Hello Blissers,

Last Saturday,Angel introduced deeply about the book "The Accidental Billionaire " and the movie "The Social Network".  We learned the Facebook functions, knew more about the personality of FB founder and how FB was created.The scene how FB proceeded their recruitment was very impressive.Thanks for Angel's great inputs in hosting the meeting.

Moreover, after the dinner, Sanli shared us how she had stayed in USA alone when she could not speak English at that time. Her exciting adventure encouraged us a lot and gave us a good ending on that Saturday.

Angel, Ellen, 灌強, Jeff, Kevin, Mengta, Michael Huang, Sanli, Elise, Barkley, Iris

https://picasaweb.google.com/ ilovebliss.taipei/ TheAccidentalBillionaireMarkZu ckerbergByAngelChanApr162011? authkey=Gv1sRgCIL0joOzoanbqwE#

The coming Saturday,please note we will change our meeting place.
Below is the meeting information from our host,Jeff.

Meeting place : 台北市和平西路一段61 (百達富麗) (近捷運古亭站7號出口)

Time: Apr. 23, 2:00 pm

(1) Early birds can come around 1:20, and have fun before meeting!

(2) Late comers just tell the securities that you are guest of Mr. Chang in 18th floor, they will lead the way.

You are welcome to arrive anytime before the party ends,

though we prefer you come before 2pm so we can have more time together!

(Please bring your own beverage.)


“Down Under”

What’s that?  Let’s find out,   shall we?


In a relax mood, we work together to Check where they are , what they are, Who they are, and facts about “Down Under”.


Those who had done the homework will be rewarded!



Meeting Agenda

13:20~14:00       Early bird treat

14:00~14:15       warm-up, orientation
14:15~14:45       The General introduction of Down Under
14:45~15:30       The Virtual tour of Down Under 1

15:30~15:45       Tea Break

15:45~16:45        The Virtual tour of Down Under 2
16:45~17:30        Assessment Games



After meeting, we may have pizza and karaoke till 8 pm.


Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Sandy,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218 (建國北路口) 
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/ calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/ Taipei
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    Bliss English Club

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