My dear Blissers,
Meeting Time: 10:00~13:00, Jan. 5, 2019 Venue:東豐喜藝文空間, TOHOHI Arts Corner at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, 師大路68巷13號, near Exit 3台電大樓 MRT station |
Welcome to visit Backyard Garden of Taipei-“Yilan”!
This coming Sat. Annie, now as a long-stayer and a volunteer in Yilan Museum of Art, is going to introduce Yilan Museum of Art!
Most importantly, she is going to share more about the Dual Exhibition –Ran Ing Ting(1903-1979) & Yuyu Yang (1926~1997) for you to pay private visits during Lunar New Year Vacation before it ends on Feb. 20, 2019!
Let’s slow down and stroll in Yilan Museum of Art together Now!
Meeting Agenda:
15 minutes Before the meeting, what do you know about both artists and in the meeting, what do you want know about the museum and artists?
20 minutes Yilan Museum of Art: its history and how it looks like.
Guided Questions: What feelings do you get after observing the museum, beauty? Truth? Goodness? Holiness? Or some others? And give us an example which invites you such feelings
60 minutes on Ran Ing Ting (1903~1979)
Guided Questions:
10 Minute break
60 minutes on YuYu Yang
Guided Questions
Guided Questions:
5 minutes: About The whole meetintg
Guided Question After the meeting, what have you learned and what else do you wish to know more?
Bliss English Club for Communication & Conducting Skills since 1997
Bliss Blog : http://blisstaipei520.pixnet.
Bliss FB :
Bliss 粉絲團 :
2019 Bliss Staff :
President (P): Ellen Huang
Education manager (EM): Annie Hsu
Vice Education Manager(VEM)/Daniel Chen
Public Relationship Manager(PRM): Winnie Tu
Bliss 2019 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meetings:1/19,2/2;2/9; 2/23; 3/2; 4/6; 4/27; 5/11;6/8,7/6; 8/3; 8/31; 9/14; 10/5; 10/12; 11/23, 12/14,12/28
Outings:Q1- 3/30; Q2- 6/29; Q3- 11/2
In 2019, Blissers are going to read and discuss the following 4 books together, please sign up to this google registration form if you feel like to read and discuss any of the books below together with other Blissers in 2019
Venue: 東豐喜藝文空間, TOHOHI Arts Corner with Minimum charge: NT$150 per person with a cup of drink (Coffee or Tea )Address: No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, 師大路68巷13號, Near Exit 3台電大樓 MRT station