.

Let's welcome the new comers:
Angel https://lh4.googleusercontent. com/--SG5JCQtpEs/TsisvKD71yI/ AAAAAAAATNE/SOEsodRg59w/s640/ IMG_0704.JPG
Rafael https://lh3.googleusercontent. com/-QGcfN-LBpJc/TsitW_AbXcI/ AAAAAAAATOE/lJiInnZddrc/s640/ IMG_0730.JPG
Ching https://lh3.googleusercontent. com/-3wNhLixiaZg/TsisZMES2JI/ AAAAAAAATMc/hecTL3dUJJ4/s640/ IMG_0692.JPG

https://picasaweb.google.com/ ilovebliss.taipei/ TimeToPlayByNellyNov19th2011? authkey=Gv1sRgCP_esZ6Gsaq5uQE

Here comes the LAST Bliss meeting this year!
Our host,Sheena,would like to talk about aging society.Please come and join us in Brown Coffee 2F.
After the meeting,Ellen would like to invite Blissers to have 東湖霸味薑母鴨 dinner together.
http://blog.yam.com/ venuslin0113/article/17271924
We can take MRT文湖線 to 東湖.
For the restaurant is very popular, if you want to attend the dinner,please sign-up by returning the mail to me before 10pm this Friday (Nov. 25).

Besides,it is FINAL CALL for 2011 Bliss Year Party Register! The sign-up deadline is Nov. 25,this Friday!!
If you have not signed up yet,please don't hesitate to fill out the registration form at http://ppt.cc/BVle.

57 Blissers are on the Party List now,please come and join us!!

Best Regards,

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hello Blissers,

We are happy to have Nelly as our host this upcoming Saturday! Wanna play interesting games with Bliss friends and have fun together? Please come an join us!The meeting place will be Brown Coffee 2F (or 3F).

Best Regards,
======Below is from Nelly========

Time To Play !


Dear all,

We meet each other at BLISS because we all love English. But since we graduated from school, does anyone of you spend significant time on learning English? We do practice our English at BLISS, but in terms of vocabulary, we just keep forgetting (or maybe because we are getting older? ).  If I didn’t have to pass IELTS or GMAT or TOEIC tests, I don’t even remember when was the last time I tried to study and memorize few vocabulary!


This Saturday , in order to check how many vocabularies you still remember, we are going to play two interesting games. (1) Scrabble (2) Pass the Bomb. 

Most of you may be familiar with Scrabble, it is forming words from individual lettered tiles on a game board in order to win scores. Four people can play at the same time. 

As for “Pass The Bomb”, it is a competition for people to spell words in limited time, you will be asked to hold a “bomb” and spell specific words before the bomb blows, so you need to have strong heart when playing this game.  


I will explain more details in the meeting, IF you dare to come this Saturday to take this challenge !!!



14:00- 14:30   Introduce yourself to host – because host may not know all of you ...

14:30- 15:00   Explain Game Rules and divide members into groups

15:00-            Compete till death do us apart !





Best regards,
Nelly Hsieh

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Hello Blissers,

Last Saturday Hank taught us some functions of OpenShot.We tried to make a video by ourselves and then demonstrated it to Blissers.It was fun! We appreciate Hank's great efforts for bringing so many NBs from HsinHsu to the meeting place.Also many thanks to Karl,Iris and Kevin for sharing their own NBs to install Linux OS and related software.

The participants were Hank,Iris,Ellen,Karl,Kevin,Cynthia,Daniel,Ashow,Chloe,Vicky,Allen,Sanli,Joe,Barkley,Selina,Stephanie,Angela,Mengta,Cara and Coach.

Welcome the new comers,Cynthia and Coach!
Cynthia(the middle):
Coach (the right):


Please note there is NO MEETING this coming Saturday!

p.s. There are TWO meetings left this year,if you'd like to bring your friend to Bliss Year End Party,please seize the chance to bring him/her to Bliss meeting first,then your friend can enjoy the member price of $600!!  (Non-Blisser price is $650)

Best Regards,

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Hi Blissers,

Last Saturday,we watched a trailer of "Seediq Bale" and read an introduction of this movie.Then we learned the power of hugs,the tips of being a good listener and how to embrace the place where we are from other three articles.Thank Barkley for hosting the meeting.

