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<Recap of Bliss Q1 Outing on 3/25> By Alisa & JC & No Meeting on 4/1

 2017 Q1 outing.jpg


My dear Blissers,

I am not kidding you that we wont have a meeting on 4/1!

Please keep yourselves occupied in family matters during spring vacation, but do return to enjoy the ever-valuable topicI-Speakby Angel on 4/8. 

The Meeting Notice of Angel’s meeting will be posted next week , Stay Tune !!


And Here you go the Q1 outing recap made by our lovely JC and Alisa , Bliss Activity Manager of 2017 :-)


Q1 Outing: Picnic at Yuanshan Park

Activity Managers: Alisa & JC

Q1 Outing Photo:

Participants: Annie, Ellen&Karl, Mengta&I-Ping, Olivia&Zakk, Hector, Anthony, Daniel Chen, Daniel Yang, Steven, Jessica Huang, Alisa, JC, Nania,


Q1 Outing started..

Although it was drizzling and bad weather, JC and Alisa made an wise and intellegent arrangement shift to Yuanshan park and proceeded the Picnic more invigoratingly than expected!


Romantic Deco

After we set the picnic table, Alisa decorated the surrounding with flora to create cozy and bountiful atmosphere!!!



JC teamed us up into three, which were Energy Power, Family Group and Ladies, the group efforts of whom would count at each performance!!!
(a) Menu introduction: Chinese food including rice with duck, chicken legs, pork, Western food like submarine sandwiches, salad, burgers, Drinks and Desserts such as bananas, cakes, Latte, coffee, Water Chestnuts, guava ,apples, and so on. Each team worked hard to introduce the menu and background stories in English while eating!!!

(b)Swing dance: Under the patient guidance by JC& Hector, Ellen & Daniel Chen, we learned to Swing Dance well in a very short time and we even dance in the rain  :-)


(c) Chinese Idiom Guessing game: Each team thought of 10 Chinese idioms which had points with requirements of using English and body language by team members. During the game, many Blissers showed their bilingual proficiency and won our admiration, especially Hector and Mengtas wife- I-Ping


(d) Responding Game: Three teams competed keenly and really needed a final game to decide which team was the best!!! In the game, Team Energy Power, the members of which were Hector, Anthony, Daniel Chen, Daniel Yang got most points, and became the Winner!!!



Thank Alisa & JCs thoughtful itinerary adjustments and registration charts, other staffs supports, and participantscontribution, we all enjoyed ourselves very much and highly expect Q2 Outing on 6/24 soon!!!


Love, JC& Alisa 

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Recap of “Industrial Evolution” @2017/03/18 by Brian


Topic: “Industrial Evolution”

Host: Brian

Participants: Brian, Sophie, Hector Wang, Anthony, Sophie, Annie, Daniel Yang, Cherry, Ellen, Steven

Meeting photo:

New Blissers:


Hector Wang:



This week’s Theme talk-self growth hosted by Ellen

Everyone started to talk about self-growing experience or plans since last year. It was very inspiring to know although they might join varied activities like educating homeless children campaign, taking cello or on-line English courses, dedicated in health-improving plans, or trying more challenging careers by leaving original comfort zones, they all come to interact in Bliss Family NOW.


Meeting started~

Our distinguished New Blood, Brian arrived earlier and proceeded more efficiently and pinpointedly than expected!!!

Brief Introduction of Industrial Revolution stage 1.0 to 4.0 as follows


As an expert in both semi-conductor and management, Brian illustrated his points very systematically as follows:




1st industrial revolution mobilized the mechanization of production using water and steam power;

2nd industrial revolution then introduced mass production with the help of electric power

3rd industrial revolution, digital technology prevailed the use of electronics and IT to further automate production.

4th industrial revolution is the effects/impacts on the civil society, governance structures, human identity, economy and manufacture after the technological advances broadly applied.


Industry 4.0

1.     is separate from the 4th industrial revolution in terms of scope and focusing only on manufacturing

2.     creates a so-called “smart factory” via algorithm and analysis using the automation and data exchange including cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things (IOT) , Internet of people (IOP) and cloud computing

3.     communicates and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time either in internal and cross-organizational services offered via participants of the value chain

4.     Conducts a range of tasks that are unpleasant, too exhausting, or unsafe for their human co-workers.

5.     Enables to make physically Decentralized decisions by aggregating raw sensors and visualizing higher-value context comprehensibly, and thus perform autonomously via technical assistance.

6.     Leaves the priority decision, exception, interference or conflicting goals to a higher level



Taiwan Industries vs. Industrial Revolution 1.0-4.0

Brian used his pictures of childhood, youth, and adulthood to lively reflect how Taiwan Industries have evolved, and thus motivated us to talk about the impacts upon us.


1.     Fintech

2.     Marketing requires the technician to provide innovation and data support.

3.     The strength of OEM and ODM diminishes

4.     The related software in the finance and law field facilitates the previous trivial hierarchical procedures replace the role of lawyers who are forced to serve for lawsuits on the court or negotiation table.

