Hi Blissers,
How are you today? Have you polished your speaking skill last week?
I'm sure you learned a lot from Mahatma's meeting.
When you make a speech, you need to have 3D speaking - Data, Design and Deliver.
We also practiced our speaking skill in the meeting. I think it was a really nice chance for us to present in front of people.
The participants were Mahatma, Sophia, Jeff, Yvonne, Allen, Selina, Sanli, Ellen, Barkley, Joe, Sheena, Angela, Kevin, Anita, Daniel and Honda (New member)
Here comes the pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ PolishYourSpeakingSkillsByMaha tmaApr14th2012?authkey= Gv1sRgCK_jqYCA4pGhDg#
We are glad to have Kevin Ting as our host this week. He'll talk about cyber security.
Nowadays, we face with the threat of unauthorized intrusion like worm and Trojan horce everyday everywhere.
Has your computer been attacked by a virus? If so, please join us this week and share the experience with us.
It would be fun. Please come and join us. The meeting place will be at Brown Coffee 2F.

****************************** **Below is from Kevin Ting************************** ***************

Dear Blissers,
Cybersecurity has become a term of “a matter of national security” in every country. Quoted from 
President Obama's words, "one of the most serious economic and national security threats our nation faces." You probably can’t image there is high possibility someone in somewhere is watching or attacking your computer at the same time you are reading this e-mail. I know it sounds creepy but it’s happening in our daily life. So, how serious of that? and how safe is safe? That’s find it out this weekend.


The agenda for this week’s meeting is below:

14:00~14:15 Warm up
14:15~15:15 Introduction of Cybersecurity
15:15~15:30 Tea Break
15:30~15:50 Sharing your experience. (Group discussion)

15:50~16:20 Listening, what expert are saying

16:20~16:50 Reading/Written, what's your saying

16:50~17:00 Wrap up

Kevin Ting

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    Bliss English Club

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