The participants were Barkley, Ellen, Daniel, Stephanie, Vicky, Naihsin, Angel, Catherine, Belle, Chloe, Joey, Kevin, Hank, Selina, Vera, Iris, Michael Huang, Angela, Alex and Anita.

Welcome the new comer,Alex!


The upcoming Saturday,Hank will be our host,who would like to share us how to make a brilliant video like Patrick made for previous year end parties.Please join us!The meeting place will be Brown Coffee 3F(or 2F).

Best Regards,

===Below is from Hank===

OpenShot Workshop




 Hank Chang


        Maybe you are curious about how Patrick made the terrific film for Bliss year end party?  In the lecture, I would like to make every attendant has a concept about “media”, then make every attendant be able to make a  simple video by using the simple-to-use and feature-rich video editor , “OpenShot”, at the first half section of the workshop.


        OpenShot can take your videos, photos, and music files and help you create the film you have always dreamed of. Easily add sub-titles, transitions, and effects, and then export your film to DVD, YouTube, Vimeo, Xbox 360, and many other common formats.


        After the 15 minutes tea time break, I will introduce some more advanced skills to make a more sophisticated video.  Before the end of the workshop, every team should write a proposal  before making a video.  The video could be TV advertisement, “Ka la OK”, “Bliss  Introduction” and so on.  


        Hopefully, three attendants or less will share a notebook during the lecture.  Host will prepare 3 to 4 NBs for this workshop.  May every attendant will be able to make yourself film to upload to YouTube.  



        PM 2:00 to PM 2:10        Self introduction and Group team member


        PM 2:10 to PM 3:00        Lecture Section I, learning and practicing OpenShot


        PM 3:00 to PM 3:15        Make  a simple Video Film File


        PM 3:15 to PM 3:30        Break


        PM 3:30 to PM 4:30        Lecture Section II, advanced skill learning and practicing


        PM 4:30 to PM 4:45        Writing a proposal for making a group video film


        PM 4:45 to PM 5:10        Making and Editing a 3 to 5 minutes Video Film


        PM 5:10 to PM 5:30        Play group Video Film Files and Discussion    

President: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

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Dear Blissers,
We spent a pleasant afternoon at Annie's place last Saturday.The atmosphere was so GOOD that we finished off three bottles of red wine!Many thanks to Jessica for hosting such an interesting and valuable meeting!

The participants were Jessica, Joyce, Selina, Vera, Iris, Joey, Sanli, Anne, Ellen, Naihsin, Ivana, Allen, Justin, Barkley, Joe, 灌強, Daniel, Judith, Annie, Karl, Kevin, Natasha, Natalie and Vicky.

Welcome the new comer,Ivana!

https://picasaweb.google.com/ ilovebliss.taipei/ WineTastingEtiquetteByJessicaO ct222011?authkey= Gv1sRgCJDtyZXxp_vuWA#

This coming Saturday,Barkley will be our host.He'd like to talk about two topics,"
A face in profile of Seediq Bale" and "Embrace The Place Where You Are".The meeting place will be Annie's place(北市八德路二段312巷43號3樓 ).Please bring you own beverage.

(If you'd like to know more about Barkley,please find the attached file,"Meeting Host Barkley".)

Best Regards,

============Below is from Barkley=============

Input(reading & listening ) before output (talking & writing ) 
~ Welcome to my 10.29 TOPIC READING meeting
How to start the subject of a conversation ?  
vocabulary ?  YES.   Topic ?   YES.  
1. 2:00~03:30 ( 瘋台灣 ~ 賽德克側影 )
   A face in profile of Seediq Bale  ~  Warriors Of The Rainbow

3.03:40~05:30  ( 21世紀最需要的能力 ) 
 Embrace The Place Where You Are

Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Blissers,

BLISS 2011Year End Theme Party Sign Up NOW!  

"主題趴" 開始報名 !             

