  Dear all,

Welcome to our special activity! We heard that some of you have something haven't been used for a long time and would like to sell it to someone else.  Some of you want to buy valuable things in cheaper price. Yes! We hear you!

We will let you know what auction is and please bring one piece that you want to sell.

To control the total numbers and the quality of auction, please reply to Vicky( of what you want to sell with picture and its description before Thursday 5PM. . We will validate your data and reply whether you can sell it or not.

We also are very exciting to tell you that we intive a business leader to Bliss and give us his sharing.

Nicolas de La Giroday is the new associate director(department head) in sales department at P&G Taiwan. This excellent leader has various working experiences in many countries-Saudi Arab, France, Turkey, Poland, and just take over TW position this March. Please join us to his interesting life and career!

As seats are limited, early registration is needed: please email to Vicky( and confirm your attendance together with your auction product picture+information before Thursday 5PM.

See you this Saturday!


o                 14:10-15:00 Auction introduction-histroy & Rule

o                 15:00-15:45 the Auction time

o                 15:45-16:00 Tea Break

o                 16:00-17:00 Nicolas de La Giroday’s sharing

o                  17:00-17:30 Q&A

Time: Apr-28 Saturday. 2:00-5:30 PM
地址: 台北市廈門街25巷4弄5-1號1樓 禪之藝


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