
Dear Blissers,

Happy new year! hope you all had a wonderful holiday.
The first Bliss meeting in 2012 is coming! We are glad to have Clark as our host on the coming Saturday.
Please come to join us! Let's make a New Year's resolution to improve your English skills and attend the Bliss meeting as more as you can. The meeting place will be Brown Coffee 2F or 3F.


************************************Below is from Clark************************************
Dear Blissers,

Happy New Year! Wish you all happy, healthy and prosperous in the coming dragon year.
This time I’d like to provide some practical business tips with you that I hope may give you better ideas in dealing with what you encounter at work.
However, you may find that some tips may also help you overcome difficulities and challenges in your life.
Don’t forget to come to this week’s meeting and share your brilliant opinion with us!!  
The agenda for this week’s meeting is as follows:
14:00~14:15  Warm up
14:15~15:00  How to Create and Deliver a Killer Sales Presentation?/ 6 Low-Cost Marketing Strategies/ 4 Common Sales and Marketing Practices that Fail in the New Economy
15:00~15:10  Tea Break
15:10~16:00  What Type of Networker Are You? / Video Marketing Mistakes That Lose Sales/ Business Survival Strategies for a Bad Economy
16:00~16:10  Tea Break
16:10~17:00  Group Discussion/Presentation/10 Ways to Be Happier and Healthier at Work

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