Hi Blissers,
Coming after the meeting by Ellen, "What money can't buy", Judith introduced another book, "Justice", by the writer Michael J. Sandel. Judith led us to think further about "Justice". In the beginning of the meeting, Judith made us to talk about the opinion of justice. Although everyone has his own opinion, many things are not so justice basically because we are used to the situations in the society. People may seek for the benefits on the most people but to damage or sacrifice the benefits on the less people.
The writer, Michael J. Sanel brought up a question in the class.
If you were driving a train, you were facing a forked rail. There were 5 persons working on one rail, and there was only one person on another rail. If you did not change your route, the train would hit the five persons. Will you choose the rail with one person or keep moving? It sounds like to hit one person or five persons. We may encounter this kind of questions in our daily life. Everyone has his own choice. However, most of people may choose for the biggest benefit. If you view this situation in the different way, even have the same result, everyone may have different decision. So, what is the definition of justice?
Addition to the discussion, Judith showed a video about the class of Michael J Sandel in Havard university and it made us like in the classroom to have this lesson. Judith also reminded us whatever situation you face, please remember the real purpose. It will help you to make the decision closer to justice through the understanding of the ultimate goal.
Participants: Judith, Willy, Cara, Selina, Wisely, Stanley, Hope, Ashow, Daniel, Serina, Sabrina, Ellen, Kevin, Vicky, Sanli
The meeting photos~~
https://plus.google.com/ photos/101726755048448689917/ albums/5905856617731651953
Host Judith's photo~~
https://plus.google.com/ photos/101726755048448689917/ albums/5905856617731651953/ 5905856685446737362?pid= 5905856685446737362&oid= 101726755048448689917#photos/ 101726755048448689917/albums/ 5905856617731651953/ 5905856621432357186?pid= 5905856621432357186&oid= 101726755048448689917
New member Sabrina's photo~~
https://plus.google.com/ photos/101726755048448689917/ albums/5905856617731651953/ 5905856685446737362?pid= 5905856685446737362&oid= 101726755048448689917#photos/ 101726755048448689917/albums/ 5905856617731651953/ 5905856685446737362?pid= 5905856685446737362&oid= 101726755048448689917
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Coming soon~
Add:中山公民會館2樓- 台北市中山區中山北路二段128號2樓
Time: 8/3@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折
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Host: Owen Lin
Topic: Auction
Participants: Judith, Willy, Cara, Selina, Wisely, Stanley, Hope, Ashow, Daniel, Serina, Sabrina, Ellen, Kevin, Vicky, Sanli
The meeting photos~~
https://plus.google.com/ photos/101726755048448689917/ albums/5905856617731651953
Host Judith's photo~~
https://plus.google.com/ photos/101726755048448689917/ albums/5905856617731651953/ 5905856685446737362?pid= 5905856685446737362&oid= 101726755048448689917#photos/ 101726755048448689917/albums/ 5905856617731651953/ 5905856621432357186?pid= 5905856621432357186&oid= 101726755048448689917
New member Sabrina's photo~~
https://plus.google.com/ photos/101726755048448689917/ albums/5905856617731651953/ 5905856685446737362?pid= 5905856685446737362&oid= 101726755048448689917#photos/ 101726755048448689917/albums/ 5905856617731651953/ 5905856685446737362?pid= 5905856685446737362&oid= 101726755048448689917
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Coming soon~
Add:中山公民會館2樓- 台北市中山區中山北路二段128號2樓
Time: 8/3@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折
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Host: Owen Lin
Topic: Auction
When you join an auction and want to bid some targets, there are certain strategy and tips to goal it. I would like to invite you to join my Auction to share with.
Most important of all, we will have a real auction in my meeting. Please find something good, useful, and interesting but you will never need it to sell it. I assure that all of you have a fabulous and unforgettable afternoon.
The agenda:
2:00-2:20 Self Introduction
2:20-3:40 The history of Auction and its classification.
3:40-3:50 Break
3:50-5:00 Auction Time
Owen Lin