Dear Blissers,

The very FIRST BLISS OUTING of the year 2013 is coming!!
This time we will be going to the Cape of Good Hope in MiaoLi (苗栗 好望角).
It is a very special chance to you to see the sunset, windwheel, railway, fields, ocean and villages in this beautiful place.

Please kindly refer to the following details:
-Outing Date: at 09:00 a.m. Saturday 2013/3/23
-Gathering Place: MRT 松江南京 Station Exit 7
-Fee: NT$680 for the Blissers / NT$730 for Non-Blissers
(The definition of Blisser is who has attended at least one Bliss meeting.)
(The fee includes oil fee, highway tickets, dinner and entrance ticket NT$100 at 日新島and insurance fee. The fee excludes lunch meal.)

-Plan: 09:00 Gathering in MRT松江南京站 Exit 7
11:00 Go around at 南寮
11:30 Lunch at 新竹海岸風情餐廳
14:20 Poetry Time at 苗栗日新島
17:10 Enjoy the sunset, windwheel and railway at 好望角
19:20 Dinner at 新竹竹園
20:20 Back to Taipei (arrive around 21:50)
-Deadline for sigh-up: 2013/3/16 24:00

The registration form by Google Document is available as below link. Please DO NOT reply this email for registration.
If anyone wants to cancel the registration, please inform Bliss Staff by 3/16, otherwise has to pay NT$50.
Please be noted the deadline of registration is 24:00 am March 16th, 2013. Please feel free to join with us. J
Don’t miss the chance to hang out with your beloved Blissers.

Bliss English Club 20133月份春季旅遊活動報名通知







春寒乍暖,百花盛開,此時最適合郊外踏青,享受美景與美食, 本年度的春季旅遊活動,Bliss特別安排苗栗好望角-自然風景 之旅,讓您與Blissers沐浴在新春的懷抱中…………….


集合地點:捷運松江南京站7號出口(9:20準時開車, 逾時不候) 

活動行程:09:00  捷運松江南京站7號出口集合  

11:00  抵達南寮

11:30  午餐:新竹海岸風情餐廳

14:20  抵達:苗栗日新島/特別活動:吟詩作對

17:10  抵達:好望角欣賞美景

19:20  晚餐:新竹竹園

20:20  賦歸台北 (21:50抵達台北)


活動費用:Bliss會員   NT$680    Bliss非會員 NT$730 

活動費用含油資、過路費、晚餐、日新島門票$100(可抵園內消 費)、保險,不含中餐(簡餐式,現場自點自付) 


報名截止日: 2013/3/16 24:00 

您可進入以下的連結報名春季活動,請不要直接回覆此封郵件報名喲 ~~~

在您報名之後,若有特殊原因而欲取消報名,請在3/16()前 通知Bliss幹部,否則將酌收50元保險等費用 

千萬不要錯過與您親愛的Blisser好友們到郊外遊玩的好機會 哦~~~


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