We’ve already said goodbye to this summer in the 3rd outing at Long-Men beach.

This means we are going to the end of the year.

 一起在龍門海邊道別了這個夏天  這意味著一年又到了尾聲

Like the tasting of wine ~ sour & bitter come first  then sweet & mellow follow up.

像品酒一樣 第一口 酸苦 但回味甘醇 意猶未盡

In the past of the year something rough happened and something good happened.

It’s time to  taste,  recall,  precipitate    & eliminate old and make new. 

 一年過去 有辛酸 也有 甘甜  這正好是一個 好好 回味 沉澱 除舊佈新的時刻


We (Our club ) have a super wonderful name  “ BLISS ” .

我們的社團有一個超級棒的名字  “ BLISS ” 

("In BLISS" is a pun ) : in Bliss &  in bliss      

 這是一個有意思的雙關語  Bliss  =  在幸福之中


The ( textbooks ) the ( chalk ) ( chalkboard ) the (ding) ( lunch box) and the girl / boy in the next door 

That’s the fiery-youth of school age

課本 粉筆 黑板 鐘聲 便當 還有隔壁班的那個女(男)孩 ...

這些一幕一幕地 編織出過往的 熱情青春歲月 


Aug. 6  “ You’re the apple of my eye  “  8月6日   那些年 我們一起追的女孩 


Dec 10 “ The Bliss apple of my eye “  12月10日 這一年 我們一起參加的 Meeting

The year-end theme party is around the corner!

令人引頸期盼的 Bliss主題趴 終於來了 ! 


Dec. 10 2011 Sat. 6 :00 PM at Tai-Da Leader hotel   (dress up ) & ( on you feet )    let’s enjoy the delicacies and fellowship 

2011年12月10日 晚上6點整 台大立德會館   期待您盛裝大駕 一起來品嚐美食 聯絡感情 



Theme party Dress code Academic “ ( dress of school days )

服裝主題 : 學院風

Right now this moment ~ Blisser Night  就在此時此刻 專屬於您的  "  布理斯之夜 "

老朋友 好朋友 新朋友  一起來喔 !

How to sign up:

(1) Registration form (Please click the below link. DO NOT reply to the email for sign-up.)


(2) Costs:

Blisser: NT$600 ; Non-Blisser(who never attends any Bliss meeting): NT$650

(3) Sign-up deadline

2011/11/25 (Fri.) 24:00

(4) The deadline of canceling reservation

2011/12/2 (Fri.) 24:00

(因需與餐廳訂位,若您報名後臨時無法出席,請務必盡早告知Bl iss幹部)


Let's HAVE FUN together!!


Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Blissers,
Last week Patrick shared us some philosophies and biography of Buffett.We also had an English listening training by watching several videos about Buffett.In the last hour,Patrick designed a debate to help us think about what kind of investment strategy fits us.Thank Patrick for hosting the meeting.
The participants were Patrick, Ellen, Joey,Serena,Iris,Daniel,Mengta ,Catherine,Annie,Vicky,Sanli, Naihsin, Vera, Joe, Justin, Claire, Micheal Huang and Spencer.

Let's welcome the new comer,
As to the topic of the coming meeting,have you ever heard of a popular Japanese manga series,"神之雫(The Drops of God)"? The story revolves around two brothers who compete to find the location of 12 legendary wines.The imagery used in the manga is what draws most people in.Instead of using very general and abstracting words like “bold, yet subtle”, "The Drops of God" uses unusual but vivid statements like,

“Just like a rock concert by Queen!” says one brother after taking a sip of 2001 Mont-Perat.
"Like walking in a quiet forest and being followed by two butterflies,” exclaims the other brother to describe the 2001 Musigny.

You may wonder if the taste of wine is really so fantastic;however,before you start the wine tasting,you should learn the etiquette first.We are glad to have Jessica as our host to share us the etiquette of wine tasting this coming Saturday.I believe it will be very interesting and worth learning.Please come and join us!

The meeting place will be Annie's place(
台北市八德路二段312巷43號3樓 ),so please arrive on time at 2 pm and
bring you own beverage and a wineglass.

