Comimng soon: 1/31 host by Monika Chang
Review of Last Meeting
The host Mengta shared “Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax” (SSGS tax 奢侈稅), and “Income Tax on Securities Transaction” (證券交易所得稅) with us. In the first part, he introduced the related tax terminology, such as withholding tax is 扣繳稅款, IPO shares is 初次上市股票.
What we called SSGS tax includes three main items: Real Estate or land, High expensive(price) consuming goods, and High expensive(price) consuming services. In this meeting, Mengta particularly explained the imposing regulation of SSGS tax for real estate. For example, if you have residential property for non-residential use within 2 years, when you sell it out during first year, you will be imposed 15% SSGS tax based on selling price. If exceed 1 year, you will be imposed 10% SSGX tax. However, there are several important exceptions for SSGS tax, we also have practiced scenario A, B, C to help to have a better understanding on SSGS tax.
In the second part, Mengta described the securities transaction, about the regulation, how to calculate the transaction tax, and what are the benefits for holding the stock over 1 year and 3 years respectively. In the end, we have group discussion and share the opinions to everyone.
We appreciate Mengta would share the precious PPT as attached to everyone, you can review it get more useful information.
Participants: Allen, 乃欣, Kurt, Leah, Wisely, Vicky, Daniel Yang, Patrick, Joe, Angel, Jeff, Cherry
Meeting Photos (Picasa):
Comimng soon: "Black and White Photography" by Monika Chang on 1/31
14:00~14:30 Warm up – Self introduction
14:30~15:00 How to see black & white pictures 1
15:00~15:40 How to see black & white pictures 2
–Discussion on sample photos
15:40~16:00 Break time
16:00~16:20 Photographer - Taiwan
16:20~17:10 Photographer - Foreign
17:10~17:30 Discussion and sharing
Location: 伯朗咖啡(南京一店)3樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用
Address: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218號 (建國北路交叉口,近捷運松江南京站3分鐘)