<Bliss Meeting Notice> “I-Speak” by Angel on 4/8
My dear Blissers,
This coming Saturday is Bliss Meeting Day~
We all agree Communication skills are already key factors in success; is there any communication barriers we can find through other’s reflection and self-awareness? That’s what the intelligent Blisser, Angel is going to convey this coming Saturday on 4/8.
Without further hesitation, join us this coming Saturday!
**Also kindly note: Our New Meeting Place from March. 1 will be shifted to 國王飯店一樓咖啡廳:台北市南京東路1段118號。中山捷運2號出口;從南京西路往南京東路走585公尺,約7分鐘即達。低消NT$120,餐點加一成服務費,下午贈蛋糕一個, the details of which please refer to the attachment.***
**Note: Before the meeting, please kindly take photos of your office and your desk. It will help us to define which communication style you are.
**This week's theme talk included in the first session~ breaking-ice game~
Introduction from Angel:
Dear Blissers,
Have you ever felt frustrated with communication when you work with other teams? Or have you tried very hard but still can’t persuade your customers to buy your products? Or sometimes you even wondered why your boss never accepts your proposals?
The communication barriers we encountered are caused by difference in communication styles. This Sat, I will introduce 4 kinds of communication styles (intuitors, thinkers, feelers, sensors). This will help you to gain a deeper understanding of your own preferred communication style and learn how to identify the communication styles around you. Awareness of different communication styles can improve your ability to interact with others more meaningfully and effectively. It’s very useful in work’s and personal’s relationships. Before you attend my meeting, please kindly take photos of your office and your desk. It will help us to define which communication style you are.
Look forward to sharing more details with you in this meeting. See you this Sat.
2:30-2:50 Ice breaking game
2:50-3:30 Group discussion for communication style
3:30-4:15 Reconfirm your communication style and group discussion
4:15-4:25 Break
4:25-5:15 Group discussion
5:15-5:30 Sharing the book
2017 Bliss Staff :
Bliss 2017 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meeting date: 1/28, 2/4, 2/18, 2/25, 4/1,4/29,5/13,5/27,6/3,8/5,9/30,10/7,12/16,12/23,12/30
Outing: 3/25 (Q1), 6/24 (Q2), 9/23 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/9
Bliss New Meeting Place: 國王飯店一樓咖啡廳:台北市南京東路1段118號。中山捷運2號出口;從南京西路往南京東路走585公尺,約7分鐘即達。低消NT$120,餐點加一成服務費,下午贈蛋糕一個。