
Date: July 21, 2018

Host: Angel

Attendees: Antonio,Mike Young, Kevin Ting, Kevin Tseng, Eric, Angel, Vicky, Joe, Ellen Wang, Winnie, Ellen Huang, Casey, J.T. Annie, Naihsin


Meeting photo: https://photos.app.goo.gl/FFJrF3poddSL8KM37


Foreseeable Philosophical Journey On board!

Angel guided us with several questions step by step to help everyone to have second  thought toward  how and where the technology may take the humans  in the future and see if this is what we really want to and further to think seriously again on this not urgent but definitely important issue of one's life


“Ghost” and “Shell” in “Ghost in the Shell” –and Your Interpretation?


Last Sat, Angel introduced us a science fiction film “ghost in the shell” released in 2017. Before we started, everyone shared their opinions regarding the guided questions which included different interpretation of “ghost” in the” shell” and imagination about 2029. Angel concluded that “Ghost” is our soul or our mind and “Shell” means cybernetic body or machine body


 “People” in 2029 and “Cybernetic Options”


Through movie clips, we learned 73% of people at 2029 had implanted cybernetic enhancement. We were requested to write down the most desired cybernetic implants we would like to make. One said she would like to be an anthropologist with vision enhancement then change to new career with new enhancement every 20 years. Another shared that he won’t do any unless for health concern.


Pros & Cons of Cybernetic Options


The next movie clip showed us we may benefit from cybernetic enhancement. However, we are under the risk of individuality, identity, messing with human souls. Our cyber brain may be hacked or get virus by cyber criminals. Angel asked us to review our decision of cybernetic enhancement while considering its side effects.  One Blisser said that being conscious to explore self and being able to appreciate the beauty of each individual in the limited lifespan is the real happiness as a human , technology is only an option but not essential in her future life.


 “Invisibility” –A New Technology Already Envisioned in 1995 Manga Version


We also learned the new technology depicted in the film. Through the clips of cuttlefish and Mercedes commercial, we understood the root and logic of active “camouflage”.


Who am I, a “Human” or a “Robot”?  Confusing Identities in 2029


Due to a lack of a real body and real memory, Motoko (main character in the film) was lost in identity. Through the role play of film’s conversations, we experienced Motoko’s doubts and difficulties in identifying herself (human or robot). Angel guided us to discuss the difference between human and non-human and pointed out the universe may have other types of consciousness.


Question about “Existence of Being”— your definition?


Followed by “consciousness” question, Angel asked us if memory can define us. Especially memory could be modified by others in future. One Blisser came up with a new perspective that memory can be an imagination. If memory is tangible, it wouldn’t be a creative thing. But if it could take us thru and over a boundary, then there would be one!  As to Motoko, she believes “What we do define us!”


Pay Tribute to Masamune Shirow, Manga Version Writer in 1989


In the end, Angel expressed her respect and appreciation to him! She told us why.  This manga was released in 1989 when there was no internet, mobile phone and personal computer. However, the technologies depicted in the manga were realized nowadays. Furthermore, it included knowledge of Science, electronics, mechanical, biology, psychology, and philosophy, all of which are brilliant.



1.       Given all the terrific fortes, attitude, demeanor, and gesture, this has been an imaginative and awesome sharing presented with solid tone.  Vivid and vibrant atmosphere was well felt.  Most impressed scenarios were Angel carried this thru with an easy-going manner while the subject was technical and full of thoughts beyond our boundary. I was totally engaged in to the thought-provoking meetup hosted by Angel. Awesome job done Angel.


2.       I am really amazed at the way that Angel interpreted the Ghost in the Shell. I am really interested in watching the 1995 version of animation, even if I have already watched the 2017 movie.

3.       I like the issues that Angel raised for us to think. Everyone in modern life is not only living for oneself but also for people the one cares too, actually. When a cybernetic men starts caring about others, the men is a human even he or she only owns 5 % of the body which is natural.

4.       I am a sci-fi movie fan. Mostly, I go to see the movie for the entertainment and relaxation. In this club gathering, Angel gives us a deep understanding for this entertainment and movie. It even makes me feel this is a serious movie and think more about the life meaning. You can say it is a movie about Zen, philosophy and religion. I will make a plan to see this movie. Bliss club is really a learning-style club.  I always go home with fruitful rewards.

5.       She helped us to understand the deep meaning behind the dazzling images of this classic Japanese animation. As the lines between human and machine are blurred, we came to realize what it means to be a living person.  This anime masterpiece gave us an insight of director’s philosophy, yet everyone could interpret it in his own words.

6.       This sci-fi anime’s “technology in the future” is already happening now and therefore we inevitably have to discuss and/or debate on some of the controversial issues.  Angels’ presentation was not just interesting but also stimulating.  We were blessed to participate on Saturday




As the above feedbacks, besides dazzling sci-fi  effects and characters,  Angel successfully took us to embark on the ‘wisdom –seeking” journewith philosophical questions like “self-identity”, “existence of being “and others , the pursuit itself of which means the answer itself and is diversified from one individual  to another.  All the participants already set their own sails with Angel and move on!  Stay Tune!


p.s. Reference link: https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/攻殼機動隊_(2017年電影)






Bliss English Club for Communication & Conducting Skills since 1997


Bliss Blog : http://blisstaipei520.pixnet.net/blog/post/212900702      

Bliss FB : https://www.facebook.com/bliss.taipei 

Bliss 粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/bliss1997/

Picasa: https://plus.google.com/101726755048448689917/photos

Line: Bliss Post (QR Code)


2018 Bliss Staff :

President (P): Ellen Huang cbad5@yahoo.com.tw

Education manager (EM): Annie Hsu taipei9713318@gmail.com

Vice Education Manager(VEM)/Daniel Chen jenkai.chen@msa.hinet.net

Public Relationship Manager(PRM): Winnie Tu toto7683@gmail.com


Bliss 2018 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday

No meeting date: 1/27,2/10,2/17, 3/31, 4/7, 5/5, 5/12, 6/9, 6/16, 7/14, 8/4, 9/1, 9/22, 10/20, 12/1~12/31 

Outing: 3/10 (Q1), 6/30 (Q2), 10/13 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/15

Venue:東豐喜藝文空間師大路6813  TOHOHI Arts Corner at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of drink either coffee or tea

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