Below is Jessica's invitation;please read it thoroughly.
Best Regards,

   “The second class of socialization -wine tasting etiquette”

Why is wine so confusing? Does selection intimidate you? If yes, you are not alone!
How could we start to know wine and update the information in the right way?

In fact, learning wine tasting is just like learning English:“The more you have learned, the more you feel short of “.

So since both subjects have to be studied for our whole life, can we just take easy and make it slowly? The good news is you may have to study English for a long time and may pass or may not pass the examination ,but once you take “wine etiquette “,you will become a very educated person and after this class you could self-taught and explore the “wine world ” by yourself.

The subjects of my meeting are below, if you know them more than five items, please don’t come, go some happy place to have fun , otherwise, please come to make up your second socialization class of wine tasting etiquette”

*What is the difference between the old world wine and the new world wine?

*Why the French wine is so superior?

*Why the most people don’t have good experiences when they taste wine for the first time?

*Do you know it’s not necessary to have good drinking capacity and you don’t even have to swallow the wine when you are doing wine taste?

*How to hold the glass in a right position? How to fill up with wine? How to drink and taste the good flavor from glass?

*How to pick up good and reasonable wine without knowing the place of production or grape breed?

*Red wine with red meat isn’t a rule, white wine also could match beef cuisine.


P.s please bring any kind of glasses, such as red wine glasses ,white wine glasses,

Chapman glasses, tulip glasses, rock glasses or even the one you don’t know the correct name


Meeting Agenda:

1400-1410 Introduction the new members

1410-1450 Introduce of five main liquor  

1450-1500 Etiquette of Wine Tasting

1500-1540 Identifying the wine glasses and practices  

1540-1600 Learning the wine taste from Movie

1600-1630 How to describe wine tasting   

1630-1700 The best composition of wine and food 

1715-1730 Wine jokes and wine association information  


Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Blissers,

We are happy to have Patrick as our host this Saturday.
Please come and join us in Brown Coffee 2F!
Below is the agenda from Patrick.

Best regards,


- 隱藏引用文字 -

Warren Buffett has been occupying almost all headlines of financial forums or news whenever it comes to the investment in stocks. With no doubt, he possesses the most elaborate eyes to see through every company from the perspective of "Value Investment."

Please pay your attentions to the following statements for this meeting:
1. We won't read through something we already knew, but something we're barely acknowledged in Buffett's master minds of psychological, philosophical, and technical turfs of investment. 

2. We're not entirely focused on the Buffet's investment lessons or doctrines, but also are equally focused on personal sharing their investment experience - good or bad. There will be a debate for you to further touch the investment's true faces.

3. All of meeting guests will be encouraged to challenge all investing ideas or theories.
You will get One point every time you raise with a challenging statement.
*The person with highest score will win a big prize. 

Personally, I will also share some investment ideas and experiences with you in stock markets.
Note that the very initiative of this meeting is to make you learn/know something and bring something home... so, why not empty your brain for refilling some fresh ideas, and gear up for some funs?

What's the most important is, we will try our best do LESS boring discussion or dull study from the text content, and gain more witty thoughts in fond moods.


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Hi Blissers,

Please note we don't have any meeting this Saturday due to National Day.

Last Saturday,Ellen asked us two interesting scenario-typed questions in the beginning of the meeting,which helped us have a better understanding of  "Game Theory".Then we read an article extracted from "The Economist",which was a challenge to us and you can find how challenging it was from the below vocabulary! Thank Ellen for the great hosting~

outfox 以計擊敗 / successor=heir / prescient 預知的/ America's State Department 國務院(外交部) / wane 減弱/ disgruntle 使不高興/
put down 鎮壓/ dictator 獨裁者/ outfit 公司/ sway a jury 影響陪審團/ trial 審判/ prosecutor 檢察官/ coalition 聯盟/ legislative 立法的/
concession 讓步/ go astray 誤入歧途/ lucrative 賺大錢的/ consortium=union 合夥,聯合/ patchwork拼湊之物/ runner-up 第二名/
bespoke 客製化 / scheme= plan/ shrewd 精明的,狡猾的/stifling 令人窒息的/ impasse 僵局/ nudge 輕推/ mediator 調停者/
elaborate 複雜的/ ponder 考慮/ arduous 艱難的/ bereave of 失去/stall 擱置/ viable 可實施的/ harness 利用/ convergence 收斂/
privatisation 私有化/ intriguing 神秘的/ convergence 收斂/ belligerent 好戰的,交戰國/plot 策劃,佈局/hammer out = design/

Let's welcome the new comer,Serena!

Photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/ ilovebliss.taipei/ GameTheoryByEllenOct1st2011? authkey=Gv1sRgCNnupp7hk5mAvAE#
Participants: Ellen,Naihsin,Iris,Vicky,Sanli,Daniel,Jeff,Serena, Kevin,Barkley,Chloe and Selina

Have a nice weekend!


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Dear Blissers,

Let's review what we did in the past two weeks~

1. Owen's meeting, "Auction" on Sep. 17,2011

We had a hilarious auction participated by active sellers and bidders.
Willy's useful tissue paper attracted many Blissers and was a real bargain! 
Some sellers donated their whole sales revenue to Bliss Club. BLISS LOVES YOU!

Besides,the number of participants broke the record this year!
The attendees were Owen,Spencer,Catherine,Belle,

Ellen,Kevin Huang,Patrick,Iris,Angela, Joey,Mengta,Nelly,Melon,
Barkley,Vicky,Joe,Judith, Sanli,Cara,Jordan,Lily,Cheryl, Cecilia,Natasha,Claire,Daniel, Jeff,Allen and Kevin Sr.'s sweet family.

Welcome the new Blissers:
Lily http://ppt.cc/Yx7x
Cecilia http://ppt.cc/U729
Cheryl http://ppt.cc/(zll
Judith (the left)  http://ppt.cc/fA_S


2. Bliss 3rd Outing on Sep. 24,2011

First,we'd like to thank Barkley for coordinating the whole activity.Also special thanks to Kevin for bringing us to 桃源谷,a wonderland with different beauty no matter when it was fogged or when the weather turned to be fine for us to look far into the sea.We are glad to have many professional photographers (Todd,Kevin,Michael) around,so let the photos talk!
Photos: http://ppt.cc/PTMN
Special events:
(1) Great introduction of 蘭陽museum by Iris http://ppt.cc/fsh_
(2) Delicious lunch  http://ppt.cc/-BAy
(3) Amazing Bliss motorcade in the beautiful mountain http://ppt.cc/6nCM
(4) Birthday celebration for Sheena,Vicky,灌強 and Barkley.  http://ppt.cc/3jjY   (The cake was made by Allen and Sanli.)
(5) The brave and determined Zakk at the beach  http://ppt.cc/HpQ2
(6) Happy together http://ppt.cc/s02J
The participants were Karl,Ellen,灌強,Karl's Mom and aunt,Kevin,Vicky,Selina, Claire,Sheena,Catherine,Belle,
Barkley,Iris,Sophia,Clark, Grace,Allen,Daniel,Todd,Ann, Michael,Zakk,Olivia,Owen, Nelly,Melon,Joey and Sanli.
We are having a photo-picking activity on Bliss Facebook now.Please join us!

Okay,let's return to the reality.Here comes the meeting hosted by Ellen this upcoming Saturday.
She'd like to discuss "Game Theory".It's an interesting and challenging topic!
Please read the attached materials in advance and bring the hard copy to the meeting place,Brown Coffee 2F.

Best Regards,


=============Below is from Ellen===================
Dear Blissers ~
After much fun we found on the last meeting by Owen - Auction
Let's learn and prepare something new for our next Auction in year 2012
Have you ever heard of Game Theory ( 賽局理論 ) ?
If you got totally no ideas about it , I need your help to google it and get some idea of it before attending my meeting this coming Sat.
As we're about to read the attached article from the " The Economist " magazine this month , they reported how the Game Theory was practised by making impressively political forecast to divorce settlements. If we look into it more , we could even practise it on our next auction meeting .
Therefore , come and join with us this coming Sat, let's not only study English but utilise this language to find something new & practicable !!!
Please read through the pdf files ( 2 pages ) and printed out with you to the meeting this Sat. we'll read it through together this Sat afternoon .

