Dear Blissers,

BLISS 2012 Year End Theme Party Sign Up NOW!  

"主題趴" 開始報名 ! 


Time flies. 2012 is going to end.

We learn English, play, cooking and relaxation together in the past of the year. We have a really good time this year.


Let’s recall what we experienced and laugh together in the year end theme party on December 8th, 2012.


December 8th 2012, Saturday, 6:00PM at Little Olive Valle

Let’s enjoy the delicacies and fellowship.


2012128 晚上6點整 (5:30 開放進場) 小橄欖園義式創意廚房   期待您一起來品嚐美食 聯絡感情 



Theme party – Bedtime story & Dress code - Pajamas (dress when you are sleeping)

主題趴-床邊故事 & 服裝code : 睡衣



How to sign up:

(1) Registration form (Please click the below link. DO NOT reply to the email for sign-up.)

Sigh up here

(2) Costs:

Blisser: NT$500; Non-Blisser (who has never attended any Bliss meeting): NT$550

Children who are in the kindergarten or haven’t started to school yet are free.

Children who are in elementary school need to pay 1/2 price.

Children who are in junior high school or above – we regard them as adult, so need to pay full price.


(3) Sign-up deadline

2011/11/25 (Sunday) 24:00


(4) The deadline of canceling reservation

2011/11/29 (Thursday) 24:00



(5) The number of persons allowed

40 people.



Let's HAVE FUN together!!



blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Do you know what CPR is? CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardio meaning heart, pulmonary meaning lungs, and resuscitation meaning revive. In layman’s(一般人/俗人) terms, it’s used to revive an adult, child, or infant that has stopped breathing and/or whose heart isn’t beating.


Before starting CPR, the rescuer should establish if the victim is conscious or not by asking if they are okay or gently shaking their shoulder. If no response, begin CPR for one minute in an adult/two minutes in a child if you are alone and/or do not have immediate access to a phone. If someone else is with you, then they should call 119 immediately.


One of the best ways a layman can remember “what is CPR” is by thinking of a CAB:

• C – initiate chest compressions
• A – check the victim’s airway.
• B – initiate rescue breathing.

However, the American Heart Association now recommends that both laymen rescuers and rusty certified rescuers skip steps A and B and continue chest compressions until paramedics arrive, unless the victim is an infant.

C – Chest Compressions

When the heart stops and ceases(終止) to pump blood throughout the body, chest compressions are used to restore at least some of that blood flow. It’s important to remember that CPR is different for adults, children, and infants:

• What is CPR – Adult

In an adult, the responder will interlace(交叉) his/her hands so that one hand is atop the other and then begin to perform 100 downward, rhythmic, and quick chest compressions near the center of the chest. Each compression should depress the chest at least two inches and allow the chest to fully rise between compressions.

• What is CPR – Child

In a child one to eight-years-old, the responder will use the heel of just one hand to perform 100 downward, rhythmic, and quick chest compressions near the lower portion of the breastbone just above where the ribs meet. Each compression should depress the child’s chest about 2 inches.

• What is CPR - Infant

In an infant, the responder will use only two fingertips to perform 100 downward, rhythmic, and quick chest compressions per minute. Compressions should be performed on the breastbone just under the center of the nipple line and at a depth of 1 ½ inches. As with an adult and child, the infant’s back should be on a firm surface during CPR.

Tip: Compressions can be tiring in an adult and older child. Be sure to keep your shoulders aligned with your hands and your elbows locked so that your body weight will assist you with the compressions.

Trained CPR responders will do the same as the above, but at 30 compressions a minute before moving on to the airway. Untrained and rusty CPR responders will continue the compressions as described above and not move on to the airway unless the victim is an infant.


Sheena took an Annie doll and an infant model with her and demonstrated CPR to us. The wonderful thing is everyone had chance to practice on the spot. So, we are luck to learn and have chance to practice CPR. It’s really pity for those who didn’t join the meeting.


The lucky members are Hank, Uncle Ting, Vicky, Barkley, Selina, Jeff, Kevin Huang, Angela, Millie and Daniel.

The meeting picture is here.

At the coming Saturday, Angel Zhan is the host and her meeting outline and agenda is below.

============================== =============================

Hi, Everyone,

After an introduction by Iphone and Facebook in my previous meetings, this time, I would like to bring you to the future.

Talking about robots, you may think of a robot’s shape and actions in movies. But in reality, what do robots look like? How many kinds of robots are there? What’s their ability level or reactions to real life?

