Hi Blissers,
The host, Peter, brought a very happy moment to us last week, which is "How to keep happy and bliss". Peter told us the secret of happiness, and the answer is "Don't think too much and just do it!". He thought we need to keep smiling when we face anything. The happy mind brings the happy things. In the end of meeting, we also had a small test and share the result to every one. We also analyzed the happy level of each one and all of us participated the discussion spontaneously. It was such an interesting meeting!
The attached file is provided by Peter and hope these suggestions could make you happy every day.
Attendance: Peter, Ken, Annie, Vicky, Daniel, Patrick, Serina, Judith, Howard, Wisely, Kevin, Millie, Sunny, Natalie, Karl, Ellen.

President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Activity manager: Kevin, Millie
PR manager: Judith

Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F) 每人低消130元,無其他費用
Address: 台北市中山區南京東路二段218 (建國北路口)
WEBSITE: ilovebliss

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