Dear Blissers,

Although we do not have meeting this week, we still can learn something.
I would like to share 2007 Oxford word of the Year to you.

Locavore : it is more like a life style. To love and cherish our earth.

Please refer to the article quoted from below: 

The “locavore” movement encourages consumers to buy from farmers’ markets or even to grow or pick their own food, arguing that fresh, local products are more nutritious and taste better. Locavores also shun supermarket offerings as an environmentally friendly measure, since shipping food over long distances often requires more fuel for transportation. 
“The word ‘locavore’ shows how food-lovers can enjoy what they eat while still appreciating the impact they have on the environment,” said Ben Zimmer, editor for American dictionaries at Oxford University Press. 
“It’s significant in that it brings together eating and ecology in a new way.” 
“Locavore” was coined two years ago by a group of four women in San Francisco who proposed that local residents should try to eat only food grown or produced within a 100-mile radius. Other regional movements have emerged since then, though some groups refer to themselves as “localvores” rather than “locavores.” However it’s spelled, it’s a word to watch.
Quote from

Have a nice weekend and see you next week.


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