I will let you know about the current robotics industry, private enterprise’s mission and show you their bestselling robots. Through my lecture and films, you will find that what robots can do is beyond your imagination.

Based on movie preview of Robot and Frank, we will discuss further issues regarding robots living in your daily life.

If you are interested in those subjects, don’t miss this class.

I look forward to seeing you this coming Saturday!



•2:00-2:20 pm introduction and group activity


•2:20-3:20 pm robot case study


•3:20-3:40 pm Create your own robot


•3:40-4:10 pm share with other teams and see which sells most


•4:10-4:30 pm I-robot


•4:30-4:50 pm Frank and Robot


•4:50-5:10 Discussion


•5:10-5:30 Share and play game


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Last week, Jessica taught us 5 tips of oratorical skills.

A. Make up word or sentence

B. Never tongue tie in public

C. No worry to say no

D. Good sense of humorous

E. Deliver joke anytime


A. Make up word or sentence

Example: Someone be fired.

l  We are so happy Tom has been leading Creative Department and build up New performance record to us $1,000,000.

l  Tom completed the mission impossible and he decided to give young people opportunity and retired in the ending of year, thank you for his effort for pass 20 years.

l  Although we have to respect his insist, but we still invite him to be consultant forever, so he is still our team member, let ‘s give him big applause.



l  He is an outstanding leading

l  He is an open mind people

l  Saving people’s face


B. Never tongue tie in public

l  Meet your boss in elevator

l  Asking people’s job in polite way

l  The first date with someone

l  Try to Join group conversation in the party

l  Try to calm  when you deliver speech 


Good start:

l  Good start to your boss

    Meeting, eating, outing

l  Good start to guess people ‘s occupation

    Teacher, artist, writer

l  Good start talk to Mr. Right

    Spirit, color, dress

l  Good start to join party

    Place, food, dress

l  Good start when you presentation

    Joke, short story, compliments


C. No worry to say no


Q. Can you lend me 100,000?

A. I really don’t want to break up our relationship, how about dinner on me until you find out a job.

Q. Can you join business party tonight?

A. I have make sure if I postpone the appointment with my doctor.

Q. Can you participate party tonight?

A. I have an after class, where is the place?

Q. Can you support other team?

A. Sure, what can I do for them?

Q. If I finish the task from GM.

Q. Can you work on the weekend?

A. May be I come to night time.



l  Do not answer yes or no directly

l   You always have a date

l   Always say yes to your boss

l   Yes doesn’t means Yes

l   Responds more than people's  expectation


D. Good sense of humorous

l  Challenge to taboo.

l  Sexual

l  Political

l  Same  pronounce

l  Saying in opposite side

l  Mock yourself

l  Use new word



l  Taboo

    ex: Do you believe God ? 

l  Sex

    ex: Are you a virgin ? 

l  Political

    ex: What is the most facility you have request if 

          you plan to buy a house?

    ex: What is the most famous meeting point  

          recently ?

l  Same pronounce but difference word

    ex: Six vs.. Sex


E. Deliver joke anytime

l  Tips

l  Don’t announce you would like to deliver joke now

l  Do not laugh advance 

l  Don’t explain it

l  Use body language

l  Use voice experience


Thanks, Jessica.


The participants are Joyce, Fox, Selina, Naihsin, Ellen, Cherry, Cara, Sirina, Kevin Huang, Jeff, Sophia and Daniel.


The meeting picture is here.


Sheena is the coming Saturday meeting host and her topic is “You may save others’ life.”

Below is her meeting outline and agenda.




According to AHA (American Heart Association)'s report, About 92 percent of sudden

cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital, but statistics prove that if more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved. Immediate CPR can double, or even triple a victim's chance of survival.


Meeting Agenda :


14:00 - 14:30 introduction


14:30 - 15:30 What is CPR?  , How to do CPR?


