Hi Blissers,
Thanks for Jeff to host a meeting about building the relationship with children, how to teach children and how to communicate. Jeff made us into 3 groups to discuss and answered the questions. Additional to introduce the writer of Parenting,Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and he also advised the ways how to get along with kids, such as "Authoritarian parenting", which is the children need to follow the order of parent, "Authoritative parenting", which is the parents set up the regulation and it is negotiable, "Permissive or Indulgent parenting", which is the parents offer the total freedom to children, and "An uninvolved parenting style", which the parents only provide the basic needs of life. All of the information made everyone have a better idea about communication with children.
Each group also did some performances which Jeff prepared about the social news. It was very interesting and enhanced the knowledge of parenting. In the end, Jeff was thoughtful to prepare some small gifts. After this meeting, it made Blissers who have children know better about how to be with their children and who don't have children to know the importance of relationship between parent and children.
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Coming soon~"To Sue Or Not To Sue" by Ashow@3/16 14.00, 伯朗咖啡(南京一店 3F)
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Dear Blissers,
When you are injured by the negligence or misconduct of others, whether it is for personal injury, fraud, malpractice, breach of contract, or other common lawsuits, you k! now you can fight for your rights. Indeed, the purpose of a lawsuit is to provide someone who has suffered a loss at the hands of another party a legal means to recover the property or other damages from the offender.
However, justice is not for free. Do you know how much it might cost to fight for justice in Taiwan 's civil justice system? You might be shocked to learn the price, especially when you are trapped and may not withdraw a case from court.
Deciding on whether or not you should sue requires you answering four fundamental questions: Do you have a good case? If you win, will they pay? What are the costs for lawsuits? Is there any alternative available to you apart from to sue?
To entile you have a fair chance to receive justice through Taiwan 's legal system, come join us on this Saturday and learn more about it. You are also welcome to share your experience and listen to others' advice.
Meeting Agenda:
14:00 - 14:15 Warm up, self introduction
14:15 - 15:00 To sue or Not to Sue - Hollow Victory? Factors to Consider
15:15 - 16:00 Legal Action for Civil Dispute 1: Pre-litigation
16:15 - 17:00 Legal Action for Civil Dispute 2: Litigation & Mediation
17:00 - 17:30 Q&A, Vocabulary Recap
Best regards
For any questions, please contact me! Looking forward to seeing you soon~
President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Activity manager: Kevin, Millie
PR manager: Judith
Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F) 每人低消130元,無其他費用。