Dear blissers,


Yesterday Barkley brought us a nice afternoon. We recognized some precious animals and plants, such as Taiwan black bear, butterflies and orchids.  We also learned a useful skill about the action we should take while running into a bear in the wilds.  In the second half of the meeting, we grouped into to 4 teams to discuss about two topics:

a)   Wet land community design

b)   Some useful ways to protect environment


We also learned a lot of vocabularies. Thanks Barkley for providing the following import ones. I believe they’re very useful to you.


1.the equator 赤道

2.the tropics / the torrid zone 熱帶

3.the temperate zone 溫帶

4.the frigid zone 寒帶

5.latitude 緯度

6.tropic of cancer 北廻歸線

7.tropic of capricorn 南廻歸線

8.coral 珊瑚

9.emerald 綠寶石

10.wilderness 荒野

11.wetland 濕地

12.the kidney 腎臟

13.flood control 防洪

14.ground water recharge 補充地下水

15.coastal protection 保護海案

16.poison 毒物 資產

18.gene pool 基因庫

19.habitat 居民

20.endangered species 瀕臨絕種物種

21.recreation 休閒

22.atmospheric equilibrium 氣候調節



25.purify clarify 淨化

26.birding 賞鳥

27.glacier 冰河

28.small leaf edelweiss 玉山薄雪草

29.common selfheal 夏枯草

30.crystal orchid 水晶蘭

31.photosynthesis 光合作用

32.altitude 海拔

33.jurassic period 侏儸紀

34.salmon / sakura masu 鮭魚 櫻花鉤吻鮭

35.adopt 認領()


Thanks Kurt, Nelly, Stanley, Catherine, Angel, Angela, David, Stephanie, Ellen, Karl, Sam, Sylvia and Fox for your participation. The following is the meeting ‘s photo link:


For the next 3 weeks, 2/6, 2/13 and 2/20, there’s NO meeting because of the Chinese Lunar New Year.  Wish you guys all have nice holidays and vacations.






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    Bliss English Club

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