- Coming soon: YEP on 12/13
- On 22 Nov Uncle Ting introduced the life Muslims and hala food, talking about what is tour guide /tour leader different. We appreciated the "world and Taiwan" beauty and special pictures. He also shared the tip to have a good holiday to save time and money! The new member Sandy also shared with us her photos and exchange student life in Germany. Blissers were excited to share their unforgettable traveling memories with each other!
- Participants: Amy, Angel, Angela, Barkley, Daniel Yang, Ellen, Jeff, Janice, Joe, Joyce, Fox, Kevin Huang, Millie, Sharleen Hsu, Stephanie , Sandy, Uncle Ting, Vicky, Wisely, Wani
- New Member: Wani, Sharleen
- Meeting Photos (Picasa): click "Fun OF Traveling" by Uncle Ting@2014/11/22
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- 11/29 Saturday meeting @ 2:00 - 5:30 pm:
- 伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 3樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用
- Add: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218號
- (建國北路交叉口,近捷運松江南京站3分鐘)
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- "Fun Working Holiday” by Jessica
- Working holiday is kind of trend in young generation. You can go oversea explore your horizon, making friends from world wild, Earn some money to travel around the world.
- In my fist experience, I have managed 10 rooms, take care 20 fishes, seven cats, three chickens, two dogs. We set up liner and restore back to professional style in thirty minutes.
- I had been cook 28 breakfasts, service 20 guests for dinner is my high ranking record, I also in charge of three meals a day for 5 staffs and never tired of those job.
- Learning and exploration shouldn’t have limited when aging, but if you are over 30, you may have problem to pass the review, I have win a couple of chance and working in Tai Dong and Bangkok, with those experience, I follow slowly life style in local, learning a lot of manage skills from housekeeper, there is no problem for me to apply working holiday in the worldwide. The most important is ensuring my second carrier and life style in the future.
- Agenda
- 14:00-14:15 Introduce
- 14:15-15:30 How to apply working holiday without age limited?
- How to write application to get job with your interest?
- 15:30-16:00 How many skills you can learn? How does B&B running business?
- 16:00-16:15 Take a break
- 16:15-17:00 What is difference between working holiday in Taiwan and aboard
- Sharing your working experience and role play with difficult guess
- 17:00-17:30 What is we doing in leisure time