

Dear Blissers,
時間過得很快, 已經是2016六月了. Q2要結束了.也是Bliss Q2 outing的時候~


早上新莊青年公園 + 中餐 + 下午抱石. 預計9:30集合, 15:45散會



09:30 捷運中和新蘆線「丹鳳站」1號出口集合

10:00 步行抵新莊青年公園

10:00-11:30 漫遊自然步道

12:00 – 13:00 中餐

13:00 步行前往STONE抱石場 

13:30 – 15:30 抱石  (Bliss幹部體驗照請詳附件~)

15:30 – 15:45 回捷運中和新蘆線輔大站,散會



  1. 可自備號碼鎖頭,抱石場置物櫃用

  2. 請自備水,毛巾,雨具,防曬用品,換洗衣物(抱石粉可能弄髒衣物,可於抱石後,於抱石場更換衣物)

  3. 本次不統一投保,如欲投保者,請自行投保.

  4. 請穿寬鬆運動衣褲與襪子

  5. 建議事先修剪手與腳趾甲以利抱石

  6. 請帶身分證件,抱石租鞋需押證件,學生請帶學生證抱石入場費可優惠

  7. 抱石也是有風險,故抱石場會要求簽自行負責切結書

  8. 抱石入場費NT$250 + 租岩鞋NT$50 (現場付費)

  9. 中餐約NT$200 – 350 (現場付費)

  10. 預計15:30離開抱石場,有興趣續留者,請自行注意安全




報名後如欲取消,請於6/24前通知活動幹部Daniel Yang or Vicky or 回信到此信箱



2016 Q2 Outing – 6/25 Saturday

Time flies. It’s June now and Q2 is going to end and it’s time for Bliss Q2 outing.



Go to Youth Park in Xinzhuang in the morning, lunch; then go to Stone bouldering  Gym in the afternoon.



09:30 – Gather at Exit 1 of Danfeng Station of MRT.

10:00 – Arrive at Xinzhuang Youth Park

11:30 – Leave Youth Park and head to lunch

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

13:00 – Go to Stone Bouldering Gym on foot

13:30 – 15:30 Bouldering

15:30 – 15:45 Go to Fu Jen University Station of MRT and dismiss.



  1. You can store your bag and stuff in locker of Stone Bouldering Gym, so please prepare a padlock.

  2. Bring water, towels, an umbrella and clothes with you. You can change your clothes after bouldering.

  3. No insurance this time. If you want insurance, please buy it by yourself.

  4. Please wear loose sport clothes, pants and socks.

  5. To have better performance on bouldering, you had better to cut fingernail and toenail.

  6. Please bring an ID card with you for bouldering shoes rental. You can get cheaper entrance fare if you have student ID.

  7. Bouldering has risk, therefore, Stone bouldering Gym will ask you to sign up a self-responsible document.

  8. Bouldering entrance fare NT$250 + NT$50 for shoes rental

  9. Lunch costs are about NT$200 – 350.

  10. We plan to leave Stone bouldering Gym at 15:30. If you want to stay there after 15:30, you must take care of yourself.


Sign-up here:
If you want to cancel your registration,please contact Daniel Yang or Vicky or reply to the email address by 6/24.


Education manager: Annie / Joe / Serina
Activity manager: Daniel / Vicky
Public relationship manager: Kevin Cheng

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