15:30 - 15:40 short break


15:40 - 16:30 Practice


16:30 - 17:30 Group competition



blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Last week, Vicky talked about how Amazon affects book business. A decade ago, when you wanted to buy a book, you would go to physical store and if it gave you 10% discount, you would satisfy with it. But, now many people go to physical store to check the book and buy it online. Meanwhile, you can get more discounts. Therefore, sales of adult paperbacks and hardcovers fell 18 percent between 2010 and 2011. We discussed this. Some members like me will buy books online now or borrow books from library. Some members are afraid the physical stores will close, so they buy books from them to support it. Vicky also told us publisher’s and author’s viewpoint. Publishers hate Amazon because the book price in Amazon is lower than theirs and Amazon still earns money. But, authors like Amazon because publishers only pay them about 10% sale price, but Amazon give them 20%, 30% or more. In addition, we seldom see a small book store in Taiwan, but there are a lot in Europe, why? The answer is “fixed price”. In order for small and independent book stores to survive, many countries have “fixed price” for books. In other words, the same book will have the same price in different types of book stores so that the small store can earn money from books. In the end, do you know what Amazon logo means? There is a yellow arrow in the bottom of Amazon logo and shows “A to Z”. It indicates that they do have all types of goods. Thanks Vicky for sharing the article with us.


The participants are Neihsin, Ellen, Karl, Barkley, Allan, Kevin Cheng, Selina, Joe Kao, Fox, Cara, Angela and Daniel.


Meeting picture is here.


In the coming Saturday, Jessica Yang is the host and here is her meeting outline and agenda.


============================== ====================

Topic: oratorical skill

Dear Blisser,

Besides to know “The Table Manner” in order to have good attitude in the public place, learning “Wine Taste” skill to build up you relationship, how about to cultivate your oratorical ability to make you become a welcome person?


*Have you even spill out wrong word to fail the conversation?

*Have you ever tongue tie when you join in the new group?

*Have you ever have difficulty to say “No” when you’re unwilling to join the party? Or you don’t want answer the personal questions?

*Do you have good sense of humor?

14:00 - 14:15 Introduction
14:15 -15:00 How to make up words or sentence.

How can you have appropriate conversation when you meet new friend.

How to say “NO” smoothly

1500 - 15:30 classic example &practice
15:30 -15:40 break time
15:40 -16:30 How to cultivate good sense of humor

How to delivery joke any time

16:30 - 17:00 classic example & practice

17:00 - 17:30 joke and reaction ability completion




blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Last Saturday, Willy gave us a brief introduction to Russia. He also taught us Russian pronunciation and some simple sentences. I think the Russian pronunciation is really difficult for everyone. We tasted Russia vodka and cucumber as well. They are not bad. In addition to drinking and eating, we also listened to Russian singer – Vitas’ song – Opera #2 and Willy taught us to sing Vitas’ song. We had a great and wonderful afternoon. Thanks, Willy.


2 new members – Cherry Wu and Clark Kuo joined the meeting.


The other participants are Fox, Mengta, Barkley, Naihsin, 灌強, Ellen, Selina, Kevin Huang, Iris, Serina, Tom, Angel Chan, Ting Chen, Millie, Clair and Daniel.

The meeting picture is here.

In the coming Saturday, Vicky is the host and her meeting topic is “Amazon is burning the book business”.

Here is the outline and agenda from Vicky.



Hi Blissers,
I'd like to talk about the book business this Saturday, especially focus on how affects the business.

A decade ago, when you wanted to buy a book, you went to a bricks-and-mortar bookstore in the neighborhood and would be happy and satisfied with 10% off list price. How times have changed. Nowadays you usually go to some online booksellers like "
博客來)" or "" instead of physical stores to find a bargain. What you expect now is no longer 10% off, you ask for more discount. No (enough) discount, no purchase. provides discount books and does attract lots of customers. It controls 60% of the U.S. ebook market and 75% of print book sold on the internet. In the meantime, the second-largest physical bookstore--Borders--applied for the bankruptcy protection and began liquidating 226 of it stores in the U.S. Not only the booksellers but also the publishers and authors are threatened or affected by the thriving of Amazon. We will talk about an interesting antitrust lawsuit between the U.S. Justice Department and Apple/publishing houses due to Amazon's aggressive pricing.

Besides, do you know there are more than 15 countries which adopt fixed book price scheme? Do you think the scheme increase or reduce competition? Let's discuss on Saturday. Please come and join us.

2:00~2:40  Self-introduction and purchase experience sharing
2:40~3:40  How Amazon burns the book business (part 1)
3:40~3:50  Break
3:50~4:40   How Amazon burns the book business (part 2)
4:40~5:30  Group discussion




blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Last week, Owen introduced the history of auction to us. It is generally accepted that auctions were recorded as early as 500 B.C. They were Babylonian wedding auctions, held annually, where women were sold for the purpose of marriage. Auctions were also used extensively during the Roman Empire. The refinement of the auction process grew to be much more organized and defined. In today's language, the key players became the consignor (the person on whose behalf the property was sold), the organizer (regulator, financial backer), the promoter (advertiser, auctioneer), and the buyer (highest and final bidder).

