Hi Blissers,

Patrick led us to know the origin of Baroque. We knew not only about the European building but also Taiwan's. He also showed us the video and photos of Baroque buildings in Taiwan and explained the construction and details of building. During some compared photos, all of us missed the buildings in old times. In the end, he made us a debate and let us to think more about how to reserve the old buildings and get the balance in this modern living style. Thank you, Patrick. 

Attendance: Kevin, Daniel, Serina, Ellen, Owen, Naihsin, Yvonne, Selina, Judith, Angel, Stephanie, Debbie, Wisely, Cara, Jason, Michael, Jeff

Here are the meeting photos
Host Patricks photo
New member Debbie photo

Yvonne is our next host and below is the new location of the meeting place. Please be noted and be ON TIME due to the rule of meeting place is limited. 
Add:中山公民會館-台北市中山區中山北路二段128號2樓 (The attached MAP is for your reference)
Time: 5/4@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交$100(場地費)


Hi Blisser,

Have you ever thought about traveling to Kenya? If yes, please come to share with me your ideas. If not, let me introduce my impressive trip.


14:00 - 14:15 Warm up, self introduction
14:15 - 15:00 Background of Kenya and trip route

15:15-16:00 Trip sharing
16:15-17:00 Reading/Discussion

See you soon, Yvonne

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Hi Blissers,

It was an exiting and interesting meeting provided by Mahatma. If you could not join this meeting, you could check the attached file. In the beginning, he advised us the idea of Forex and the secret of trading. He also taught us some charts and analyze the data. In the end, he brought us the theory into practice and all of blissers played a game for trading. It was like we really did the trading and everyone had lots of fun!

Attendance: Kevin, Annie, Daniel, Serina, Jeff, Belle, Catherine, Ellen, Kurt, Karl, Joe, Naihsin, Vicky, Angela, Yvonne, Selina, BK, Michelle, Judith. 

Here are the photos:

Host Mahatmas photo :


New member Michelles photo:


Patrick is our next host and I am sure the meeting will be fascinating. See you this Saturday. 

For any questions, please let me know. 


Coming soon~

Topic: "The lost Baroque spirits in Taiwan"by Patrick@4/27 14.00 伯朗咖啡(南京一店 3F)


Hi Blissers,

Guess where this building is from? It's not from Europe or Russia, or Middle ease, but right in our living place - Taiwan. 

You may not know there are hundreds of exotic buildings like this one throughout the island.

This week I am going to reveal the soul and spirits of antique architecture in Taiwan. There are only a few people who really can appreciate the beauty and grandeur of buildings in old times. No, it's not they are blind or in lack of artist taste, but they can not easily discover the treasure, pearl concealed in some unbeaten corners. 

2:00 ~ 2:30: warm up activities - share the impression of special landmarks in Taiwan.
2:30 ~ 3: 30: Introduction of exotic buildings with location & history in Taiwan
3:30 ~ 3:40: 10 min break
3:40 ~ 4:45: presentation of reviving Tokyo Rail station - How to make all old things live agin in modern world? Where is the Renaissance in Taiwan's architecture? 

4:45 ~ 5:00: 15 min break
5:00 ~ 5:30: guessing game on nowadays location vs old times construction.


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Hi Blissers,

The host of Kevin Cheng advises us how to apply the university in the USA last week. It was very useful and he also brought his application to share with everyone.  Additional to the language , there are more criteria. Although you can have the agent to help for application, the main point is still to prepare the sufficient documents by yourself then you can submit the application. 

More than the TOEFL scores (must achieve the required score), the application also requires for transcript of University-Chinese & English version, working experience or not, GMAT result...etc( the details as attached from Kevin). 

Later, Kevin made us into 4 groups and practiced the faculty interviews. It is like the professors of University to interview you. He also taught us how to answer properly. This skill can be used not only for applying university but also hunting the jobs. It is very useful. In the end, we also chose the best team and awarded the gifts. Thanks for Kevin to offer a wonderful afternoon. 

Attendance: Kevin Cheng, Annie, Daniel, Wisely, Serina, Cherry, Kevin Huang, Natalie, Cara, Jeff

Here are the photos:

https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ MakingYourAmericanDreamsComeTr ueByKevinChengOnApr13#

Host Kevin Chengs photo as below~~

https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ MakingYourAmericanDreamsComeTr ueByKevinChengOnApr13# 5866871497449006818

The coming week is also very interesting and Mahatma will introduce to trading. You can't miss it and see you on this Saturday!