Also , please find enclosed word file ( 5 pages) , for the one who does have idea of Game Theory before attending my meeting .
thanks & see you all soon this coming Sat.

Ellen with love 

Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

This upcoming Saturday,Owen will be our host and the topic is "Auction".Below is the agenda from Owen.Please come and join us!

The meeting place will be Jeff's place,百達富麗(市和平西路一段61號,近捷運古亭站 7號出口).
For late comers,please tell the guard look for "KTV room reserved by 18F Mr. Chang". Please bring your own beverage.

Best Regards,


Dear Blissers,

You must know or experience Auction in your life before. But you know how it comes from and how many kinds of auctions there are in the world ?


When you join an auction and want to bid some targets, there are certain strategy and tips to goal it. I would like to invite you to join my Auction to share with.


Most important of all, we will have a real auction in my meeting. Please find something good, useful, and interesting but you will never need it to sell it. I assure that all of you have a fabulous and unforgettable afternoon.


The agenda:

2:00-2:20               Self Introduction

2:20-3:40               The history of Auction and its classification.

3:40-3:50               Break

3:50-5:30  Auction Time



Owen Lin


Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Please note that we don't have any meeting this Saturday due to the Moon Festival.

Last week,Olivia introduced several useful and interesting English learning websites.I believe that through the free resources,all the attended Blissers can find their own way to learn English by themselves.Below are some websites for your reference.
1. British Council
  http://learnenglish. britishcouncil.org/en/
2. Australia Network
4. on-line Oxford University Press
5. Adult Learning Activities
6. open culture

New Member:
Cara Kang http://ppt.cc/;Abj
Jordan http://ppt.cc/eaoP
Frida Lai http://ppt.cc/yPLR
Welcome to Bliss!

Olivia, Zakk, Daniel, Joey, Allen, Sophia, Jeff, Ellen, Barkley, Frida, Spencer, Kevin Huang, Jessica, Sanli, Iris, A-Show, Ann, Michael Huang, Fox, Cara and Jordan

https://picasaweb.google.com/ ilovebliss.taipei/ LearningEnglishFreeByOliviaSep 32011?authkey= Gv1sRgCPmBvvbUoMyJdg#

Just a preliminary notice that Owen will host the next meeting on Sep.17 and his topic is "Auction".
Please reserve your time to join us!
I will release the agenda next week.

Happy Moon Festival!

Best Regards,



Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Blissers,
Here comes the third outing on Sep. 24 !!
Let's go to I-lan and Fu-long together!

(1) Sign-up period and how: 
Sep. 5 (0 am)~ Sep.19 (24:00)
Please reply the mail directly for sign-up and be sure to provide the below information.
(a)Your English and Chinese name,cellphone number and email address
(b)The number of attendees and total costs you should pay (Blisser or Non-Blisser)
(c)The Chinese name,birthday and ID number of all attendees (for insurance)
(d)Will you come with your car? If yes,how many available seats for other Blissers? We need to arrange the cars in advance.

(2) Costs:
Blisser: NT700
Non-Blisser (who never attends any Bliss meeting): NT800

(3) Early bird discount:
The first sign-up Blisser will get NT100 cash discount and the second to the sixth sign-up Blissers will get NT50 discount.

(4) The deadline of canceling reservations
If you want to cancel your reservation,please contact Barkley,Ellen or Vicky before Sep.20 midnight,otherwise you may have to pay some costs which we've prepaid already.

(5) Please bring one NT10 coin.

(6) Meeting point:
 9/24(Sat.) 07: 40 am  MRT 南港展覽館站   集合

Below is the detail from Barkley,please read it carefully.

