Dear Blissers,
What will be more reviving in the spring time than Marathon? This week our energetic Blisser, Monika is going to lead us to know this doing-friendly activity, welcome to Run the meeting with us!!!
Host: Monika
Subject: The fun of marathon - Start running, whenever or wherever you are
Meeting Agenda:
14:30-14:45 warm up, Self-introduction
14:45-15:10 Short talk about Marathon
15:10-16:00 Preparation and gears
16:00-16:10 Break
16:10-16:40 Classic marathon races in Taiwan
16:40-17:10 Fantastic experience in Tokyo marathon 2015
17:10-17:30 Members sharing
Review of Last Meeting: “Human Behavior in the Marketplace-to Transform W/Identity New behaviors” By Barkley on 3/5
Host: Barkley
Participants: Barkley, Ethan, Daniel, Annie, Wisely, Vicky, Ting, Angel, JT, Ellen, Daniel Chou,
New Attendees: Bond, Jeremy
² Warm-up Exercises instead of self-introduction
In a brand-new hosting way, Barkley started the meeting by moving away all the meeting tables and asking us to stand in a circle and doing the following exercises
1. Stretch our arms and legs
2. One leg kicks the other leg in the air
3. Use two hands holding two bottles imitating the way one walk as far as possible and return to the starting point without falling down
3.1. Purpose: Start everything with positive attitude
Barkley: We do everything with two possibilities: success or failure. However, we learn something by stating with positive attitude; that is:
Good Job: The one who does and succeeds in something is Wisely
Good Try: The ones who do but fail in something are …… (It’s OK.)
Winning strategies: Wisely, Vicky
Strengthen back and stomach muscles, push one hand bottle as far as possible and put all the weight on the other hand bottle to return.
Conclusion by Barkley:
“Success=Action x Attitude (positive and persevering) x Skill (knowledge)”
² Value-Influencing Factor Discussion
1. Someone Influence(d) You Most in College
J.C.: An English teacher in my college who was heart-warmed, elegant with inner beauty and wisdom.
2. Guilty Pleasure: Something addicted but hardly quit
J.C.: Cosmetics
Wisely: Movies
Annie: Popular Issue on YouTube
3. 3 Things You Hope Not To Exist in the World
Jeremy: Ghosts, cockroaches, and rats.
4. A Skill You Want to Learn and Why
Vicky: Attend a law class to get a lawyer certificate
5. A Word to Describe Yourself
Bond: Positive attitude to everything and see it with different angles. For example, once the parking lot was closed, I did not complain but found a hotel spending a romantic night instead.
6. A Day Hoped to Live Once Again
Daniel Chou: Change the break-up scenario with my girlfriend and make a different future for both of us.”
7. City Changes to Make if You Were a City Mayor
Wisely: Restrict the taxi numbers because most taxi drivers are rude and dangerous.
8. Who Angers You Most in Your Market Place
Ting: Parents who overprotect their children when watching plays in theaters.
Barkley: Those who are selfish in the market place.
9. how to Do With One Billion Not Allowed Into Being Deposited in The Bank
Vicky: Buy real Estates
Kevin: Put in the safe.
Daniel: Buy stocks.
Bond: Donate to the people in need, help the animals, travel and buy real estates.
10. Failing in a Supposed General Manager Vacancy to a Less Competent Candidate
Kevin: This is a real world and boss may have his own decisive viewpoints. I will not be angry with the final result.
Angel: There may be some black side of the company, which reveals the other counterpart’s strength and my own weakness. I may feel unhappy but l will refresh myself by traveling.
Bond: I will do my best. There will always be chances for someone well prepared. We have to forget the previous glory and greet new challenges.
11.How to Face Peer Pressures Taking Bribes
Shared Opinions:
11.1 People are regarded criminal in public sectors.
11.2 In private sectors, Boss sometimes turns blind eyes to bribe-taking customs in the company when the custom didn’t harm the management; therefore, those involved in the matter cannot but follow the suit, or reallot the tribes if possible.
11.3 Once the situation turn around when Boss sees it really harmful to the sector and started to clean the climate; then, people should be aware of and thereby change.
12. How to Face A Scandal of Your Admiring Superior
Vicky: I will still remain respectful to a female superior but not a male one.
Daniel: I will change my attitudes, not admiring him or her any more.
Kevin: I will ignore the scandals and still remain respects to him or her in terms of office matters.
Barkley: I think the scandal will break both family and business relationship.
7-Minute Break
² Value-Identification Chart (BK’s handout 1&2)
We usually identify our value by 4 Zones:
Zone 1: Something you want but don’t need.
David Yang: A car
Ellen: To win argument over family matters with any family members.
Kevin: Change a new cellphone
Zone 2: Something you want and need.
Zone 3: Something you need but you hate.
Ethan: Exercise but tiring.
Kevin: Unnecessary office meetings (Ethan: To make meetings more efficient, my company requires everyone to remain standing until the meetings finish.)
Vicky: Making compromise in front of superiors or colleagues just for the office harmony.
Vicky: Endure the dark side of life.
Zone 4: Something you don’t need and hate.
Barkley: Strengthen Zone 2 and lessen Zone 1.
² From Value-Identification Chart to New-Behavior-Generating Chart (BK’s handout 3&4)
To generate new behaviors involves 6 facets:
Facet 1: Pinpoint the things you want to change after Value-identification Chart
Facet 2: Maintain some things you don’t want to change with positive attitudes
Facet 3: Accept something you can’t change
Facet 4: Insist something when having peer (public) pressure
Facet 5: Generate new behaviors to adapt to the environment
Facet 6: Get rid of the bad habits restricting your goal approach
** Case study of Annie’s: Communication Conflict between Mother and Daughter,
Shared opinions: Forgiving each other is hard and being able to find it is even harder, but Barkley encouraged us to try and think how to improve the relationship with our family members or colleagues by Value-Identification Charts.
² Feel Healed? Glad to Attend Each Bliss Meeting!!!
After exercising our bodies and souls in the meeting, we will be able to renew ourselves by setting changing landmarks in our routines. Thank all the participants and Barkley’s efforts for such a fulfilling and entertaining meeting.
Meeting Photos:
1. 樹樂集 Treellage Life Cafe
地址:台北市民族西路33號4樓,圓山捷運站 1號出口直走, 步行約3分鐘, 民族西路與玉門街交接口, 一棟白色建築物. (進入樹樂集餐廳裡, 在櫃檯點餐時,請按旁邊告示牌指示, 走樓梯上4樓或 5樓)
2. 最低消費用: 每人下午茶費用, 約140左右.
2016 Bliss Staff :