For any questions, please let me know, thanks. 



Coming soon~

Topic: Introduction to Trading by Mahatma @4/20 14.00(Please don't be late)

Place: The meeting place will be Jeff's place,百達富麗(北市和平西路一段61號,近捷運古亭站 8號出口).

For late comers,please tell the guard look for "KTV room reserved by 18F Mr.張". Please bring your own beverage. 


The below is the agenda:

Dear Bliss members,
If you'd like learn new way of earning income and have fun, come join us on Apr 20.

Topics: Introduction to Forex trading
14:00~14:30: Forex 101
14:30~15:30: Basics of Technical Analysis
15:40~16:00: Break
16:00~17:00: Trading Game Practice 
17:00~17:30: A
ward Ceremony


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Hi Blissers,

The coming meeting will be held by Kevin and please find the below meeting introduction, meeting time and place. The attached file is the meeting material. 
See you on this Saturday!

For any questions, please let me know, thanks, 


Meeting Topic: Making Your American Dreams Come True 14.00, 伯朗咖啡(南京一店 3F)

Introduction of meeting:

What Is Your American Dream? Everyone has the dream in mind; however, it is difficult to achieve. Studying in USA is a good way to do so. What is the difference between education in USA and that in Taiwan ? How to apply for? How to prepare for school interview? These are not only useful for an application of graduate program in USA but also for your jobs and application of graduate program in Taiwan .

Please take the 3.5 hours for the dream if you are considering about study abroad in the future, Do not miss it.

by Kevin Cheng (嘉文)

The agenda will be:

Meeting Agenda:

14:00 - 14:15 Warm up, self introduction, group formation

14:15 - 15:00 “What Is Your American Dream? “


15:10 - 15:30 Education in The US

15:30 - 16:30 How to Apply for Master Degree in The US .


16:40 - 17:00 Faculty Interview. Skills for a Perfect First-Impression.

17:00- 17:30 Practice of Interview. Quiz for Prize.

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Hi Blissers,
The host, Peter, brought a very happy moment to us last week, which is "How to keep happy and bliss". Peter told us the secret of happiness, and the answer is "Don't think too much and just do it!". He thought we need to keep smiling when we face anything. The happy mind brings the happy things. In the end of meeting, we also had a small test and share the result to every one. We also analyzed the happy level of each one and all of us participated the discussion spontaneously. It was such an interesting meeting!
The attached file is provided by Peter and hope these suggestions could make you happy every day.
Attendance: Peter, Ken, Annie, Vicky, Daniel, Patrick, Serina, Judith, Howard, Wisely, Kevin, Millie, Sunny, Natalie, Karl, Ellen.

President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Activity manager: Kevin, Millie
PR manager: Judith

Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F) 每人低消130元,無其他費用
Address: 台北市中山區南京東路二段218(建國北路口)
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss

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Hi Blissers,

Bliss 2013 first outing was on 3/23. If you did not join us, it would be a great loss to you. Thank you for some blissers to drive and the attendance of every one. We had our lunch at Nan-Liao and this restaurant offered us the very delicious seafood. Then we were heading to 苗栗日新島 and we spent the time to create our poems. We celebrated the birthday of blissers and encourage every one to come to meeting as often as possible. We also acted the poems from old times and we found the blissers not only good at English but also Chinese. The last place we visited was 好望角 and the landscape was so amazing. 
Here are some poems we would like to share with you. 

Outing 吟詩作對   上聯題目:每周布理斯     下聯題目:有來有保庇



Bliss 2013 1st outing pictures as blow:

https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ Bliss2013Q1Outing#

Don't worry if you missed this first outing. Please ensure the 2nd outing you will be there. We can't wait to have the next outing soon. 
For this week, you could join the meeting by Peter and the below is agenda.
Coming soon~"How to keep happy and bliss" by Peter@3/30 14.00, 伯朗咖啡(南京一店 3F)

Agenda as below:

People live in competitive society result to most people sometime upset, angry, nervous…

We need keep our mind more clear and relax, so “How to keep happy and bliss” should be every body pursued. Peter will give some ways and help you to search your happiness from your mind.

