Dear Blissers,
Last Saturday,we tried to imagine what kind of retirement life we want to have, Annie helped us realize that how we lead our life after work now may imply how we will live our life when we retire in the future.So,besides making money and save it,we should also try to find out our hobbies, cherish and get along with our family and friends in the daily life because good relationships can not be built in a short time.Thanks to Annie and Barkley for bringing us an inspiring meeting.
New member:
(1)Vincy Tseng
(3)Natasha Wu
Welcome to join Bliss Family!
Annie,Barkley,Joe Kao, Selina, Natalie, Natasha, A-Show, Sanli, Vincy, Jeff, Ann, Todd, Stephanie, Michael Huang, Fox, Owen, Angela, Joey, Patrick,Iris
This upcoming Saturday,we are happy to have Vera as our host.She'd like to introduce a famous book titled "The Secret".Have you ever read the best-selling book?If yes,do you believe the magic power introduced in the book? In the meeting,Vera will share us more about the book and even beyond it.Please come and join us!Please note the meeting place will be changed to 百達富麗(台北市和平西路一段61號,近捷運古亭站 7號出口),for the late comers,please tell the guard look for "KTV room reserved by 18F Mr. Chang". Please bring your own beverage. 

There will be NO Dinner together after the meeting, because Jeff will invite 8 early birds, who arrive 百達富麗 earliest, to his home in 石牌 for the demo of his wife's new magic machine ( Please understand we can only invite the first 8 comers due to the limited demo space.
For those lucky 8 early birds who want to see this magic machine demo, please prepare NT$100/person for food material cost in advance, Jeff will try to have every attendee DIY(do it yourself) if there is enough time. 
Below letter is from the host,Vera.
Dear Blissers,
It's a pleasure to make my debut hosting the meeting of July 9th.  I'm glad to have the chance to introduce and share the book titled "The Secret".  I believe most of you might have heard or read this book before as it's a best-selling self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne in 2006.  It'd be great if you're interested in joining us as there're more secrets I want to present beyond what this book contents. Welcome to this 'secret party'!
Hereunder is the brief agenda for your reference:
pm 2:00 ~ 5:30 Reading & Discussion
- Foreword
- What is the Secret?
- Attract the good instead of the bad (how to master your mind?)
- How to use the Secret?
- The powerful processes of Visualization
- The highest and the most powerful frequency of all - LOVE
- The Secret to money, relationships, health and the world....
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Best regards,
Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli

Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店)  每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218 (建國北路口) 

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    Bliss English Club

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