
Date: Aug. 18, 2018

Hostess: Judith

Participants: Mike, Judith, Annie, Casey, Antonio, Jeff, Vicky, Barkley, Ellen, Eric, Emma


Awesome!  Record-breaking Meeting –5 books read in 3 hours (see ref.)

 Judith was so well prepared that she guided us to go in-depth discussion step by step thoroughly but easygoingly on Danshari practice, indicate what hinders people from it, differentiate Danshari, Minimalism and Essentialism; help us to distinguish “essentialists” from “non-essentialists”, also point out the ultimate goal of “Less” is to pursue a “better world “, and finally she take guidelines of “good design” products as examples for things in better world. Last but not least, she hopes her meeting can  help us enjoy our lives “more” and realize “better” world” by executing “less” principles.


First thing first—examine your current life through...


 1. Shopping lists (showing your personality and die-hard attachment) 2. Living space satisfaction 3. Cluttering habits


Sort out-which (or who) are the most significant or important


By writing down 10 of them, stating the reasons, and then our ideal future image of better “me”


“Danshari” concepts

  1. It started from a Japanese lecturer called Hideko Yamashita. It is made up with three words:
  2. (1.)  Dan: Refusal (to cut the things unnecessary to you) (2.) Sha: Disposal (to declutter) (3.) Ri: Separation (After practicing Dan and Sha several times, people are able to get rid of non-meaningful attachment)
  3. Ways to practice “Danshari”

(1). Stop the excuse of “NO Time”

(2). Start from your own stuff

(3). Remember “Danshari” is not only No Storage or Just Cleaning

(4). understand the art of “Let go”: face your stuff, which actually reflect “true you and what you are attached to” and goods also needs “metabolism”

   (5). Abandon goods-cornering habits

   (6). Learn how to choose via criteria like “Do you need it?”, “Are you happy with it?”, and “Does it suit the “current” you?


  1. Another writer called Marie Kondo practiced it based on the following rules: (1). Does it spark joy? (2) Is it necessary? (3). Does it work?  (4). Does it have a designated place to live?
  3. Ways of Disposal: (1) keep (2) sell (3) donate



Main belief; (1) what we really need in our life is VERY FEW (2) Living in this moment. SEIZE THE DAY (3) Search for happiness through LIFE not through THINGS. (4) It is a tool to rid you of life’s EXCESS in favor of FOCUSING on what are important, happiness, fulfillment and freedom



Belief: The wisdom of life consists in the ELIMINNATION of Non-essentials.

Quote by Yu-Tan, Lin林語堂: If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.


Non-essentialists VS. Essentialists

THINK; Responsible to all things or people VS. Less but better

DOES; The undisciplined Pursuit of “More” VS. the disciplined pursuit of “Less”

GETS: Live a life what is not satisfying VS. Live a life what really matters

CHOOSE: I have to VS. I choose to

DISCERN: Everything is essential VS. Almost everything is NOT essential

TRADE-OFF: I can do both and how I can do it all VS. Do I want to make such trade-off and what I can go big on it?


Explore to be Essentialists via...

  1. Create a space to concentrate on, to read and to think
  2. Look at the big picture, filter out the muddling or cluttering information, and find out the most fascinating part
  3. Play
  4. Sleep
  5. Select: occupying 90% of the criteria
  6. Ask what is important Now? Less is to pursue better life.


Essentialism-related with a better World

1. “Good Design “ Products here in the world are defined via the following criteria: (1) Innovative (2) Useful (3) Aesthetic (4) Understandable (5)Unobtrusive (neutral and restrained)  (6) honest ( not making unreliable promises)  (7) long-lasting (8)thorough down to the details (9) environmentally friendly (10)having as little as possible (less for the better)


2. German Bauhaus Movement—simple and functional

  1. Steve Jobs’ quote: “That’s been one of my mantras-focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple; and “Focusing is about Saying NO.”


Reflections: Spark not only “joy”

During the meeting, Judith guided us with ease and threw wise questions for us to reflect on our life while the audience’s feedbacks were not only inspiring but also enlightening, mixed with someone’s related jokes. They all made the meeting joyful and fruitful ever. After the meeting, the passionate and pondering discussion continued on Bliss line loop because we all eager for “better us”, which also the goal of Judith’s meeting today!

Besides, Judith’s meeting recalled us the pleasure (or pressure) in the good old days when hosts would supply a topic-centered booklist (a book or some books) for guests to read prior to the meeting and then discussed accordingly. What do you think to pass down part of the tradition next year? Stay tune!




Bliss English Club for Communication & Conducting Skills since 1997


Bliss Blog : http://blisstaipei520.pixnet.net/blog/post/212900702      

Bliss FB : https://www.facebook.com/bliss.taipei 

Bliss 粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/bliss1997/

Picasa: https://plus.google.com/101726755048448689917/photos

Line: Bliss Post (QR Code)


2018 Bliss Staff :

President (P): Ellen Huang cbad5@yahoo.com.tw

Education manager (EM): Annie Hsu taipei9713318@gmail.com

Vice Education Manager(VEM)/Daniel Chen jenkai.chen@msa.hinet.net

Public Relationship Manager(PRM): Winnie Tu toto7683@gmail.com


Bliss 2018 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday

No meeting date: 1/27,2/10,2/17, 3/31, 4/7, 5/5, 5/12, 6/9, 6/16, 7/14, 8/4, 9/1, 9/22, 10/20, 12/1~12/31 

Outing: 3/10 (Q1), 6/30 (Q2), 10/13 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/15


Venue:東豐喜藝文空間師大路6813  TOHOHI Arts Corner at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of drink either coffee or tea

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