14:00~14:30 Self-introduction
14:30~15: 20 How to keep happy and bliss?
15:20~15:40 Playing a game– Happy picture. 
15:40~16:00 Break time 
16:00~17:00 Analysis Happy picture
17:00~17:30 Group discussion and sharing


.......................................................................................................................................................................................For any questions, please let me know, thanks. 

President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Activity manager: Kevin, Millie
PR manager: Judith

Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F)  每人低消130元,無其他費用
Address: 台北市中山區南京東路二段218 (建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss

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Dear All,
Thanks for Ashow to host a meeting about "To sue or not to sue". This meeting brought the blissers the knowledge of law suing. The most important thing is if it is worth to sue before you decide to sue. One of the attorney's functions is to help the clients to clarify the circumstance. Before making the decision, we should know one more important thing, which is the fee of suing. The below items are the general costs for civil Litigations: 
- Court fee
- Attorney fee
- Fees for compulsory execution
- Security Bond
- Compensation of expert witness
- Other

There is another thing to remind you. "If I win, will they pay me?" The winner may charge the cost from the party losing the law. It is not 100% for sure and it should depand on the situation. The rest of the meeting, Ashow made the blissers into 3 groups and discussed the case study. Each group provided different views on the cases. This discussion taught us the further understanding of law about ourselves. We appreciated Ashow for this meeting and the delicious bread.
3/9 Attendance: Ashow, Jeff, Vicky, Daniel, Naihsin, Judith , Kurt, Jessica, Annie, Joe, Sophia, Mengta, Edward, Natalie, Angela, Serina.

Here are the photos :

https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ ToSueOrNotToSueByAshowOnMar16#

Host Ashows photo as below:

https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ ToSueOrNotToSueByAshowOnMar16# 5856577584079560802

New Member Edward’s photo as below:

https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ ToSueOrNotToSueByAshowOnMar16# 5856583099275695490

For the meeting notice of 3/30, it will be sent during the week of 3/25. Please be noted, thanks.

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Hi Blissers,

Thanks for Jeff to host a meeting about building the relationship with children, how to teach children and how to communicate. Jeff made us into 3 groups to discuss and answered the questions. Additional to introduce the writer of Parenting,Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and he also advised the ways how to get along with kids, such as "Authoritarian parenting", which is the children need to follow the order of parent, "Authoritative parenting", which is the parents set up the regulation and it is negotiable, "Permissive or Indulgent parenting", which is the parents offer the total freedom to children, and "An uninvolved parenting style", which the parents only provide the basic needs of life. All of the information made everyone have a better idea about communication with children. 

Each group also did some performances which Jeff prepared about the social news. It was very interesting and enhanced the knowledge of parenting. In the end, Jeff was thoughtful to prepare some small gifts. After this meeting, it made Blissers who have children know better about how to be with their children and who don't have children to know the importance of relationship between parent and children. 
------------------------------ ---------------------------
Coming soon~"To Sue Or Not To Sue" by Ashow@3/16 14.00, 伯朗咖啡(南京一店 3F)
------------------------------ ---------------------------

Dear Blissers,

When you are injured by the negligence or misconduct of others, whether it is for personal injury, fraud, malpractice, breach of contract, or other common lawsuits, you k! now you can fight for your rights. Indeed, the purpose of a lawsuit is to provide someone who has suffered a loss at the hands of another party a legal means to recover the property or other damages from the offender. 

However, justice is not for free. Do you know how much it might cost to fight for justice in Taiwan 's civil justice system? You might be shocked to learn the price, especially when you are trapped and may not withdraw a case from court. 

Deciding on whether or not you should sue requires you answering four fundamental questions: Do you have a good case? If you win, will they pay? What are the costs for lawsuits? Is there any alternative available to you apart from to sue? 

To entile you have a fair chance to receive justice through Taiwan 's legal system, come join us on this Saturday and learn more about it. You are also welcome to share your experience and listen to others' advice. 

