目前分類:Bliss in 2009 (42)

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Dear Bliss members, 

We have arranged our meeting date from Feb. to July yet.

Please refer to the website, you'll see the calendar.


 We still look for the hosts for some meetings, and we will confirm the host soon and update to all of you.



blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Dear all bliss members,

Happy Chinese new year! I hope you all have a memorable vacation.
This week, we have the first meeting of 2009! It would be hosted by our president, Julie.
Please don't miss it!

There are two things you should note:
1. the meeting place is北義極品咖啡館(師大店), not牯嶺街小劇場,
    please refer to the website : 
2. no site cost is required, but please pay the cover charge (60 NTD)

Happy New Year!My dear blisser~

It's Julie!

How was your new year? Have fun? Or busy for something? I went to 宜蘭 last Friday. It was crowded everywhere!But I still had fun. ^^

Here comes the first meeting in 2009! The topic in this week is "Know more about the cattle!" 2009 is the Year of the Ox, so in this Saturday afternoon, I will show you some interesting information about the cattle, (ox, cow, bull…) such as animal idioms and the famous festival in Spain – Bull-Running. Then we will have funny games and activities.

Please come to join us. We will have a great day!

Best Regards,



Education manager

Meeting Place:
牯嶺街小劇場地址 : 台北市中正區牯嶺街 5 巷 2 號 2F
公車: 1 路公車【牯嶺街小劇場站】
MAP: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss&article_id=12141864
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss.taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/Taipei

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