- Coming soon: 10/25 Diana, 11/1 Kurt, 11/8 Clark
- Hi Blissers, on 10/4 Kevin Ting shared with us the insight of Cloud Computing, which is internet-based computing where large groups of remote servers are networked to allow sharing of data-processing tasks, centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources. Kevin also suggested some tips for setting proper username and password for the cloud account. He played an interesting video about Google Cloud Platform. The participants played three games for English practice about invention time of various electronic devices.
- Participants: Angela Lai, Daniel Yang, Janice, Joyce, Kevin Huang, Kevin Ting, Uncle Tin, Kurt, Sandy
- New Blisser: Joyce (click here)
- Meeting Photos (Picasa):https://plus.google.com/u/0/101726755048448689917/posts/avm391JZnMB?pid=6068514838454002786&oid=101726755048448689917
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- 10/18 Saturday meeting @ 2:00 - 5:30 pm:
- “3D Plus Talking ~ Beyond Sentiments” by Barkley
- 場地:私人住家每人場地費$50, 可以自備飲料,但請勿攜帶食物 (NO FOOD)。請大家把垃圾帶走&回還場地原狀,謝謝!
- Add: 台北市錦州街415號6樓之1 「鼎廬大樓」(捷運中山國中站500公尺) map
- 從電梯出來之右手邊,請認明Bliss海報。
- 通關密語:找梁小姐
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Hi Blissers
- How fast does our lifestyle change? Before the industry revolution in the19th century, every 1000 yrs people’s lifestyle changed. Then since 19th century every 100yrs, and for the past decades, every 10yrs it changed. We live in fast paced change times (internet era / FB/ Line/ What'sapp...) and feel it is easy to lose peace and vulnerable to sentimental problems.
- 快速轉變的環情緒問題如何調整面對呢?過去3年BK參加過一些相關課程,也預備相關資料,邀請您一起來小組討論分享的看法吧!
- 02:00 ~ 02:15 Ice break
- 02:15 ~ 03:15 Reading & sharing
- 03:15 ~ 03:30 Tea break
- 03:30 ~ 05:00 Practice
- 05:00 ~ 05:30 Feedback& ending