<Bliss Q1 Outing Notice> A Picnic at Dahu Park, Taipei on 2017/3/25
My Dear Blissers,
Here comes long-awaited 2017/3/25 Bliss Q1 Outing!
Today, we are going to release pressures, chat about now and then, cook your favorites, learn to dance and participate in group activities, while enjoying the sunshine, clear sky, grassy field, breeze in such beautiful springtime.
Let's register NOW and be part of Fun Time in Bliss!!!
10:30~ Meet at Exit 2, Dahu Park MRT Station
11:00 ~13:30 Western & Chinese Food English Menu Talk Show and Contests
13:30~ 15:00 Group Activity: Swing Dance & Games
15:00~ 16:30 Mountain-Circle-Trail Hiking (Optional)
16:30~ Dinner (Optional)
For Registration, please refer to the following link:
***Please kindly note***
Registration Deadline: 2017/3/19 (Sun)
Registration Cancellation Deadline: 2017/3/20 (Mon)
Activity Postponed notification on 2017/3/24 (Fri) in case of bad weather
2017 Bliss Staff :
Bliss 2017 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meeting date: 1/28, 2/4, 2/18, 2/25, 4/1,4/29,5/13,5/27,6/3,8/5,9/30,10/7,12/16,12/23,12/30
Outing: 3/25 (Q1), 6/24 (Q2), 9/23 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/9
Bliss New Meeting Place: 國王飯店一樓咖啡廳:台北市南京東路1段118號。中山捷運2號出口;從南京西路往南京東路走585公尺,約7分鐘即達。低消NT$120,餐點加一成服務費,下午贈蛋糕一個。