
Dear all bliss members,


Last week our host, Michael Tsai, bring us a great lesson about American Idioms. We learned the types of Idioms – Fixed type and Wild-card type, and many interesting Idioms with illustrations. We also debated on the pro and cons of rekindling on old flame. I believe that all the attended learned a lot in this meeting. I’d like to summarize the idioms and share with you as follows:



A red herring

A diversion

Throw down the gauntlet

Challenge somebody

Cat got your tongue

Can’t talk

Feel like a million dollar

Feel great

Have a finger in the pie

Join or participate in something

Something rings the bell

Something reminds you

Play the field

Date many different people at the same time

Smell a rat

Feel suspicious about something

Go to the dogs

Become rundown; get worse

Take the bull by the horns

deal with the problem head-on

Bury the hatchet

end hostilities

Feed someone a line

Deceive someone

Kick the bucket


Let the cat out of the bag

reveal the secret

Bite the dust

die; fail; break down

Scratch one’s back

to accommodate with a favor especially in expectation of like return

Hit the ceiling

become very angry

For the bird

worthless, ridiculous, good for nothing

Shake a leg


Shoot the breeze

talk, chat


Thanks Jay, Tracy, Joy, Fox, Nelly, Barkley, Karl, Angela, Stephanie and Owen for your participation.  The following is the photo link:



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