Basically, it has 2 types of auction – primary and secondary types of auction.

1.    Primary types of auction.

English auction, also known as an open ascending price auction. This type of auction is arguably the most common form of auction in use today. Participants bid openly against one another, with each subsequent bid higher than the previous bid.

Dutch auction also known as an open descending price auction. In practice, however, the Dutch auction is not widely used.

Sealed first-price auction, also known as a first-price sealed-bid auction (FPSB). Sealed first-price auctions are commonly used in tendering, particularly for government contracts and auctions for mining leases.

Vickrey auction, also known as a sealed-bid second-price auction. This is identical to the sealed first-price auction except that the winning bidder pays the second highest bid rather than their own.


2.    Secondary type of auction

All-pay auction is an auction in which all bidders must pay their bids regardless of whether they win.


Buyout auction is an auction with a set price (the 'buyout' price) that any bidder can accept at any time during the auction, thereby immediately ending the auction and winning the item.

 Combinatorial auction is any auction for the simultaneous sale of more than one item where bidders can place bids on an "all-or-nothing" basis on "packages" rather than just individual items.

No-reserve auction (NR), also known as an absolute auction, is an auction in which the item for sale will be sold regardless of price.

Reverse auction is a type of auction in which the role of the buyer and seller are reversed, with the primary objective to drive purchase prices downward.

Silent auction is a variant of an English auction where bids are written on a sheet of paper.

Chinese auction is a type of raffle獎卷 (actually a combination of raffle and auction) that is typically featured at charity, church festival and numerous other events.

We held Bliss Auction annually as well and 17 members joined the auction.

They are Frank, Yvonne, Selina, Barkley, Nelly, Cara, Patric, Sheena, Ashow, Annie, Ting Chen, Millie, Angela, Mengta, Kevin Huang, Natalie and Daniel.

Here is the meeting picture.

In the coming Saturday, Willy is the host and his meeting topic is Colorful life III (When vodka meets cucumber).

 Here is his meeting outline and agenda.

Colorful life III (When vodka meets cucumber)

Dear Blissers:

Matthew Paige Damon is one of my favorite Hollywood movie stars.  Benjamin Géza Affleck Boldt cooperated with him to complete Good Will Hunting in 1997.  This movie caught my eye and then I began to be Damon’s fans.  Recently “The Bourne Legacy(2012)” has been played in theaters and occupied in Top 3 sales amount.  It is part four of one series movies.  The part one was “The Bourne Identity 2002”, part two “The Bourne Supremacy 2004” and Part three “The Bourne Ultimatum 2007”.  Wow, I am late.  Although he is not the film actor at this time, I still have to catch his step.  Therefore, I am going to go on holding my classical series meeting – Colorful life III in 2012.

 If you missed Colorful life part one and part two before, your life would not be different.  Once you came to part three, you will get wider view in more joyful manner to see the world.  Why? I am telling you why.

Some members of Bliss usually asked me many questions about Slavic people, culture, business, language and politics.  It is because of my background.  Yes, I had lived in Maskva for forty months (1994-1997) and known about this area more than you.  Unfortunately I know it more, I fear more.  But it is not the correct attitude in my opinion.  After considering for long time, I convince myself to carry on the topic.

There are so many legends, incredible, heroes, sensation, diamond, Inspire and Aria stories and history happened here.  You may say why the kinds of styles look like HTC’s products’ commercial names.  Believe me, it is just coincidence ONLY.

Why says Legend for Russia?

Because of Yuri Gagarin who is the first Astronaut in the world.

Why says Incredible for Russia?

Because the country has 17,075,400 km x km land areas (474 times bigger than Taiwan)

Why says Hero for Russia?

Because Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Pushkin created the Brilliant Russian art and culture.

Why says Sensation for Russia?

Because Vitalii Vladasovich Grachyov, high falsetto voice and a vocal range of 5 octaves in the world only so far.

Why says Diamond for Russia?

Because there are many kinds of Diamonds here.  Cubic Zirconia, Fake Diamond and real diamond.

 Why says Inspire for Russia?

Because in the movie of Enemy at the Gates, you can see how Vasily Zaytsev INSPIRES comrades of army to fight with Germany accusations.

 Why says Aria for Russia?

Because of Sveta.  She has spent more than decade in researching ICONS of Orthodox Church and is the authoritativeness in the field in Taiwan.

