目前分類:Bliss in 2014 (49)

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Coming soon: YEP on 12/13 afternoon
Hi, Blissers,
On 11/29 Jessica shared her experiences of working holiday in Taiwan and Thailand. She used her specialty of cooking and working experience to win the jobs. We are reminded to describe our specialty precisely and mention several interests in resume to avoid doing the same job.
It’s very interesting to see Jessica’s photos of her life, working and leisure time in Tai Tung and Bangkok. To practice carving skill, we are divided into several groups to try fruit carving. Cara and Angel won the game and got the lovely gifts from Jessica. Jessica also provided us a list of working holiday websites which are very useful.
At the last, Jessica invited us to join her annual plans which are “Long stay in foreign country”, “Volunteering in Europe”, and “English tour guide in cultural field”. We all learned a lot and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon.
Participants: Angel, Angela, Alice, Alisa, Allan, Cindy, Cara, Diana, Daniel Yang, Fox, Michael H, Jessica, Jeff, Joe, Joyce, Judith, Justin, Sandy, Selina, Serina, Sophia, Yvonne
New Blissers: Justin Lu (here), Alice Yu (here)
Meeting Photos: click here
Special thanks to 32 hosts of 2014 and your participation.
See you in 2015 for the whole new Bliss Meetings!

141129 Bliss meeting notice - Jessica @ YEP on 12.13  

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  • Coming soon:  YEP on 12/13
  • On 22 Nov Uncle Ting introduced the life Muslims and hala food, talking about what is tour guide /tour leader different. We appreciated the "world and Taiwan" beauty and special pictures. He also shared the tip to have a good holiday to save time and money! The new member Sandy also shared with us her photos and exchange student life in Germany. Blissers were excited to share their unforgettable traveling memories with each other!

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  • Coming soon: 11/29 Jessica Yang (the last meeting of 2014!)
  • Hi Blissers, we are calling the end of year 2014 so please enjoy the last two Bliss meetings of this month. This Saturday is Uncle Ting’s Fun of Traveling and you are welcome to bring photos of your fascinating trips!
    2014年即將到尾聲,最後兩場會議好好享受!本週六Uncle Ting的旅遊特別節目,歡迎大家攜帶自己的照片獻寶~
  • -------------------------------------------------------
  • 11/22 Saturday meeting @ 2:00 - 5:30 pm:
  • 伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 3樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用
  • Add: 台北市中山區南京東路2218
  • (建國北路交叉口,近捷運松江南京站3分鐘)  
  • ------------------------------------------------------   

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Bliss 2014 Year End Party

**~ Bliss頒獎典禮 ~**


Thanks to our fellow hosts and hostesses we had great Saturdays for 32 meetings in 2014! We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to their dedication and appreciation to all Blissers' participation in this coming Year End Party. Guess who are the top 3 most popular Host/Hostress of 2014? Who is the best new member of 2014? Come join us to share the happiness and excitement together.


Every year old members and new Blissers will meet in the Year Eng Party to enjoy food and friendship. It will be a great opportunity for us to reflect what we learn from the Bliss meetings. Let's make a sweet memory of 2014!


主題/Theme: Bliss Award 頒獎典禮 
服裝/Dress Code: Smart Casual (美麗帥氣
 express yourself)


日期/Date: 1213(週六)/December 13 (Saturday) 2014
時間/Time: 下午2:30 - 5:30 (2:20入座) / 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm (seating from 2:20 pm)

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 Coming soon: 11/22 Uncle Ting, 11/29 Jessica Yang

“Marketing and Sales Strategies” by Clark KUO @ 2014/11/08

Our host Clark works for the Taipei government. Because of his job he meets lots of enterprises and guests everyday and therefore wants to teach us about how to make a good presentation. To begin with, Clark used powerpoint to show some key points, such as different presentation to different customer and ask probing questions. Our fellow Blisser Ellen also shared an incident in her company about how to ask important questions.

After some theories, the host divided participants into two groups for everyone to practice merchandising their product. In the practice Cara sold banana with blender free.  At last, everyone gave an example that its selling skills make people impressed. Wisely and Daniel were impressed by the convenient store 7-11’s creative marking activities that attracted so many people to spend money just for some toys. We had an educating afternoon to learn about how businessman how to make a profit from consumers.


Participants: Cara, Daniel, Ellen, Jeff, Judith, Kai, Millie, Wisely

Meeting Photos (Picasa)click here

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  • 2014.11 Coming soon poster  
  • Coming soon:
  • 11/22 Uncle Ting, Fun of Traveling
  • 11/29Jessica Yang, Fun working holiday


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Coming soon:
11/08 Clark Kuo, Marketing and Sales Strategies @ Brown Coffee
11/22 Uncle Ting
11/29 Jessica Yang, Fun working holiday @ Brown Coffee
Dear Blissers 

Last Saturday thanks Diana for inviting Blissers and guiding us to explore the fascinating explanation: Taipei Biennial (台北雙年展) 2014 - "The Great Acceleration (劇烈加速度)" in 北美館

"Anthropocene人類世" means human activities (Industry revolution/ pollution) made many huge and speedy influences on our earth, it has been taken into a new geological era. Through those works of art in museum, reminded us to find the balance between modern & technological and ecosystem & environment.

