Dear Blissers,

Last week Uncle Ting taught us the principles of international etiquette and how we can apply it to different cultures. We also recognized the differences between “White Tie”, “Black Tie”, “Business Suit” and “Casual” very clearly and concretely understood some behaviors we should avoid.Thanks for Uncle Ting's useful sharing!

Here are the new comers,welcome to the Bliss Family!

Paul Jiang (in the middle of the photo)

Gordon Kao

Cindy Huang

Our photos:https://picasaweb. EtiquetteByUncleTingMar52011#

Thank host Uncle Ting, Cindy, Ellen, Lisa, Queenie, Jeff, Sanli, Gordon, Paul, Gina and Iris for your participation.

Barkley also led us to a very tasty and inexpensive noodle restaurant for dinner.

This upcoming Saturday,we will have the second time of "Article reading & discussion" in 2011! The host will be our senior and witty member Willy.I believe that he will bring us a fruitful English learning experience! Please print out the attached article,read it in advance and bring it to the meeting place.Please DO NOT go to Brown Coffee this week,our senior member,Jeff Chang,invited us to his place this Saturday! Below is the place information.

Meeting place : 台北市和平西路一段61號 (百達富麗) (近捷運古亭站7號出口)
Time: March 12, 14:00 pm (Please arrive on time!)
Please bring your own beverage for drinks.

See you this Saturday!



Below is the letter from the host,Willy.

Hi, dear Blissers,
Next Saturday(2011 March 12), we will have the second time of the series meeting in 2011 -  "Article reading & discussion” for the purpose of learning English.  Everyone knows studying and learning English is painful sometimes (at least for me).  Therefore, I will make the meeting more painful for you.  In my idea you will not learn painfully after my more painful meeting.
My meeting is divided into three sections from PM2:00 to PM5:30.  It is a big challenge for me, because my English skill is like Indian with Russian accent.  Why did I know it? Ever Vivian teacher requested me to read and practice English more often and my Uncle Joey told me I am not at his level after they made the English conversation with me in the bliss meeting.   Even though, I still try my best to make it successful. 

In the beginning I will arrange three to four members in one group.  Each group has three to four short essays.  Each short essay is listed ten to twenty sentences only.  After fifteen minutes, each member for every group would recite or repeat the article one by one.  The winner is the one who makes less mistakes, and he / she / the group can get one point. 
The next part will be the reading examination.  Every group would have the same lengthy article from me.  After reading it at all, every group is going to complete ten to fifteen questions.  The winner is the one who is able to get all correct answers.  Of course, the group can get one point.
The last section is going to read the jokes.  In Bliss history, no one could hold the meeting about jokes successfully.  Jokes are not funny and welcome in Bliss meeting.  Indian People said “Who will enter the hell if I don't?” and “Go deep into the mountains, knowing well that there are tigers there - go on undeterred by the dangers ahead”.  Therefore, I decide to break the record.  In this section, we would share the jokes including my prepared twenty jokes with you each other.
If possible, please read in advance and bring this article to the meeting.  On that day, the meeting agenda is following.  You can have fruitful feeling on the reciting, reading ability & jokes after this meeting.
"Article reading & discussion' Agenda – RECITE ESSAY, READ ARTICLE AND STUDY JOKE
-Warm-Up discussions
-Recite essay
-Read article
-Study joke
Best Regards,

Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Sandy,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

WEBSITE: ilovebliss
Calendar: calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. Taipei
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    Bliss English Club

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