Now you might understand why I use such adjective to describe the country.  Chinese people said seeing is believing.  You come to my meeting, you come to Russia closer.  It is not important how much you know about Russia.  The importance is you will begin or improve your skill of appreciate life and environments after 2012-October-13th.


14:00-14:10 Warm up / introduction for new comers and members

14:11-14:55 To chew over the significance of Soviet socialistic placards.

14:56-15:30 File or Photo appreciation (Russian artistries)

15:31-15:50 Russian vodka taste

15:51-16:10 Russian cucumber taste

16:11-16:30 Russian bread taste

16:31-16:40 Amber, Fossil appreciation

16:40-17:00 Matryoshka, appreciation

17:00-17:30 Conclusion


Welcome to bring your friends, lovers, relatives and whoever likes English to BLISS!  For respecting our attendees and host who devotes much to the meeting and for enjoying the complete process, please come no later than 14:30.  Thank you.

Willy Huang


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,
The coming Saturday is Owen and his meeting topic is "Auction".
If you have anything you don’t need it any more, you can sell it in the meeting. Please come to join the meeting.

Here is Owen's meeting outline and agenda.


Dear Blissers,

You must know or experience Auction in your life before. But you know how it comes from and how many kinds of auctions there are in the world?
When you join an auction and want to bid some targets, there are certain strategy and tips to goal it. I would like to invite you to join my Auction to share with.
Most important of all, we will have a real auction in my meeting. Please find something good, useful, and interesting but you will never need it to sell it. I assure that all of you have a fabulous and unforgettable afternoon.

The agenda:

2:00-2:20    Self Introduction

2:20-3:40    The history of Auction and its classification.

3:40-3:50    Break

3:50-5:30   Auction Time

Owen Lin

For the meeting place, it is at Brown Café 2F.


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Last Saturday, it was our outing. We got together in Beitou tree house and had a cooking game. After a fierce competition, group east won the game. We danced along campfire after dinner and had a small birthday party. The most exciting moment was Barkly proposed to Sharon and she said “YES” to Barkley. We enjoyed cooking, eating, dancing and had a happy ending.


Due to moon festival, we don’t have meeting in the coming Saturday 9/29.

On October 6th, our host is Owen and his meeting topic is AUCTION.

I announce it earlier so that you can have more time to prepare your stuff for auction.


Here is his outline and agenda



Dear Blissers,

You must know or experience Auction in your life before. But you know how it comes from and how many kinds of auctions there are in the world?


When you join an auction and want to bid some targets, there are certain strategy and tips to goal it. I would like to invite you to join my Auction to share with.


Most important of all, we will have a real auction in my meeting. Please find something good, useful, and interesting but you will never need it to sell it. I assure that all of you have a fabulous and unforgettable afternoon.

The agenda:

2:00-2:20   Self Introduction

2:20-3:40   The history of Auction and its classification.

3:40-3:50   Break

3:50-5:30   Auction Time


Owen Lin


For the meeting place, it is Brown Café 2F, so far, and will try moving to 3F. I will give you an update next week.



blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Last Saturday, Stephanie Hong introduced some adventures and exciting sports to us.

1.   New Zealand

In Queenstown, New ZeaLand, adventure sports are usually fast, fun and sometimes dangerous. People come from around the world to do adventure sports in Queenstown –especially bungee jumping.

Kawarau Bridge was the first full-time bungee jump site in the world and is the place where adventure tourism began in New Zealand.

There’s more than just bungee jumping to do in New Zealand. Visitors can also go for a jetboat ride. The jetboat is another one of New Zealand’s adventure inventions. Jetboats were especially designed to get around New Zealand ‘s shallow rivers, but they’re also really good at giving customers a thrill.

In New Zealand, it seems that nearly every day someone creates another adventure sport. David Kennedy , who is from a company called “Destination Queenstown, talks about just how many adventure sports there are to do. You know, we quite proudly call ourselves The adventure Capital of the world. He says.


2.   Alaska Ice Climbing

This story starts in Talkeetna in Alaska. In the united States . It ends in an area called Matanuska. Near Denali National Park.

Colby Coombs and Caitlin Palmer are both experienced mountain guides. They run a climbing school. They teach beginner climbers and help experienced climbers to reach the top of Denali. Denali is a mountain that is also known as Mount Mckinley. It’s the highest mountain in North America.

