Date: .Oct.8, 2017
Host: Steven
Topic: “Same-Sex Marriage”
Attendant: Ellen Huang, Daniel Chen, Daniel Yang, Steven, Annie
Meeting’s photo link:
New words: nation-wide, postal vote, proceed, hurdle, ballot, voluntary, advocate, parliamentary, appropriation, unforeseen, plaintiff, provision, plebiscite, deflect, radical education, bound to, plumber, neutral, military, prime minister, liberal fitter, hidden agenda, endorse, the last update, dwindling, equitable, reply-paid envelop., regional pick-up, disability, uphold rights, attorney general, divisive, costly, optimal, manipulate,Cataronia,distinction, Referendums
Steven’s Meeting was a very successful one for us to discuss continuously
until 18:00. At first, Ellen led the article reading but not for too long before Steven made it to the meeting. How supportive he was all the way from HS!!!
Steven clarified the following ambiguities for us in the meeting:
1. Transsexuals mean having done operations while transgender is not.
2. The issue of “Austrian same-sex marriage” postal vote is from a political manipulation
3. “Gender performativity” means “Manish” showing masculine quality while a womanish showing feminism characteristic which may exist in either men or women with different ratios and “gender” is “culture-constructed”, not so called “born that way”.
4. In general, “She” boys are used to be bullied victims more than “He” girls in schools.
5. “Equity” means giving appropriate potion to people based on what they need while “equality” means giving every person the same portion.
6. Besides the networking helps spreading, the “virus trend” on the same-sex issue come from “the celebrities’ supports and of self-confession on it.
7. “Reproduction of offspring” can be settled in three ways: adoption, undergoing giving-birth operations besides transsexual ones, or “making babies” through sold “sperms” or “eggs”.
8. The distinction among “sex”, “gender” and “sexuality” is thought necessarily to teach or discuss in high schools especially in one-sex ones to avoid misunderstanding between “homo-sexual, bi-sexual” myths and same-sex affection.
9. Critical thinking is very important, meanly having awareness to identify the stand and favored viewpoint the writer is taking so as not to become biased.
10. “Referendums” is not trust-worthy, not truly democratic.
We appreciated Steven’s elaborate guidance on the discussion, related article reading and the participants’ precious outputs. It helped us to know better about “same-sex” and the importance to spread the knowledge. We look forward to his informative meeting soon.
2017 Bliss Staff :
Bliss 2017 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meeting date: 5/13,5/27,6/3,8/5,9/30,10/7,12/16,12/23,12/30
Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/9
Bliss New Meeting Place:東豐喜藝文空間, 師大路68巷13號 TOHOHI Arts Corner at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of drink either coffee or tea.