5.     People sacrifice their social physical contacts and happiness in the maze of computer-oriented information exchange

6.     A.I. development becomes debates on human ethics. Can Robots be punished?   

Education killed Creativity?

Brian showed us a TED telling how ridiculously the normed education slanted not on creativity but on IQ or academic performance and aroused our heated discussion about the goals and ways of education.

1.     Education provides opportunities equally and fairly to general public who are components of our society.

2.     Each individual endeavors to build up his own profession starting from a budding interest to prolonged passion which helps to endure routines and generate perseverance.

3.     Creativity stems from long-term profession and a spark of inspiration, which is destined for only exclusive genius while people in every walks of life suffice as building block to manifest the creativity

4.     More and More cross-domain performance will be required such as a choreographer writing programs enabling Robots dancing with a human elastically in “&Kuka.”




GaN & Energy

Although the types of energies may vary, the best storage of energy for the present is “Electricity”, which technical advances consumed substantially but suffered transfer loss during storing transmission. Hopefully a GaN research may succeed in solving the problem.


We learned a lot because of all the participants’ contributed input and Brian’s explicit presentation in which he provided us both with profound knowledge and insights in future advancement and aspiration for further improvement. We look forward to his meeting soon.




President: Ellen Huang
Education manager: Daniel Chen/Annie / Johnson
Activity manager: J.C./Alisa
Public relationship manager: Barkley


Bliss 2017 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday

No meeting date: 1/28, 2/4, 2/18, 2/25, 4/1,4/29,5/13,5/27,6/3,8/5,9/30,10/7,12/16,12/23,12/30 

Outing: 3/25 (Q1), 6/24 (Q2), 9/23 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/9

Bliss New Meeting Place: 國王飯店一樓咖啡廳:台北市南京東路1118。中山捷運2號出口;從南京西路往南京東路走585公尺,約7分鐘即達。低消NT$120,餐點加一成服務費,下午贈蛋糕一個。

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<Bliss Coming-soon Poster in April>


 Coming soon 2017 Apr..tif

My Dear Blissers,


You can’t imagine how fascination dish we will prepare for you after holidays!!!


You surely don’t want to miss how to train your Communication skills, know about learning skills, love poem writing and cake making.


Welcome to join the feast at Bliss!!!



Host: Angel

Topic: I-Speak



Host: Barkley

Topic: Learning Skills



Host: Annie

Topic: Love Poem Writing and Cake Eating

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My Dear Blissers,






Do you have a hilarious and unforgettable “Lantern Festival” this year?  It is celebrated island wide in various ways!!


“Bliss Meeting” is no Exception!!!


“Learning by Doing”, our motto, was embodied in making “Bliss Sky Lantern” Fly in the sky and down into “Imperceptibility” ~degradeably!!!


Continued reading more details in the recap…..




Recap of “Story about Lantern Festival and Sky Lantern in DIY@ Ping Xi’ on 2/11 by Ellen Huang


Participants: Diana, Kevin, Nania, Jessica Huang, Ellen, Karl, Igor, Angel


Meeting Photo:



Ping Xi Meeting

Last Sat, instead of the regular meeting place, our President and hostess, Ellen led us to a lovely coffee shop, surrounded by the mountains, located in Ping Xi.


Theme Talk: “Surplus Food”

Ellen started a warm up discussion of “Surplus Food”. Based on the related statistics, food was wasted around 100 KGs per person per year. To avoid such overwhelming waste, we brainstormedand came out following  solutions.



               1.     Post the information on social media to consume it.  Ex.  剩食終結者(

2.     Check your food stock regularly to avoid food’s expiry date.

3.     Use small packages for storage to prevent expiration or excessive cooking.

4.    Buy the food closer to expiry date in the supermarkets (or share or enjoy the surplus food cooked by some restaurantes like )

5.     Start to talk to neighbors in your community and use connections to share it.


History of Lantern Festival


After the warm up discussion, Ellen led us to learn the story of Lantern festival. It started from Han dynasty and one emperor ordered to light lanterns in palace and temples to worship Buddha on the 15thday of the 1st lunar month. Later, it was developed into a grand festival among common people. For the invention of sky lanterns, it is attributed to the famous military strategist Zhuge Liang, he used this to summon help when he was surrounded by enemy troops. That’s why we also call the lanterns “Kongming lanterns”.


Hazards of Flying Sky Lanterns


Although flying sky lanterns is fun and popular, several countries started to ban it due to the reasons below:


1.     Fire Hazards-A sky lantern may cause fire when it lands with still burring flames.

2.     Not eco-friendly-Partial materials of Lantern’s are difficult to decompose. Some animals may eat it or be hurt by the frames.

3. Navigation Hazards toward aircrafts.

4. Pollution Hazards to the air.

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