
My dear Blissers,
Big News!!!  Bliss Bidding Market, similar to Sotheby’s, will be open during 1430~1730 at不鳥穀 /漢口分店 B1 on 10/29, conducted by our Prestigious Auctioneer, Owen.
@@Play for real!!! Do bring something to sell~ with the meeting space fee NT$70/per person.
You might know or experience Auction in your life before. But you know how it comes from and how many kinds of auctions there are in the world ?
When you join an auction and want to bid some targets, there is certain strategy and tips which I would like to invite you to join my Auction to share with.

Most important of all, we will have a real auction in my meeting. Please sell something good, useful, and interesting which you will never need in my auction. I can assure that all of you have a fabulous and unforgettable afternoon.
The agenda:
2:30-2:50               Self Introduction
2:50-4:10               the history of Auction and its classification.
4:10-4:20               Break
4:20-5:30              Auction Time

 @@@ 2016/10/29(六)新場地: (Please refer to the attachments)
1.地址: 台北市中正區漢口街一段110號B1;
2.交通: 位於台北北門相機街,漢口街與博愛路 交岔口附近。離 捷運-台北車/西門/北門站 都近...步行都10分內)
3.每人入場費用: $ 70/人  (純場地費)     可自行攜帶飲料、外食入場     







Recap of “Let the world become a better place because of you!” by Ken on 10/22
What children can do~
1.     In the beginning, host Ken shared 2 articles with us. The first article is “Speech at U.N. Conference on Environment and Development”. That is a speech which was delivered by a group of 12 and 13 year-old Canadian children at U. N conference on Environment and Development. Nowadays, our world is very bad. There are many starving children around the world whose cries go unheard. They are afraid to go out in the sun now, because of the holes in our ozone. They requested U.N delegates to take action immediately.
2.     The 2nd article is “Volunteer Spotlight: Katherine Commale”.
Katherine Commale is a 10-year-old fourth grader from Pennsylvania. When she was five, she learned about malaria in Africa. She learned that every 30 seconds a child dies from this disease. She also learned about the special nets that can help stop the mosquitoes. At the moment, she decided to send nets to Africa. So, she started to teach people about malaria and mosquito nets. Moreover, she raised money for them as well.
Reflections: What can we do?
These 2 articles are about some children who tried to make our world different. Therefore, everyone can make the world a better place.
Group Discussion:
Then, we had group discussion – how to make the world a better place.
The idea from the group is
Group 1 – Care about the Earth, Cherish resources.
Group 2 – Keep your mindset, Drop the machine.  
Group 3 – Love life
Attendee: Jessica Huang, JC Su, Joe, Ken, Peter, Serina, Li-chan, Daniel Yang
Meeting Pictures
"Let the world become better because of you" by Ken @ 2016/10/22
New member JC picuture

Photos from posts



Bliss English Club since 1997

2016 Bliss Staff :
Education manager: Annie / Joe / Serina
Activity manager: Daniel / Vicky
Public relationship manager: Kevin Cheng



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