Hi Blissers,
After Father's day celebration, the coming week will be prepared by Barkley. Please find the below agenda and meeting place. See you on Saturday!
Coming soon~
Host: Barkley
Topic: "A private journal of/about economic indicators/awesome stories"@8/17 14.00
Place: 伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F)
My Dear Blissers :
Financial management is a private but important issue of life ,how you deal with it ?
Life is a gift ,how you enjoy it? Is life only something about happiness ? What's the foundation of it ?
Behold - my dear friends,take a rest ,join BK's meeting and enjoy the moment on 8/17,
Bless and see you all ~ BK
Part 1 02:00 〜03:30
A private journal of/about economic indicators
( 實用經濟指標導覽)
Part 2 03:45〜05:15
Part 2 03:45〜05:15
Awesome stories
( 生命故事)
1. 理財是人生大事 但也因屬隱私問題常常閉門造車 六神無主 怎麼辦?
2. 生命是上天的禮物,然而它只在乎吃喝快樂嗎? 生命需要的養份,不會骨質流失的關鍵是什麼?
這個月(8/17) 星期六下午 停留您的腳步 讓心靈休息一下 期待您一起來生命故事 停 看 聽!