Best Regards,


============================== ==========

DEAR ALL BLISSERS : 中秋佳節愉快  秋高氣爽 適合結伴同遊

本年度3RD  也是最後一次OUTING 來了

陽平原400 純淨的土地豐富的自然生態 深厚的人文內涵

拜訪宜蘭 是美食的引誘 是心靈還樸歸真的呼喚  也是經驗在地生活的趣味


如果你()錯過今年第一次的 誰來晚餐 鹿港文化之旅

或是你()MISS 第二次的 辦桌 料理東西軍

或者你()已經接二  這次一定要連三啦


9/24(六) 我們將同遊行程如下:

 9/24(六) 07: 40 AM  MRT 南港展覽館站   集合
1 蘭陽博物館  ( 知性 文化 學習 )   09:00   
    (OPTIONAL)金車城堡咖啡館 ( 團隊分享探索    賞景、品咖啡 )
2 貢寮(澳底) 黑白毛  (海鮮 ) 午餐    12:40 
3 自行車   1 隧道-石城觀景區  (運動 健行 ) 14:00
          2 龍門吊橋 - 林間自行車道
   (OPTIONAL)    桃源谷步道 (運動 健行 )
4 福隆海水浴場 ( 海灘樂樂棒球 散步 談心   ) 17:00 
5 回台北 18:30 ~

重要 !!!  ~  

9/5() 0點起 接受網路報名(直接回覆至Taipei Bliss )  9/19() 24:00截止 費用: 會員 NT 700 非會員 NT 800 
好康 Early Bird 專案 1位報名者 現金NT100獎勵  2~6 各現金NT 50元獎勵 (2011Crew 除外)  此外  請參加者記得另帶10硬幣一枚

( 用途: 賣個關子   記得 樓頂 樓咖 ()  阿公 阿爸 一起報名參加喔    


雨天備案 : 



蘭陽博物館--> 甕仔雞午餐--> 礁溪泡溫泉 --> Go home







Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Last Saturday we shared our opinions about parenting skills.Being parents is not an easy job.It needs the communication skills,time and emotion management techniques.Parents should also set good example with their own conduct and learn how to reject children's requests without saying no directly.Besides the parenting tips in the articles,some Blissers also shared many creative ideas;for examples,parents and children can issue Goodie Vouchers to each other as gifts.Thank Iris for hosting such an useful meeting!

New comers:
Anita http://ppt.cc/,9Yv
Adam http://ppt.cc/ecJ7
Andy http://ppt.cc/CwNJ   (the left)
Welcome to the Bliss Family!

https://picasaweb.google.com/ ilovebliss.taipei/ ParentsChildByIrisAug272011? authkey=Gv1sRgCJXClabqkrivQQ#

Iris, Angela, Ellen, Jessica, Jeff, Vera, Andy, Adam, Joey, Barkley, Kevin & Carol, Allen, Anita, Spencer, Chloe and Daniel.

This upcoming Saturday we are happy to have Olivia as our host.She'd like to introduce some Free English learning resources!Below is her agenda.Please come and join us!The meeting place will be Brown Coffee 2F.

Best Regards,


Dear Blissers,

How to learn English free?
Yes, you are right! Come to Bliss Club once a week!

But that is not sufficient to improve your English capability, right? Therefore, I am going to introduce you some very useful English learning online resouces. You can go to these web sites at any time and learn English by music, movie, game, speech and etc. Not only business English but also general English such as culture, technology, economics, health, history for you to learn. You also can learn different English accent and culture such as Australia, British, and American.

Now everything is on internet, forget the book and Let's have fun together this Saturday! You will find it is more interesting and interactive than reading books. For example: http://www.english-attack.com/

. Register it as a member and play it in advance. Tell us how you feel and gain from this web during the meeting.
ps. Welcome to bring your laptop and have fun with us. If you know any useful and interesting English learning online website, welcome to share with us as well!

