Coming soon: 9/27 Sharon & Sanli, 10/4 Kevin, 10/18 Clark, 10/25Dianna
Here comes the latest Bliss Meeting and please find some words from our dearest hostess Annie!
9/13 Saturday meeting @ 2:00 - 5:30 pm:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 2樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用。
Add: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218號 (建國北路口,捷運松江南京站)
Dear Blissers,
How long have you been lived in Taiwan? How much do you know about Taiwan? Do you enjoy every moment on the island? What comes in mind first when you take your foreign friend(s) for a short stay here? Let’s begin with the “taste “of Taiwan. Come and share your unforgettable eating/tasting experience with us. If possible, bring one or two with you.
Also, what souvenirs do you give them to represent our Taiwanese specialties and some of the gift-giving tattoos they should be reminded. Let’s have fun knowing about Taiwan.
The agenda is as follows:
14:00-14:20 Self-introduction and name one of unforgettable tasting experience since your childhood.
14:20-15:00 Taste of Taiwan: Gourmet Cuisine, Sacks, local products
15:00-15:10 Break----“Taste” of Taiwan
15:10-15:30 Group- sharing top 3 food or snacks your group has ever tasted
15:30-16:00 Souvenirs from Taiwan and some gift-giving tattoo reminders
16:00-16:10 Break------ “Souvenirs” of Taiwan
16:10-16:30 Group---sharing top 3 souvenirs your group has ever suggested and what other gift-giving tattoos your group has ever known
16:30 -17:00 Vote for the best team and prize-announcement
17:00 -17:30 Clean-up and Meeting-adjourned
Sincerely yours,