Meeting Agenda:

14:00 - 14:15 Warm up, self introduction
14:15 - 15:00 To sue or Not to Sue - Hollow Victory? Factors to Consider 

15:15 - 16:00 Legal Action for Civil Dispute 1: Pre-litigation
16:15 - 17:00 Legal Action for Civil Dispute 2: Litigation & Mediation
17:00 - 17:30 Q&A, Vocabulary Recap

Best regards


For any questions, please contact me! Looking forward to seeing you soon~
President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Activity manager: Kevin, Millie
PR manager: Judith

Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F)  每人低消130元,無其他費用
Address: 台北市中山區南京東路二段218 (建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss

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Hi Blissers,
After such a long time, I am sure everyone is expecting for the meeting a lots. The coming meeting is held by Jeff.

Time: Mar/09, 14:00
Place:伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F)

The below is the meeting agenda from Jeff:

Children are our future and hope. How you prepare to raise your future ?

Please come to this meeting to share your experience and listen to others' advice.

Meeting Agenda:

14:00 - 14:15 Warm up, self introduction, group formation

14:15 - 15:00 “Tiger Mother “


15:10 - 15:30Models of parenting

15:30 - 16:30 Case study… interpretation and scenario play


16:40 - 17:00 Discussion

17:00- 17:30 share your advice , quotes.

Please read the attached files and bring print-outs. Thanks.

For any questions, please contact me! Looking forward to seeing you soon~

President: Vicky
Education manager: Serina, Yvonne
Activity manager: Kevin, Millie
PR manager: Judith

Meeting Place:(有時會變更場地,請以notice內文為主)
伯朗咖啡(南京一店 2F) 每人低消130元,無其他費用
Address: 台北市中山區南京東路二段218(建國北路口)
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss

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Dear Blissers,

The very FIRST BLISS OUTING of the year 2013 is coming!!
This time we will be going to the Cape of Good Hope in MiaoLi (苗栗 好望角).
It is a very special chance to you to see the sunset, windwheel, railway, fields, ocean and villages in this beautiful place.

Please kindly refer to the following details:
-Outing Date: at 09:00 a.m. Saturday 2013/3/23
-Gathering Place: MRT 松江南京 Station Exit 7
-Fee: NT$680 for the Blissers / NT$730 for Non-Blissers
(The definition of Blisser is who has attended at least one Bliss meeting.)
(The fee includes oil fee, highway tickets, dinner and entrance ticket NT$100 at 日新島and insurance fee. The fee excludes lunch meal.)

-Plan: 09:00 Gathering in MRT松江南京站 Exit 7
11:00 Go around at 南寮
11:30 Lunch at 新竹海岸風情餐廳
14:20 Poetry Time at 苗栗日新島
17:10 Enjoy the sunset, windwheel and railway at 好望角
19:20 Dinner at 新竹竹園
20:20 Back to Taipei (arrive around 21:50)
-Deadline for sigh-up: 2013/3/16 24:00

The registration form by Google Document is available as below link. Please DO NOT reply this email for registration.
If anyone wants to cancel the registration, please inform Bliss Staff by 3/16, otherwise has to pay NT$50.
Please be noted the deadline of registration is 24:00 am March 16th, 2013. Please feel free to join with us. J
Don’t miss the chance to hang out with your beloved Blissers.

Bliss English Club 20133月份春季旅遊活動報名通知







春寒乍暖,百花盛開,此時最適合郊外踏青,享受美景與美食, 本年度的春季旅遊活動,Bliss特別安排苗栗好望角-自然風景 之旅,讓您與Blissers沐浴在新春的懷抱中…………….


集合地點:捷運松江南京站7號出口(9:20準時開車, 逾時不候) 

活動行程:09:00  捷運松江南京站7號出口集合  

11:00  抵達南寮

11:30  午餐:新竹海岸風情餐廳

14:20  抵達:苗栗日新島/特別活動:吟詩作對

17:10  抵達:好望角欣賞美景

19:20  晚餐:新竹竹園

20:20  賦歸台北 (21:50抵達台北)


活動費用:Bliss會員   NT$680    Bliss非會員 NT$730 

活動費用含油資、過路費、晚餐、日新島門票$100(可抵園內消 費)、保險,不含中餐(簡餐式,現場自點自付) 


報名截止日: 2013/3/16 24:00 

您可進入以下的連結報名春季活動,請不要直接回覆此封郵件報名喲 ~~~

在您報名之後,若有特殊原因而欲取消報名,請在3/16()前 通知Bliss幹部,否則將酌收50元保險等費用 

千萬不要錯過與您親愛的Blisser好友們到郊外遊玩的好機會 哦~~~

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