Carmelo has reversed our dull stereotypes of the traditional Taiwanese Palm Drama Art since his performance in his meeting and YEP in 2018. His fluent Taiwanese Dialects in antithetical couplets and brilliant vocal varieties fascinated the audience and awakens their sense of “localization”! Like western “Talk show & Stand-up Comedy “, “TPD” rooted in local customs and humanistic cultures, via Masters’ word of mouth and lively character description and manipulation, passed through centuries continues to be appreciated today.
This coming Q2 outing, we are going on “The Journey to the West—to DaDaoCheng”, deeply virtually being part of the dramas. Immersed in the “Interactive Demonstration” on the spot, we will learn the hidden expertise over the century from National Treasure Masters there and receive the torch of tradition!
Without further delay, let’s explore the Amazing Wonders with Blissers then!
Themec: <Bliss Q2 Outing: Taiwan Traditional Palm Drama in DaDaoCheng>
■Date: July 6, 2019 (Sat.)
■Meeting Time: AM11:00
■Meeting Point: North Gate MRT station Exit 2
■Venue: DaDaoCheng Theater大稻埕戲院
■Drama : 大氣團 : 借我扇子涼一涼 NT$100
Q2 Outing Agenda:
12:00 Lunch (Share in English: the palm drama impressed you most.)
14:00-15:00 DaDaoCheng Theater (The Journey to the West) Palm Drama Watching~
15:00-16:00 Regular Exhibition of DaDaoCheng Theater
16:00-17:00 Free time around DadaoCheng
Bliss無獨有偶 袋袋相傳
2018 Meeting與YEP Carmelo 翻轉了我們對布袋戲的刻板印象,霸氣的台灣口語與精采絕倫的十八般武藝,引人入勝。大家所不知道的布袋戲,媲美歐美流行的脫口秀,融合台灣本土的風土民情、人文信仰,經由老師傅的口耳相傳才賦予掌中人偶的生命,活靈活現。
這一次我們實際走進大稻埕的故事裡-西遊記,前往西方取經,宛若現實心之所向,豈能盡如人意? 不如來跟國寶級大師來場假戲真作,現場還有精心安排的互動展演,傳承百年的隱藏文物,一同身歷其境、驚喜連連八~
集合時間: 2019/July /6 11:00am
集合地點:北門捷運站 2 號出口
大氣團 : 借我扇子涼一涼 NT$100
11:00 北門捷運站 2號出口集合
12:00 午餐 (請參與者英文分享: 所看過的布袋戲或是相關經驗)
14:00-15:00 大稻埕戲院- 大氣團 : 借我扇子涼一涼 NT$100
Bliss English Club for Communication & Conducting Skills since 1997
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2019 Bliss Staff :
President (P): Ellen Huang
Education manager (EM): Annie Hsu
Vice Education Manager(VEM)/Daniel Chen
Public Relationship Manager(PRM): Winnie Tu
Bliss 2019 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meetings:1/19,2/2;2/9; 2/23; 3/2; 4/6; 4/27; 5/11;6/8,7/6; 8/3; 8/31; 9/14; 10/5; 10/12; 11/23, 12/14,12/28
Outings:Q1- 3/30; Q2- 6/29; Q3- 11/2
In 2019, Blissers are going to read and discuss the following 4 books together, please sign up to this google registration form if you feel like to read and discuss any of the books below together with other Blissers in 2019
Venue: 東豐喜藝文空間, TOHOHI Arts Corner with Minimum charge: NT$150 per person with a cup of drink (Coffee or Tea )Address: No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, 師大路68巷13號, Near Exit 3台電大樓 MRT station