Finally, Diana separated Blissers into some groups to share the most impressive art work of today and opinions on the relationship between technology and attitude.

Participants: Annie, Anteia, Barkley, Cara, Danial Yang, Diana, Joe, Ellen Huang, Sharon Chang, Yvonne
Meeting Photos: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/101726755048448689917/albums/6075178039789448833

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Our lovely old bone, Barkley, is our host on 18 Oct. First, he let participants learn some emotional vocabularies and pick one emotional word to share their experience recently. Most blissers pick “anger” this word to share their experience. Next stage, Barkley use the story that small David fight huge Golia as an example to teach us the key to deal with emotional. The most important part is become the master of your emotional in 3 easy step. They are wait, observe and communicate. Feelings are temporary. With these 3 tools, you could through it safely. The last part, Barkley share an article that teach us how to build up hope. Because hope brings the power and direction make you happy without negative motion.

Last but not the least, we all thank Allen for allowing Blissers to use his sweet house as our meeting venue.

Participants: Anne, Angel, Barkley, Barkley’s wife, Cara, Daniel Yang, Ellen, Kai, Sharon, Wisely

MeetingPhotos (Picasa):


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  • Coming soon: 10/25 Diana, 11/1 Kurt, 11/8 Clark
  • Hi Blissers, on 10/4 Kevin Ting shared with us the insight of Cloud Computing, which is internet-based computing where large groups of remote servers are networked to allow sharing of data-processing tasks, centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources. Kevin also suggested some tips for setting proper username and password for the cloud account. He played an interesting video about Google Cloud Platform. The participants played three games for English practice about invention time of various electronic devices.

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Coming soon10/4 Kevin, 10/18 Clark, 10/25 Dianna, 11/1 Kurt
9/27 Saturday meeting @ 2:00 - 5:30 pm:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 3樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用。
Add: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218 (建國北路口,捷運松江南京站)
Who Moved My Cheese? @ 9/27 By Sharon & Sanli

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Coming soon: 9/27 Sharon & Sanli, 10/4 Kevin, 10/18 Clark, 10/25 Dianna

Dear Blissers,

On 13th September our dear hostess Annie had everyone shared their favorite Taiwanese food or snack. She distributed cards showing a famous Taiwanese food/snack and encouraged Blissers to introduce the food to the other. She also brought many snacks as souvenirs and shared with us. Blissers watched an interesting video about gift-giving taboos. For example in local practices a clock is not a good gift. We were given a card of different taboo gifts and learned to explain the reason. Congratulates to Sharon for winning the best participant of the meeting!

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Coming soon: 9/27 Sharon & Sanli, 10/4 Kevin, 10/18 Clark, 10/25Dianna
Here comes the latest Bliss Meeting and please find some words from our dearest hostess Annie! 
9/13 Saturday meeting @ 2:00 - 5:30 pm: 
伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 2樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用。
Add: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218號 (建國北路口,捷運松江南京站)

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Coming soon: 9/13 Annie, 9/27 Sharon & Sanli, 10/4 Kevin
In Charles’s meeting on 30 August, we learned why human is different from other animals. It’s because we have a mind that can think and reason at a high level to know the truth of life. Although everything is determined, we can try to learn and spread the truth of life to a realm where there’s no fear, pain or death.
The truth reveals that we don’t need to experience the bad to have the good. The bad will still happen, but we will perceive it differently.
Charles led us to discuss how to find the truth. Writing diary is a good way to separate mind and spirit to find the truth, shared by Sanli. The other important key is “present”. We should cherish every moment since it’s a ultimate gift. We also need to search true freedom which is having the ability to be fulfilled independently of what happens in the environment.
It’s very interesting and meaningful to think about those questions brought by Charles. Everyone’s sharing made us thinking and getting closer to ultimate truth. Hope all of us can feel fulfilled no matter what happens in future.
Please find the attachment handout "The Truth" for everyone (via email)!
Participants: Allen, Angel, Angela, Cara, Charles, Daniel, Ellen, Janice, Jeff, Kai, Kevin Huang, Michael Huang, Sanli, Sharon, Wisely
New BlissersLeah Chou (click here)
Photos (Picasa): click here
Please note there is no meeting on 6th September.
The next Bliss meeting is scheduled on 13th September and Annie will share with us the Taste of Taiwan and Other Reminders. Don’t miss it!
140903 Bliss meeting notice - no meeting on 6th Sep  

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暢玩桌遊  歡樂同聚
Bliss的各位同學們,很久沒有動動腦筋了? 還記得小時候跟姐妹或是兄弟們一起玩大富翁,相互絞盡腦汁又笑不攏嘴的美好時刻嗎? 這次Bliss為各位帶來近年快速風靡台灣的桌遊體驗,並於用腦過度後至餐廳享用美食的輕行程,歡迎大家一起來。

主辦:Bliss English Club  日期:2014920





洽詢專線:Wisely 張竣翔  (請看您的電子郵件通知)



