Dear Blissers,
Last week Kevin shared a interesting topic "Hungry!" with us. He introduced the proper table manners and the formal dinner place setting. Do you still remember what the setting is?
It's the forks on the left side and knives and spoons on the right side, and we can just remember "begin at the outside and work in" towards the plate generally.
Anything else? Please share with us on Bliss Facebook page. We appreciate your feedback.
The participants were Kevin, Ellen, Jeff, Cara, Sanli, Ashow, Winnie, Vicky, Barkley, Yvonne, Daniel, Annie, Joe, Selina and Michael.
Photos: 101726755048448689917/ HungryByKevinApr7th2012? authkey=Gv1sRgCNmvjq7JprrG8QE
We are glad to have Mahatma as our host on this coming Saturday. The topic is "Polish your speaking skills".
Please prepare a 3 minutes speech for the meeting so that we can practice and improve our speaking skills during the meeting.
Let's look forward to it. The meeting place will be at Brown Coffee 2F.
****************************** **Below is from Mahatma*********************** ******************
Dear BLISS folks,
If you want to improve your speaking skills, please join us on Apr 14.
There is no guarantee that you can be an excellent speaker like Steve Jobs but you will definitely find good ways of self improvement after that day so don't miss it!!
14:00~14:15: Warm up and speaking guidelines
14:15~15:15: Round 1
15:15~15:25: Break
15:25~16:25: Review of Round 1
16:25~16:55: Round 2 and review
16:55~17:00: Wrap up
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    Bliss English Club

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