
140825 Bliss meeting notice - Charles @8.30  

Coming soon: 9/13 Annie, 9/27 Sharon & Sanli, 10/4 Kevin

Last Saturday the new hostess Sherry introduced acupuncture (針灸) and its scientific research. Even though from anatomy and physiology there is no solid evidence to prove the location of acupuncture points (穴位), we used our fingers to press some acupuncture opinions and found Hegu (合谷穴) and Inner Gate point.

Sherry also shared with   us a detailed picture about the hand acupressure (穴道按摩) points. Acupressure on the hand points may increase circulation, release symptoms, reduce muscle tension and stiffness, strengthen resistance to disease and promote wellness.

Finally everyone talked about their best way to relieve stress like eating snacks, shopping and exercising. Cliff taught the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) manual, a form of psychological acupressure by tapping face acupuncture points. Allen raised a question about whether finding the root of stress is important and how to deal with it. Thanks to Sherry for an educating and interesting meeting!

Participants: Allen, Angela, Alisa, Ashow, Anne, Cliff Kuo, Daniel Yang, Ellen, Jeff, Janice, Kevin Huang, Sherry Cheng, Vicki Lin, Wisely, 韶芸


New Blisser: Sherry Cheng (click here), Vicki Lin (click here)


Meeting Photos (Picasa):  Click here


8/30 Saturday meeting @ 2:00 - 5:30 pm:

伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 2樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用。

Add: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218 (建國北路口,捷運松江南京站)



“The Truth” by Charles Chang @ 8/30


To talk about this topic, let us become open minded, and share your idea of Truth. In fact, we all surrounded with truths, and more ideas come from religion, from education system, cultures, families, friends etc. It will be fun but also thoughtful, please share and let us know your idea about those truths.



14:00~15:00  Self-introduction with 5 truths in your life
15:00~16:00  The idea of Truth, and ultimate Truth.
16:00~17:30  If, the “truth” is true? Or not?





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