Hi Blissers,
Willy led us to sing many classical English songs and had the wine, bread and pickle. He also brought a magic show and everyone had a great afternoon. Willy played lots of music video and taught us how to sing the songs. He asked some questions about these songs and provided treasurable gifts which Willy has collected for one year. In the end of the meeting, everyone learned a magic. Everyone enjoyed the meeting very much! Thank you, Willy!
2:00 – 2:20 Member self-introduction
2:20 – 3:10 A brief overview of processor development history
Participants: Willy, Selina, Cara, Monicka, Joe, Angel, Vicky, Mengta, Sabrina, Millie, Kevin, Dobi, Serina, Stanley, Judith, Angela, Michel Huang, Fox, Barkley
The meeting photos~~
Host Willy's photo~~
New member Dobi's photo~~
The coming week meeting will be provided by Kurt. Please find the below meeting place and agenda. See you on Saturday!
Coming soon~
Time: 11/02@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折
Time: 11/02@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折
Host: Kurt
Topic: A new-era battle between Wintel and ARMDroid
Dear Blissers,
Since Apple launched the first iPhone in 2007, the number of portable devices exploded in recent years. The Wintel standard is gradually fading with the increasing market share of Armdroid (ARM + Android).
In this week, we will review the platform history and build an personalized media player as an example. Thus, if possible, bring your laptop to the hand-on course.
In this week, we will review the platform history and build an personalized media player as an example. Thus, if possible, bring your laptop to the hand-on course.
2:00 – 2:20 Member self-introduction
2:20 – 3:10 A brief overview of processor development history
3:10 – 4:00 A deeper look into Android / Tea Break
4:20 – 5:00 Building yourself Android system from scratch
President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Activity manager: Kevin, Millie
PR manager: Judith
Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F or 3F) 每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F or 3F) 每人低消130元,無其他費用。