2017 12/9 YEP registration Link : https://goo.gl/forms/aiyIHXJXaozd68Tw2
Deadline of Registration: 2017/11/20
Deadline of Cancellation: Contact Ellen at 0918018260 or line ID 0918018260 before 2017/12/4
Dear Friends,
Twenty years till now~
For the love from you,
For the moments with you,
We cuddle sharing and rejoicing every Saturday Afternoon
We trek you in the memory,
Label you at a turning corner,
In our hearts you are with us…
2017 YEP celebrates our 20th anniversary
Welcome to whirl the time backward to 1920s~
Retro-cosplay in romantic Swing Dance…
Sip all the best among us now and ever
Time: 14:00-18:00 on 2017/12/9 (Sat)
Venue: Same as our regular meeting place at東豐喜TOHOHI Arts Corner at Exit 3 Taipower MRT Station, addressed at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei
Food : Potluck ( 1 person /family bring one dish to share with us )
Entrance Fee: NT$100 per person; free for kids under age 6
Dress Code: Retro-cosplay around 1920s referring to a western reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc_JhhKN7OU or
an oriental reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQFa7b-_uZ4
Dear Blissers
2017 12/9 YEP 報名連結 : https://goo.gl/forms/aiyIHXJXaozd68Tw2
報名截止日 : 2017 /11/ 20
報名取消通知 : 2017/12/4 前 ,請聯絡Ellen ( Mobile :0918018260 , Line ID : 0918018260 )
面對著面 肩伴著肩周末午后好時間
循著記憶的路徑 轉角處的呼唤
適逢今年BLISS 成立20週年慶 讓我們一起回到20年代 黄金復古PARTY 一起來 SWING搖擺
回味發生 及正在發生 即將發生在你我身上美好的一切 !
Time : 2017/12/9 (Sat ) 14:00-18:00
Venue :東豐喜藝文空間, 師大路68巷13號 (Same as our regular meeting place )
Food: 一家一菜 ( Potluck )
Entrance Fee : NT$ 100 /Person (小學以下不收費)
Dress Code : 1920年代 東西方復古裝 Reference Link :
西方: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc_JhhKN7OU
東方 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQFa7b-_uZ4