Dear Blissers,
After a long Chinese New Year Holidays, the brand new meetings in Golden Pig Year will start from this week. All of you can not wait for it, right ?!
This week, our ChairWoman, Vicky Lin, will host a wonderful topic "Brand Building Framework". Let us check carefully we will find various brands are around us so closely. Some brands come quickly and go swiftly. And some can be kept in our mind for a long time. Do you know why and how ? Let Vicky tell you. Please do not forget to join us this week.
There are a lot of successful famous brands in the world and we just love them- Apple, Nike, Coke, Sony, Giant, Lexus, LV, BMW, Chanel, Mont Blanc, !
During the meeting, we will discuss mass famous brands and also the following questions:
How can these brands be so popular and successful?
Are there any rules to build a brand?
What makes a brand fail? Any reason?
How to start with my brand?
How does the market look like? Any chance for my brand?
Where are my customers/consumers? How to reach them?
What do my customers/consumers like or dislike?
….. and more!
You may refer to the book for some brands we will discuss- “Rising Tide(English version)” or “P&G品牌行銷密碼(Chinese version)”.
Owen Lin
Education Manager
Mobile :0928-131-126


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