Dear all bliss members,

Last weekend, Owen gave us a carefree afternoon. He showed many
interesting and unforgettable stuff for us.
I think you all have a great fun in this meeting. Thank for Owen's hard work.
And I also need to thank Nelly, Willy, Elsa, Joan, Joey, Patrick,
Barkley, Julie, Sylvia, Pierce, Rita, Benjic, Michael Tsai, Michael
Huang, and Elise for your participation.
The following is the photo link:

This week, Clark would like to discuss mental health with us. Since
the endemic problem becomes much serious in today’s society, we should
take care about our mental health.
As a result, if you are interested in learning some healthy living
strategies, please do not miss it! His message is as follows:

Topic: Mental Health--- Maintaining a balance

One in four of us will have some sort of mental health problem in our
life. This means there are millions of people in Taiwan who are either
encountering problems themselves or know someone else who is
experiencing them.
Dealing with mental illness

Have you ever worried excessively, felt depressed or anxious without
knowing why, felt someone was a threat to your wellbeing, thought
about suicide as an escape - or abused alcohol or drugs to self-treat
a psychological problem?

Mental disorders can be insidious - working their way into many life
situations - and they can also be devastating, destroying individuals'
effective functioning in life, as well as affecting their families and
the people surrounding them.
Achieving a balance

We all have to deal with traumatic events from time to time - it's
part of life - but as unique individuals we each have different ways
of coping. While some of us have the capacity to overcome these events
easily, others may find them more of a challenge.

To minimize the stress of day-to-day life we need to balance our
expectations against what can realistically be achieved. We need to
learn to express our feelings honestly and to manage our anger in
order to avoid destructive situations.
Lead a healthier lifestyle

It's never too late to change - establish good habits now and you'll
continue to reap the benefits.


14:00~14:15 Warm up
14:15~15:00 Emotional health
15:00~15:20 Tea Break
15:20~16:00 Disorders and conditions/Coping Skills
16:00~16:20 Tea Break
16:20~17:00 Healthy Living
17:00~17:30 Group Discussion

Clark Kuo


Education manager

Meeting Place:
牯嶺街小劇場地址 : 台北市中正區牯嶺街 5 巷 2 號 2F
公車: 1 路公車【牯嶺街小劇場站】

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