Coming soon: 9/13 Annie, 9/27 Sharon & Sanli, 10/4 Kevin
In Charles’s meeting on 30 August, we learned why human is different from other animals. It’s because we have a mind that can think and reason at a high level to know the truth of life. Although everything is determined, we can try to learn and spread the truth of life to a realm where there’s no fear, pain or death.
The truth reveals that we don’t need to experience the bad to have the good. The bad will still happen, but we will perceive it differently.
Charles led us to discuss how to find the truth. Writing diary is a good way to separate mind and spirit to find the truth, shared by Sanli. The other important key is “present”. We should cherish every moment since it’s a ultimate gift. We also need to search true freedom which is having the ability to be fulfilled independently of what happens in the environment.
It’s very interesting and meaningful to think about those questions brought by Charles. Everyone’s sharing made us thinking and getting closer to ultimate truth. Hope all of us can feel fulfilled no matter what happens in future.
Please find the attachment handout "The Truth" for everyone (via email)!
Participants: Allen, Angel, Angela, Cara, Charles, Daniel, Ellen, Janice, Jeff, Kai, Kevin Huang, Michael Huang, Sanli, Sharon, Wisely
New Blissers: Leah Chou (click here)
Photos (Picasa): click here
Please note there is no meeting on 6th September.
The next Bliss meeting is scheduled on 13th September and Annie will share with us the Taste of Taiwan and Other Reminders. Don’t miss it!
