Dear all bliss members,
Last week, Connor shared his favorite songs from 70s to 90s. Some classical songs, such as “The Logical Song”, “True Colors”, and “You Will be in My Heart.” There is no doubt that they are really worth to listen it again and again. Thank Connor for his sharing and thank Allen, Brock, Fox, Jacky, Joe, Karen, Kyle, Mengta, and Sheena, Tin for your participation.
Next week, Ellen would discuss the masterpieces of Vincent Willem van Gogh. He is one of the famous Dutch painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art. Since Ellen is an experienced and outstanding host, I think it would be an interesting meeting.
This is the Masterpiece by Vincent van Gogh , however like the other masterpieces , they will NOT here in this exhibition in Taiwan this Dec……..!!
Dec.11 2009 , there will a big opening ceremony for the exhibition at National Museum of History of Vincent van Gogh all the away from Holland ~ and many of you may already aware of this exhibition from TV ,newspaper and web …through those massive advertisement broadcasting.
If you are planning to go, please do pay your attention here ,because some of you may feel shocked and stunned after you go to this exhibition …..not by those masterpieces van Gogh painted but by the feeling being cheated !!
I'm saying this with my reasons ~ Van Gogh is so famous and rarely people in Taiwan never heard of him….however…, the works of van Gogh exhibited this time in Taiwan , most of them are not so popular and famous and most of us rarely heard of these works… terms of those famous ones ,like "self-portrait with bandage ear and pipe" , "Starry Night", "Sun Flowers" none of them are in the exhibition this time …what worse is the works here in the exhibition this time , there are only 21 piece of oil-painting …and rest of 77 pieces of small sketches works in order to fill-in the spaces….could you guys image that those black and white drawings full with the exhibition room like we going to the funeral room… ??
What will you think if you spend your dollars and waiting in the long lines and seeing all of these ??
There is no "Star"- I mean the popular and familiar works the people knew in this exhibition ,therefore , it provide a very good chance for us to get better understanding of van Gogh's growth and progress of the painting technique in his life ,as well as comparing the good and bad of his works. Again ,this is a good chance for us to practice our taste of art appreciation .
In my meeting this coming Sat. I will give u guys a totally different point of view to see Vincent van Gogh & his works….which will amaze you guys and thus , provide some small help and info for you if you would like to visit to van Gogh exhibition and without any regret.
14:00- 14:20 Warm up : what do you know about Vincent or his works
14:20-15:00 Vincent is a……"Strawberry"(草梅族) ? Cosplayer ?
15:00-15:50 Vincent and his love stories
15:50-16:00 break
16:00-16:30 Vincent's favorite alcohol – Absinth
( In this session ,you guys could also drink” Absinth” I bought at Arles this Oct )
16:30-17:00 Being Vincent van Gogh yourselves !!
17:00-17:30 A word for Vincent from you guys
Education manager
Meeting Place:
牯嶺街小劇場地址 : 台北市中正區牯嶺街 5 巷 2 號 2F
公車: 1 路公車【牯嶺街小劇場站】