
Wanna see more meeting photos? check our album!

Dear Blissers,
I would like to appreacite a lot for the Blissers who joined Ethan's meeting last weekend. This gives all Bliss 2007 crew much inspiration and encourage. Please go to our Bliss Blog  to leave your message in Ethan's meeting section.
This week, we will also have a very wonderful meeting by senior member, Clark. He will continue his last topic "Communication management" and share his personal experience with us.
This week, we will keep the same meeting place in 北義極品
地點 : 北義極品   地下室 
地址 :台北市泰順街 50巷27號  
台電大樓站3號出口,從師大路上的7-ELEVEN跟全家便利商店的巷子進入 往前約58公尺 (第一個巷子口)的左手邊即可看到 
電話 :2365-0007 

Good communication is one of the keys to a successful career no matter what field you choose, and many different skills contribute to a professional's capacity to communicate well.  Improving communication is a continuous process of learning, doing, critiquing, evaluating, and doing again.

Management Communication is intended to help you think strategically about communication and aid you in improving your writing, presentation, and interpersonal communication skills within a managerial setting. We will look at a set of "best practices" or guidelines that have been derived from both research and experience, give you the opportunity to put those guidelines into practice, and provide you with feedback on your work to help you strengthen your abilities.

Join us this Saturday afternoon and you will learn different aspects of communication within a managerial setting!!

See you then !!! 
Meeting Material available below:

Electronic media
Giving and receiving feedback
Intercultural communication
Media relation
Team work basics

~ 14:15   Warm up
14:15 ~ 15:00  Teamwork Basics
15:00 ~ 15:20  Tea Break

15:20 16:00 Giving and Receiving Feedback /Intercultural Communication

16:00 16:20 Tea Break

16:20 ~  17:00 Media Relations/ Persuasion/Electronic Media

17:00  ~ 17:30  Group Discussion 

Clark Kuo


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