Hi Blissers,
Last week, Owen introduced the history of auction to us. It is generally accepted that auctions were recorded as early as 500 B.C. They were Babylonian wedding auctions, held annually, where women were sold for the purpose of marriage. Auctions were also used extensively during the Roman Empire. The refinement of the auction process grew to be much more organized and defined. In today's language, the key players became the consignor (the person on whose behalf the property was sold), the organizer (regulator, financial backer), the promoter (advertiser, auctioneer), and the buyer (highest and final bidder).
Basically, it has 2 types of auction – primary and secondary types of auction.
1. Primary types of auction.
English auction, also known as an open ascending price auction. This type of auction is arguably the most common form of auction in use today. Participants bid openly against one another, with each subsequent bid higher than the previous bid.
Dutch auction also known as an open descending price auction. In practice, however, the Dutch auction is not widely used.
Sealed first-price auction, also known as a first-price sealed-bid auction (FPSB). Sealed first-price auctions are commonly used in tendering, particularly for government contracts and auctions for mining leases.
Vickrey auction, also known as a sealed-bid second-price auction. This is identical to the sealed first-price auction except that the winning bidder pays the second highest bid rather than their own.
2. Secondary type of auction
All-pay auction is an auction in which all bidders must pay their bids regardless of whether they win.
Buyout auction is an auction with a set price (the 'buyout' price) that any bidder can accept at any time during the auction, thereby immediately ending the auction and winning the item.
Combinatorial auction is any auction for the simultaneous sale of more than one item where bidders can place bids on an "all-or-nothing" basis on "packages" rather than just individual items.
No-reserve auction (NR), also known as an absolute auction, is an auction in which the item for sale will be sold regardless of price.
Reverse auction is a type of auction in which the role of the buyer and seller are reversed, with the primary objective to drive purchase prices downward.
Silent auction is a variant of an English auction where bids are written on a sheet of paper.
Chinese auction is a type of raffle獎卷 (actually a combination of raffle and auction) that is typically featured at charity, church festival and numerous other events.
We held Bliss Auction annually as well and 17 members joined the auction.
They are Frank, Yvonne, Selina, Barkley, Nelly, Cara, Patric, Sheena, Ashow, Annie, Ting Chen, Millie, Angela, Mengta, Kevin Huang, Natalie and Daniel.
Here is the meeting picture.
In the coming Saturday, Willy is the host and his meeting topic is Colorful life III (When vodka meets cucumber).
Here is his meeting outline and agenda.
Colorful life III (When vodka meets cucumber)
Dear Blissers:
Matthew Paige Damon is one of my favorite Hollywood movie stars. Benjamin Géza Affleck Boldt cooperated with him to complete Good Will Hunting in 1997. This movie caught my eye and then I began to be Damon’s fans. Recently “The Bourne Legacy(2012)” has been played in theaters and occupied in Top 3 sales amount. It is part four of one series movies. The part one was “The Bourne Identity 2002”, part two “The Bourne Supremacy 2004” and Part three “The Bourne Ultimatum 2007”. Wow, I am late. Although he is not the film actor at this time, I still have to catch his step. Therefore, I am going to go on holding my classical series meeting – Colorful life III in 2012.
If you missed Colorful life part one and part two before, your life would not be different. Once you came to part three, you will get wider view in more joyful manner to see the world. Why? I am telling you why.
Some members of Bliss usually asked me many questions about Slavic people, culture, business, language and politics. It is because of my background. Yes, I had lived in Maskva for forty months (1994-1997) and known about this area more than you. Unfortunately I know it more, I fear more. But it is not the correct attitude in my opinion. After considering for long time, I convince myself to carry on the topic.
There are so many legends, incredible, heroes, sensation, diamond, Inspire and Aria stories and history happened here. You may say why the kinds of styles look like HTC’s products’ commercial names. Believe me, it is just coincidence ONLY.
Why says Legend for Russia?
Because of Yuri Gagarin who is the first Astronaut in the world.
Why says Incredible for Russia?
Because the country has 17,075,400 km x km land areas (474 times bigger than Taiwan)
Why says Hero for Russia?
Because Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Pushkin created the Brilliant Russian art and culture.
Why says Sensation for Russia?
Because Vitalii Vladasovich Grachyov, high falsetto voice and a vocal range of 5 octaves in the world only so far.
Why says Diamond for Russia?
Because there are many kinds of Diamonds here. Cubic Zirconia, Fake Diamond and real diamond.
Why says Inspire for Russia?
Because in the movie of Enemy at the Gates, you can see how Vasily Zaytsev INSPIRES comrades of army to fight with Germany accusations.
Why says Aria for Russia?
Because of Sveta. She has spent more than decade in researching ICONS of Orthodox Church and is the authoritativeness in the field in Taiwan.
Now you might understand why I use such adjective to describe the country. Chinese people said seeing is believing. You come to my meeting, you come to Russia closer. It is not important how much you know about Russia. The importance is you will begin or improve your skill of appreciate life and environments after 2012-October-13th.
14:00-14:10 Warm up / introduction for new comers and members
14:11-14:55 To chew over the significance of Soviet socialistic placards.
14:56-15:30 File or Photo appreciation (Russian artistries)
15:31-15:50 Russian vodka taste
15:51-16:10 Russian cucumber taste
16:11-16:30 Russian bread taste
16:31-16:40 Amber, Fossil appreciation
16:40-17:00 Matryoshka, appreciation
17:00-17:30 Conclusion
Welcome to bring your friends, lovers, relatives and whoever likes English to BLISS! For respecting our attendees and host who devotes much to the meeting and for enjoying the complete process, please come no later than 14:30. Thank you.
Willy Huang