1. 【桌遊地下城】 台北市大安區延吉街110B1:從國父紀念館站2號出口出來,第一個路口(有個7-11)右轉,直走到底看招牌,只要2分鐘就能找到。


2. WaPasta義磚義瓦】台北市大安區敦化南路一段233591搭乘捷運板南線(藍)至忠孝敦化站,三號出口出站後,於明曜百貨Uniqlo旗艦店後方第二條巷子左轉即可到達。


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140825 Bliss meeting notice - Charles @8.30  

Coming soon: 9/13 Annie, 9/27 Sharon & Sanli, 10/4 Kevin

Last Saturday the new hostess Sherry introduced acupuncture (針灸) and its scientific research. Even though from anatomy and physiology there is no solid evidence to prove the location of acupuncture points (穴位), we used our fingers to press some acupuncture opinions and found Hegu (合谷穴) and Inner Gate point.

Sherry also shared with   us a detailed picture about the hand acupressure (穴道按摩) points. Acupressure on the hand points may increase circulation, release symptoms, reduce muscle tension and stiffness, strengthen resistance to disease and promote wellness.

Finally everyone talked about their best way to relieve stress like eating snacks, shopping and exercising. Cliff taught the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) manual, a form of psychological acupressure by tapping face acupuncture points. Allen raised a question about whether finding the root of stress is important and how to deal with it. Thanks to Sherry for an educating and interesting meeting!

Participants: Allen, Angela, Alisa, Ashow, Anne, Cliff Kuo, Daniel Yang, Ellen, Jeff, Janice, Kevin Huang, Sherry Cheng, Vicki Lin, Wisely, 韶芸


New Blisser: Sherry Cheng (click here), Vicki Lin (click here)


Meeting Photos (Picasa):  Click here


8/30 Saturday meeting @ 2:00 - 5:30 pm:

伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 2樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用。

Add: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218 (建國北路口,捷運松江南京站)



“The Truth” by Charles Chang @ 8/30


To talk about this topic, let us become open minded, and share your idea of Truth. In fact, we all surrounded with truths, and more ideas come from religion, from education system, cultures, families, friends etc. It will be fun but also thoughtful, please share and let us know your idea about those truths.



14:00~15:00  Self-introduction with 5 truths in your life
15:00~16:00  The idea of Truth, and ultimate Truth.
16:00~17:30  If, the “truth” is true? Or not?




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Coming soon: 8/30 Charles, 9/13 TBC, 9/27 Sharon & Sanli, 10/4 Kevin

Because of her passion in charity, Doris dedicated 1 year in volunteering at Downham Market, UK. Through her introduction, we had a basic understanding of how to join international volunteer program (through ICYE, CSV) and the requirements we need to meet. Doris had to work 5 days a week and involved in several programs (charity shops, gardening, riding healing, dog walking) to help people with physical and mental disabilities. Doris acted as peer, tutor and mentor for her service users and helped them in empathy, supervision and company. It’s very interesting to know the actual volunteering life through Doris’s presentation.

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Coming soon: 8/23 Sherry, 8/30 Annie, 9/13 Charles, 9/27 Sharon & Sanli
精彩回顧請看痞克邦部落格: 7/19 Wisely, “Cycling Around Our Lovely Taiwan”  http://blisstaipei520.pixnet.net/blog/post/380334857
The coming Bliss meeting is on August 16 at Mr. Brown Coffee (伯朗咖啡) and Doris will share with us her volunteering in the UK. Please find the agenda as below:

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Coming soon: 8/16 Doris, 8/23 Sherry, 8/30 Annie, 9/13 Charles
As a Taiwanese, have you ever thought what activity is you must do on this island? Many of us spent much time traveling around the outside world, but few using our foot step by step to see the land we live. Wisely spent 8 days cycling around Taiwan with his basketball team partner Howard Liu in 2011. During the way, he saw many beautiful view and met a lot of friendly people. Meanwhile, Wisely taught us how to prepared this mission from body, budget, bicycle to equipment. Then he shared the 8 days experience and pictures for participants. At last, Wisely suggested every Blisser must with the Unbreakable Determination and don’t let others opinions to affect your dream. By Wisely’s meeting, we know it’s not easy to cycle around Taiwan, but it’s a good way to know our country deeply.
Participants: Angela Lai, Angel, Allen Aloha, Anita, Cliff, Daniel, Ellen, Janice, Jeff, Jessica, Joe, Kevin, Vicky, Wisely

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2014.8 Coming soon poster  

There is no Bliss Meeting on August 2 & 9. The next meeting is on August 16 and Doris will host a meeting for the very first time.  

本週六(8/2) 及下週六(8/9) 會議暫停,下次Bliss會議是8/16是Doris第一次當主持人,請大家多多捧場!


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Coming soon: 8/16 Doris, 8/23 Sherry, 8/30 Annie, 9/13 Charles
On 19 July Owen introduced the history of auction. Beginning from 500B.C. auctions were used to sell women for marriage, now they have become the accepted manner of selling everything. There are four primary types of auctions: English auction (open ascending price auction), Dutch Auction (open descending price auction), Sealed first-price auction (blind auction), and Chinese Auction (with a raffle). 

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