
<Bliss Meeting Notice> “Russian Trip Part II” by Ellen and Special Guest on April. 13, 2019



Please kindly note:

There is no meeting on Apr. 6 and Apr. 27.

And We will have the meetings hosted firstly hosted by Host: Ellen and Special Guest with Topic: “Russian Trip Part II” ,and secondly but iconly by Host: Kevin Ting with Topic: “Eco-Friendly”, the venue and time of which will be at 14:30~17:30東豐喜藝文空間, TOHOHI Arts Corner with Minimum charge: NT$150 per person with a cup of drink (Coffee or Tea); Address: No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, 師大路6813, Near Exit 3台電大樓 MRT station.  Welcome!


Dear Blisses,


Speaking of Russia, what is in your mind? Onion-shaped Imperial Palace? Colorful Mosaic Tile? Orthodox Church? Kremlin and Red Square Moscow? NCKU Folk dance? Russian nesting dolls? And many others wait for Ellen & her special friends to answer on thee meeting on Apr. 13, 2019!


Without further hesitation, here is what Ellen says:


Remember my promise of sharing my Russian business trip part II?

This coming Sat on 4/13 , I’m not only going to share the rest part of my meeting in 2018/11/17 , but also , I will invite a secret guest from Russia , so that you can ask whatever question in your mind regarding Russian custom , culture , history , politics and even their president – Putin


So this time, the guided question will be generated by Blissers who would like to join my meeting and please do get yourselves involved to the meeting as much as you could (Tips: Most simple way is to raise “GOOD Questions” regarding Russian 😊


Here’s the guided question from my end about the meeting


1.      When talking about Russia & Russian , what’s the 1st impression come to your mind , share with us and share to the guest from Russian too

2.      If you are in the foreign country , and you have a chance to introduce Taiwan to these foreigners who have never heard of Taiwan and also never been to Taiwan , how will you introduce Taiwan to the them , please spend 3-5 minutes to share the most significant part of Taiwan you know to our guest from Russia and Blissers


Here’s the meeting agenda


14:30-14:50 Ice breaking question (above question 1)

14:50-15:50 sharing the rest part of my 2018 Russian business trip

15:50-16:00 Break & Interaction

16:00-17:10 Guided Question Discussion (above question 2 and also questions from Blissers)

17:10 – 17:30 Feedback Time


Note 1: Blissers who would like to join my meeting, please sign up to me by

Email: or by Line private massage and please provide me at least 1 question you have regarding Russia that we can discuss together in the meeting.


Note 2: Please also let me know if you would like to join the dinner with us before 4/12 (Fri) noon 12:00pm as I need to reserve the restaurant (the best sea food restaurant with reasonable and affordable price I ever have in Taipei 😊)

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    Bliss English Club

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