The agenda:

2:00-2:10               Self Introduction
2:10-3:40               English Learning online web introduction, exercise and competition
3:40-3:50               Break

3:50-4:50               English Learning online web introduction, exercise and competition
4:50-5:20               Sharing time


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,
Last week Mengta gave us an introduction of financial statements and help us find out what kind of investor we belong to.We also shared our investment experiences with each other.It was a useful meeting,thank Mengta!
Participants were Mengta,Ellen,灌強,Jeff,Kurt,Barkerly,Allen,Ashow,Spencer and Joey.
This upcoming Saturday,Iris will be our host and she'd like to talk about parenting skills.Below is her invitation.Please try to read the articles as attached in advance.The meeting place will be Brown Coffee 3F.Please come and join us!
Best Regards,
Dear Blissers,
Every one knows the importance of the necessity of good parenting, but we seldom learn the education-related skills from the public media in order to better help our kids;  if no one give us parenting knowledge and we also don’t learn parenting skill, we won’t be able to tackle principle child problems at our home.  In this coming meeting, hope we can benefit a lot by reading these articles.  The meeting agenda is as below.
For your better understanding, please try to read these articles in advance; I will prepare the hard copies for you at site.
"Article reading & discussion"
2:00-2:10    Self Introduction
2:10-3:40    Article 01: Online Auction
3:40-3:50    Break
3:50-4:50    Article 02: Parenting Tips
4:50-5:20    Vocabulary Game
Best Regards,
Iris Lin

Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss.taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Hello Blissers,

Last week,we discussed why people want to live long and how to live longer.Most of us agreed that leading a healthy and happy life is more important than a longer life.Diana also shared us the concepts of LOHAS ,slow food and introduced a slow city in Italy.The discussion helped us to think about what kind of lifestyle we'd like to have.Thank Diana for bringing us a meaningful and interesting meeting!

New comer:
Allen (the left) http://ppt.cc/j!!b
Welcome to join Bliss Family!

https://picasaweb.google.com/ ilovebliss.taipei/ HowPeopleLiveLongByDianaAug132 011?authkey= Gv1sRgCKH7qZfQt7HRywE#

This Saturday,Mengta would like to talk about "Invesment".The following is his invitation.Please come and join us!
The meeting place will be Jeff's place,百達富麗(市和平西路一段61號,近捷運古亭站 7號出口).
For late comers,please tell the guard look for "KTV room reserved by 18F Mr. Chang". Please bring your own beverage.

Best Regards,


Dear Blissers,
Do you make investments?  Did you suffer investment losses from the recently  U.S. credit rating downgraded by S&P? 
I choose this subject as my host topic because business and financials are around our daily life.  All of us work so hard everyday to make money. It’s important for us to manage our money well, isn’t it?  We have to let money make money.  How do we let money make money?  Investment!  I believe that most of you have or had some investment experience.  Let's share with each other.
2:00 ~ 2:20 Self-introduction and warm up
2:20 ~ 2:50 Brief introduction of financial statements
2:50 ~ 3:20 Group Discussion - investment experience sharing
3:20 ~ 3:40 Tea break
3:40 ~ 4:10 Group Discussion – Identify accounts
4:10 ~ 5:30 Group Game – Bliss fund investment

Kind regards,

Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Dear Blissers,

We are happy to have Diana as our host this week,she'd like to discuss the length of our life.
Do you want to live a longer life? Why or why not? How to live longer?
Some people said "what doesn't kill you makes you poorer". Health care costs can drain your retirement savings!
So,stay healthy is very important if you'd like to live long.

There are pros and cons of a longer life,please come and share your opinions with us!

The meeting place will be Jeff's place
,百達富麗(北市和平西路一段61號,近捷運古亭站 7號出口).
For late comers,please tell the guard look for "KTV room reserved by 18F Mr. Chang". Please bring your own beverage.

Below is the invitation from the host,Diana.

Best Regards,


Dear Blissers,
Have you ever thought about "how long will I live" , "why" and " how"?  Yes, I am thinking.
The subject of this meeting that I want to discuss is "how people live long?"
The idea is from an important—​and deeply fascinating—​book "The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study."
Whatever,  I sincerely invite you to join and share your thinking with us.

2:00-2:30 self-introduction and share your tip of the longevity

2:30-3:10  Discussion1 Why people want to live long? Don't you?

3:10-3:20  break

3:20-4:00  Discussion2 Does it matter, long life?

4:00-4:10  break

4:10-4:50  Discussion3 How people live long?

4:50-5:00  Closing remarks


Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218(建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

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