Dear Blissers,
The topic of the coming meeting is "Taiwan" hosted by Ellen.She prepared several articles as attached,please choose 3 articles,print them out and read in advance,then bring them to the meeting.Please note that the meeting place will be Brown Coffee 2F.Below is the letter from Ellen.
Best Regards,
Dear Blisser

Not seeing you girls and guys for long,we've been rested for 2 weeks and not seeing each other in Bliss for 2 weeks.Really miss you all :)

Here comes our 4th study circle this year on 5/14 , this Sat, we're going to study TAIWAN.What and how will you introduce Taiwan to your foreign friends of their first visit to Taiwan ?

Pls choose 3 subjects out of enclosed 7 articles which you found most difficult for you to introduce to your foreign friends.Let's try to take a challenge of ourselves and learn how to introduce our beautiful island together :)

: Please PRINT OUT the 3 article you chosen and bring them with you to the Bliss meeting.Host won't be able to prepare any hard copy of the articles in the meeting on 5/14 .

Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Sandy,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218 (建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: ilovebliss
Calendar: calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. Taipei

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