Matanuska is a very big glacier – it ‘s 27 miles long and two miles wide. The name : “Matanuska ‘ comes from an old Russian word for the Athabascan Indians who in the area. The glacier is in a low area that has many trees around it. It formed 2,000 years ago, but it’s always moving and changing. It’s also always difficult to climb.

A group gets ready to climb one of the Matanuska Glacier’s formations – a 30 foot wall of ice. At the base of the wall, Caitlin explains how to climb it, and it’s not going to be easy. The most stable you are going to be is when you have all the points of your crampons sticking on the ice, says Caitlin.
The hike across Matanuska is beautiful, but it can also be very dangerous. One summer, a young man fell into an opening in the ice called a cirque, and died.


3.   Water Sports Adventure

This story is set in the United States. It happens in the Columbia River Gorge, in the states of Oregon and Washington.

A gorge is an area between two mountains, so there is usually a lot of wind there. Cory Roeseler lives in the area, and he loves new things and adventure.

Roeseler was one of the first people to really experience the sport of kiteboarding. He uses a kite to catch the power of the wind. This wind power has helped Roeseler to do new and interesting things. It’s been especially helpful in developing new adventure sports, like kiteboarding. But what is kiteboarding like ?How does it feel ? According to Roeseler, It’s sort of a rolly, wavy, free feeling ….

Wind power is something that’s easily found in the gorge which divides Washington and Oregon. That makes the Columbia River Gorge one of the best places in the world to kiteboard. However, for inventor Cory Roeseler the gorge is more than just a place to have fun, it’s a place where he can test his new inventions. Now, Roeseler is ready to test his newest invention for playing with the wind. It’s a new kind of wakeboarding (花式滑水)boat that has a sail on the back.


There are 2 new members joined the meeting.

They are Michelle Lin and Seraya Ling.

Other participants are Kathy, Ting Chen, Joe Kao, Frank Chong, Kevin, Selina, Natalie, Cara, Angela, Millie, Barkley and Daniel.

Here is the meeting pictures.

Notice: No meeting in September 22th because it is our 3rd outing date.


blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Hi Blissers,

Last Saturday, Mengta presented his wedding in Guam.

Do you know why Mengta chose to marry in Guam, not in Taiwan? Save time. He decided to merry in June and married in October last year. It took him about 3 – 4 months to prepare the wedding. If he married in Taiwan, it will take him more time to prepare because last year was the 100th year for our country establishment. Many people got married. Therefore, many restaurants were full booked. That was impossible for him to marry last year. Of course, the disadvantage of marring in Guam is it costs him a lot.

Guam is unincorporated territory of the United States and sits in the east to Taiwan. Its land area is twice Taipei City and it takes about 3 and a half hour from Taiwan to Guam by plane. Guam is famous for wedding, so it has many churches around the island. Many 5-star hotels also have chapels (small churches). Mengta gave us a simple glance of the church and hotel. He also revealed that the make-up in Guam is not as good as Taiwan. After the wedding, Mengta joined a city tour and some tour packages. One activity Mengta and his wife took surprised us. Do you know what it is? “Shooting”. Shooting in honeymoon? Anyway, they enjoyed it very much.

Barkley has been there in March this year and he shared his experience to us as well.

Thanks, Mengta and Barkley.


There are 2 new members join the meeting – Sofia Chen and Erica.

The other participants are Vicky Lu, Iris, Ting Chen, Barkley, Kurt, Selina, Joe Kao, Kevin Huang, Cara, Natalie, Sylvia and Daniel.


The picture for the meeting is here.


In the coming Saturday, Stephanie Hong will be the host and her meeting topic is “Adventures and Exciting Sports”.




Dear my Bliss friends :

I am glad to be a host on Sep 15th this sat. I would like to share with you kind of sports.
such as : first bungee jumping in Queenstown, second Ice climbing in Alaskan , third water
sports adventure in Columbia . We will do spell game , watch video, and listening game.
Before we start meeting, I want every bliss friends prepare , what kind of sport you like to
best in your life , and why ? That us discuss it !!

14:00 - 14:15 introuduce every bliss friends
14:15 -14:30 acitivity ( spell game )
14:30 - 15:00 read artice ( The bungee jumping adventure in Queenstown )
15:00 -15:20 break time
15:20 -15:40 watch video and listening activity
15:40 - 16:00 second article ( Alaskan Ice climbing ) spell game and listening activity
16:00 - 17:30 third artice ( water sport adventure in Columbia )

thank you , wish we have a great time on sep 15th this sat !!!


Notice: The meeting place is at Brown Café 3F.


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