Review of Last Meeting

In Last meeting, Daniel Ou shared the oral presentation skills that we can use not only in English but also in other languages. The host Daniel prepared a video in which , the content was the U.S. president Obama's speech with some comments by political critics. The blissers tried to learn the oral presentation skills from the video. The key to make a successful speech is to let the audience agree with your goals. The first step, you should give a the heading to deliver your ideas, then use examples or Summaries summarizes to explain the subject of the presentation.

In the last part of the presentation , the host had people do a group exercise by telling a story to express the main idea behind this story.

At the end of the meeting, Jeff mentioned the terrible terror attack in Paris on Jan. 7th and , we can't imagine what would it be if the same situation happened in Taipei. How lucky we are able to live in peace!

Participants: Allen, Vicky, Annie, Angel, Vivian, Serina, Janice, Ellen Huang, Lia, Kevien, Jeff, Cherry, Sophia, Daniel Yang and Kurt

New Member: David

Meeting Photos (Picasa):


Comimng soon: "TAX UPDATE for 2015” by Mengta on 1/17

It’s four years that I have not updated with all our blissers the latest tax regulations.
It changes a lot, and, of course, affect our daily life even more! When you don’t get salary raise, you might need to pay more attention on how to slow down money outflows, tax is one of them.

The government places many new tax regulations on real estate, we will spend some time on it, such as奢侈稅. We will also address income tax of securities transaction, ie.證所稅, if we have time.

Of course, if you encounter any tax issues, please join our meeting and share with us. Maybe you’ll get a better solution after the discussion, or help our blissers save their tax.

14:00~14:30 Warm up and self-introduction
14:30~14:40 Review some Tax terminology / Tax system
14:40~15:40 Tax Update for 2014
15:40~15:55 Tea break
15:55~16:20 Share your tax experience
16:20~17:00 Group discussion-Tax saving skills

伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 2樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用

Address: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218號 (建國北路交叉口,近捷運松江南京站3分鐘)

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    Bliss English Club

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