Dear Blissers,
The 2nd outing of 2011 is coming,are you excited?Please find the following invitation from our activity managers,Barkley and Naihsin.Don't hesitate to sign up for the banquet
Best Regards,
Bliss Q2 activity
“Shall we eat?” An invitation of eating can be affectionate and “eating together” itself shows intimacy. Outdoor banquet features the food culture and also the hospitality of Taiwanese. Let’s have a reunion with our old friends & good friends and invite our new friends & foreign friends, to cook, eat and have fun together, and to hark back to the good old memory or experience the fresh eating culture of Taiwan outdoor banquet!
When: 6/11 (Sat.) 9:00 ~ 16:00 (meet-up: 9AM at MRT Peitou station)
Where: Peitou Scouts Tree house (map as attached)
What: 09:30~10:00 Tree house tour & brief history
10:00~11:00 Introduction of outdoor cooking (roasted chicken, barbecued pork); kiln(窯) building & fire starting
10:00~12:00 Cooking Time
12:30 Kiln sealing -> roasting (chicken & sweet potato) started
14:00~15:00 Kiln breaking -> Meal time
15:00~16:00 Game yard exploring
How to PK:
--All members are grouped into two teams (by the organizer)
--Each team must prepare 6 dishes, including soup and kiln roasted chicken (土窯雞)
--Shopping budget must be within $200 each person
--Must name each dish & introduce in English
--The connoisseur jury will decide on the winner team according to below criteria:
team spirits, taste, distinctiveness & creativity , budget control : 20% each
time control, English introduction : 10% each
Who: YOU! Be you a talented cook, a gourmet, or just a friend fond of having fun together
Fancy a warm rustic meal with friends? Just sign up by Jun. 4 (Sat.) by emailing Naihsin or Barkley or calling them, giving your phone number and email address.
6/11 OUTING主題 ~ BLISS之料理東西軍 台灣辦桌
有一種約稱為"飲食之約" (相約一起吃飯) 人與人一起吃飯表達彼此的關係更親密. 辦桌是台灣特有的民間飲食文化 辦桌富含濃厚人文意義 展現台灣人好客 友善的特質. 讓我們透過這一次的活動 邀請 好朋友 老朋友 新朋友 外國朋友 出外的朋友 大家一起來辦桌吃飯 體驗 多元 包容 人情味的台灣文化.
活動內容: 09:30~10:00 介紹環境及樹屋興建點滴
10:00~11:00 說明各種烹飪方法(焢窯雞,桶仔雞,石板烤肉),搭窯,堆土,生火
10:00~12:00 比賽
12:30 放雞/地瓜入窯,蓋土封窯
14:00~15:00 開窯,用餐
15:00~16:00 探索遊戲院
競賽方式: 採東西兩軍分隊競賽
-- 菜色5菜1湯 (指定菜:土窯雞.其餘菜色各隊自行發揮)
-- 預算: 各隊預算請控制於每人200元範圍 (須出示收據或自行記錄)
-- 各組須為菜色命名並以英文介紹菜餚
-- 評審評分標準:團隊精神、菜餚口味、菜餚創意特色、預算掌握度,各佔20%;上菜時間控制、菜色介紹精彩度,各佔10%
報名方式 : 請於6/4(六)前email Naihsin或Barkley,或以電話當面、飛鴿傳書均可.請留下聯絡電話以及email address,以便後續活動細節通知及分組隊員連絡討論菜色。