Dear Blissers,
This week Patrick is going to share with us a famous movie which is about the 2008 financial crisis. If you're interested in the sub-prime mortgage cirsis or the life in Wall Street, don't miss it.
The following is from Patrick.
Meeting for 12/04

This week I am going to share the movie: Wall Street Money Never Sleeps (English subtitle)

This movie is the sequel from the original 1987 - Wallstreet acting by Charlie SheenMichael Douglas
The latest movie is under the background of the 2008 world financial crisis triggered by the subprime mortgage and following the fall-down of the stock, bank titan Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

Whether or not you like the financial world, it is dominating our world in nearly everything from individual bank saving, fund raising, investment and even the national debts. 
Face and learn what the world financial center - Wallstreet has trembled and manipulated the world simply among the leaping fingers by a bunch of stockers & bankers.

You may call them "blood-sucing vampires" inhumanly dwelling in the living mankind world.


0200~0220: Warm up and new friends introduction


0220~0420: Watch the Movie - all Street Money Never Sleeps 

0420~0430: take a break

0430~0450: financial terminology/glossary learning
0450~0530: talk about some major financial incidents in the world and the next big event that might fall. 
Share some investment tools to fight against the inflation.

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