My dear Blissers,
Good morning!
**For my proofreading negligence, I made a big error in the meeting date in the yesterday’s meeting notice, where should be consistently on 7/21, not 7/24!
To correct completely, I made the revision here for your attention: ***
Best regards from Annie, Edu Manager of Bliss
Important July 21, 2018 Shift Notice : Meeting Time 10:00~13:00; Meeting Venue will be at 偵探書屋 Bookstore Minimum charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of drink (Coffee or Tea ) Address:台北市大同區南京西路262巷11號 ( Near MRT 中山 station , exit 6 ) Phone:( 02) 2559 7776 |
My dear Blissers,
Nothing is impossible in Sci-fi movie!
And our history repeated telling us the sci-fi scenarios once unbelievable come real now or in the coming future sooner than we think!
That is the message which our beloved hostess, Angel, tries to transmit and discuss from “Ghost in the shell”!
Angel’s Introduction
With more and more technological breakthroughs occurring each day, our lives are being rapidly transformed and impacted in ways that are beyond our imagination. One day, the boundaries between humans and technology will be blurred and even disappear.
In the future, humans will be integrated with cybernetic implants that could enhance traits such as vision, strength, and intelligence. This evolution will strengthen our minds and bodies but also bring side effects. The person beside you could be a replicant or a cyborg and completely indistinguishable from a human.
This coming Sat, I will introduce you to the 2017 science fiction film “ghost in the shell” and guide you through a discussion about the physical and spiritual impacts of technology on humans. Let’s explorer the wisdom of future technology and inner life.
Are you ready to experience this amazing, incredible and profound trip to the future? Fasten your seat belts! Welcome aboard!
10:00 am-10:20 Introduction and guided questions.
10:20 am-11:00 Watch movie opening and discuss cybernetic enhancement.
11:00 am-11:40 Watch movie clip and discuss the future technology and its impact
11:40 am-12:00 Watch movie clip and discuss the problem of identity .
12:00 pm-12:20 Break and lunch
12:20 pm-13:00 Introduction of the writer and movie summary
Guided Questions for Blissers, please prepare your very own answers before joining Angel’s meeting
• How do you imagine the future to be in 2029?
• How do you think you will benefit from technological advancements in the future?
• What come to your mind when you see “ghost in the shell”? What’s your interpretation? Why ghost and not spirit?
Bliss English Club for Communication & Conducting Skills since 1997
Bliss Blog : http://blisstaipei520.pixnet.
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2018 Bliss Staff :
President (P): Ellen Huang
Education manager (EM): Annie Hsu
Vice Education Manager(VEM)/Daniel Chen
Public Relationship Manager(PRM): Winnie Tu
Bliss 2018 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meeting date: 1/27,2/10,2/17, 3/31, 4/7, 5/5, 5/12, 6/9, 6/16, 7/14, 8/4, 9/1, 9/22, 10/20, 12/1~12/31
Outing: 3/10 (Q1), 6/30 (Q2), 10/13 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/15
Venue:東豐喜藝文空間, 師大路68巷13號 TOHOHI Arts Corner at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of drink either coffee or tea