Dear Blissers,
Last Saturday,Kevin shared several cooking tips,idioms and similar English phrases with us.
We learnt how to flip fish over in the pan;Barkley and Ellen also demonstrated their ways of flipping.Very entertaining~
Participants:Kevin,Daniel,Joe, Judy,Will,Barkley,Ellen,Jeff, Steven,Angel,Vicky,Angela
New comers:
Steven : (Right)
Will : (Left)
Nick will be our host on 6/1.He will show us how to learn English with Spongebob Squarepants(海綿寶寶).
It sounds interesting,right? Don't hesitate to join us! Meeting place:中山公民會館2F
Attached are the presentation file and a word file.
For efficient learning,please print out the word file, READ it and the ppt file before meeting.
Add:中山公民會館2樓- 台北市中山區中山北路二段128號2樓
Time: 6/1@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$100(場地費), 大學生(含)以下打七折 (研究生則無)
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Add:中山公民會館2樓- 台北市中山區中山北路二段128號2樓
Time: 6/1@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$100(場地費), 大學生(含)以下打七折 (研究生則無)
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14:00~ 14:10 self-introduction/ icebreaking
14:10~ 15:00 section 1 reading
15:00~ 16:20 section 2 listening
16:20~ 16:40 break
16:40~ 17:00 section 3 or 4
14:00~ 14:10 brief self-introduction, introduction to how to improve
14:10~ 14:20 Exercise 1.1, for participants to read the article
14:20~ 14:40 Revealing the answers to / discussing exercise 1.1
14:40~ 14:50 Exercise 1.2 discussion, chatting
14:50~ 15:00 Exercise 1.2, sharing
15:00~ 15:15 Explaining Exercise 2.1, Displaying the Video
15:15~ 15:45 Revealing the answers to/ discussing exercise 2.1
15:45~ 16:00 Exercise 2.2, discussion among participants
16:00~ 16:20 Revealing the answers to/ discussing/ sharing Exercise
16:20~ 16:40 break; voting for either
section 3 or 4
16:40~ 17:00 section 3 or 4